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Second Rudraksha World NewsLetter

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Rudraksha for Health and Self Empowerment | Chennai Rudraksha Exhibition |

Rudraksha Therapy | Rudraksha for Reiki | Gems | Testimonials | Collector

Rudraksha | Special Sales of the Month



Dear Friends,

Namaste and welcome to the Second Issue of the Rudraksha World Newsletter. Our

intent is to present informative articles and personal testimonials regarding

historical and contemporary use of Rudraksha.

The naturally electromagnetic Rudraksha Beads from India and Nepal have been

worn for thousands of years by the Yogis and the Holy People of India as an

alternative therapy for better Health and as a powerful addition to the

Spiritual Path leading to Self Empowerment, Fearless Life and Enlightenment.

Rudra Centre India is one of the largest international distributors of authentic

rare Rudraksha from Nepal Himalayas.


The Tears of Lord Siva that are Rudraksha, are the original Vedic Beads of Power

worn by the Yogis of India and the Himalayas for thousands of years to maintain

health and to gain self empowerment and fearless life on their path to

Enlightenment and Liberation.The Electromagnetic Properties of the Rudraksha

Beads improve concentration, focus and mental stamina. Due to these same

properties it was found that wearing these Beads around the heart reduced and

controlled stress levels, blood pressure and hypertension resulting in the

feeling of tranquility and calmness. Rudraksha Beads were found to be ideal for

focused Meditation and other Spiritual Practices.Historically the positive

effects that have been exhibited in the wearers Neurophysiology, Personality

and Physical Health has resulted in their being used widely in the Eastern

Cultures of India, China and Japan by Hindus, Buddhists and followers of Zen.It

is remarkable to consider that natural beads of vegetable matter from the

Rudraksha Tree affect the human neurophysiology as described in Vedic

Literature however recent scientific research has again found Vedic Knowledge

to be correct.Though the powers of Rudraksha have been known as a phenomenon

for thousands of years in Vedic Knowledge it is only since the late 1980s that

they have become more prominent particularly after the research done by a group

of scientists lead by Dr. Suhas Rai PHD of the Institute of Technology

University in Banaras India.A combined study to research the Biomedical

Implications of Rudraksa was conducted with the Departments of Biochemistry,

Electrical Engineering, Psychiatry, General Medicine and Psychology. This study

proved and documented the powers and effects of Rudraksha Beads scientifically

with reproducible results............ more



We had so much fun at the Chennai Exhibition in October of 2001 that we simply

had to go back and repeat it. Namaskar and many thanks to all our new and old

friends in Chennai.

Reception by the Chennai Community to the Rudraksha Exhibition was absolutely

Grand with many people coming back day after day to visit and talk with us.

Rudra Center staff recommended the Holy Rudraksha for 4 days in Egmore area

from 11 April to 14 April 2002 and were fortunate to meet with esteemed

community members and professionals in the Medical, Psychology, Legal, Law

Enforcement and Entertainment Fields.

Click here to see more exhibitions


Rudraksha Recommendation is as ancient as the Siva Purana and the

Srimaddevibhagavat where the references are found describing the values, merits

and uses of the Holy Rudraksha Beads .

Rudraksha Therapy is a first level reference book for those who wish to learn

the Intuitive Discipline of Rudraksha Recommendation. This book is the only one

of its kind that shows how to recommend Rudraksha for health, protection,

success in life and self empowerment.

Chapters detail Vedic References, Rudraksha Values and Merits, Mantras,

Recommending Technique, Interpretation, Nakshatra and Rashi in Vedic Astrology,

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses and scientific findings explaining the natural

electromagnetic properties of the Rudraksha.

Rudraksha Therapy is a beginners guide that combines ancient Vedic Knowledge

with current scientific findings to provide a practical presentation of this

important system of recommendation from India.

Rudraksha Therapy by S R DharmaDeva Arya & Rudra Centre India.

