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bare basics in spirutal practices

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This is the translation taken from preface/foreward

of "nikhileswaranand chintan" it is insightful,

it tells abt who is eligble to be called a GURU and how Gurubhakti

is essential to sadhanas and their success. it gave tips as to what

would make a sadhana succcessful.and how a disciple should be.

besides my hindi and english

are just OK, so i was having some translational problems , as i might

have messed up the meaning.


so i request you people to take it as a pointer to the original

article in the book "nikhileswaranand chintan" which i brought it

from Gurudham say 5-6 yrs back. This book basically tells abt few

Gurudevs experiences and lessons learnt while he was to meet his



the translation starts...



Guru is filled in the whole universe.