Click here for book section


Rudra Center's large collector grade 5 Mukhi Guru Rudraksha Beads from Nepal can

be used to stimulate the Chi energy in the hands by rolling them between palms

before starting a flow. Chi is experienced in many different ways & most often

in the hands and feet. The large protrusions that grow on the exterior of these

natural Beads have a stimulating effect when rubbed between the palms through

galvanic skin response & the natural electromagnetic nature of the beads

affects the flow of energy along the meridian pathways in the neurophysiology.



The Karma Purana states that gems were created from the seven different kinds of

Rays of Light emanating from the seven major planets of our solar system. These

rays were transmitted in the seven colors of the rainbow that are Violet,

Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.

Ancient Scriptures across the world have appraised gems as powerful agents of

energy that influence human fate and destiny, induce good energy and expel

negative energy that causes sickness, suffering and psychosis. Gems are said to

bring peace, prosperity and happiness.

Emerald is related to the planet Mercury and is beneficial to Mithun Gemini and

Kanya Virgo. In Vedic Astrology the planet Mercury is considered to be the

Prince of the Nine Planets.

In the human body Mercury and Emerald represents wisdom and voice. By wearing

Emerald the Goddess of Learning Goddess Saraswati sharpens the intellect of

students, singers, dancers and musicians.

Recommended especially for doctors, diplomats, astrologers, teachers,

businessmen, writers, intellectuals and artists. It is said to increase

pleasure, influences good health and make the wearer full of love, sympathy

and magnanimity. Rudra Centre Emeralds are of the best quality from mines in


Click Here for Gems


- navedb neeta_ind (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Tuesday, April 02, 2002 8:26 PMTestimonial


More............. Now, besides medical help I sought spiritual help which in

turn lead me to Rudra Centre. I then purchased the siddh mala with the

intention of helping me progress spiritually. This I did about two weeks prior

to the permanent installation of the above said instrument. Just days later I

noticed that the sensitiveness that I usually experienced slowly faded away. It

did not really cross my mind that the Rudraksha was doing its wonder...I carried

on with the operation. I was even given a remote control to switch on the

instrument and regulate the pulse of the instrument within my body! I was using

the implanted instrument and then after about barely two weeks I kept the remote

untouched and kept wearing the mala as long as possible while observing all

restrictions and precautions...while chanting the mantras for each mukhi at

least 3 times daily. And what can I say? I am already doing great and am

looking forward to go flying again! I even purchased a mercury linga from

Rudraksha centre and applied the linga to my wound and at aching parts of my

body...this combined treatment is beyond comprehension! I am now at loss of how

to explain to my medical professors about this as like I wrote above...there is

no cure yet...only hope. But I can bet you...there is cure but you have to try

it first then you know how true are my words. I have recommended many people

with many symptoms and I will recommend more to all of this beautiful wonder

bead. Thanks rudra centre and esp. to Ms Neeta Sharma who in her own friendly

way and personal attention made things easier for me. Thanks again!


Gauri Shankar Kantha made up of 32 Gauri Shankar Beads.


Sphatik Shree Yantra Price : US$20

The Shree Yantra in the 3 Dimensional Meru Type is popularly made in Sphatik

Crystal and is a multi Pyramid Cosmic Grid signifying unlimited abundance and

positive powers. This is Multi pyramidal Geometry with 7 Pyramid steps and 43

petals with Base angle of 51.5032. Exact matching of this Geometry brings about

optimum results. In India and China The Shree Yantra was used by Business class

and the affluent .On seeing that this Geometry in 2D or 3D form symbol

INVARIABLY brings in tremendous amount of Affluence, Abundance and Harmony this

was termed as "Shree Yantra" - "Shree" meaning "wealth" and "Yantra" - Meaning

"Instrument" - "The Instrument for Wealth" . The Shree Yantra brings about

material and spiritual wealth.

http://www.rudraksha-ratna.com is a Secure Shopping Site with credit card service.

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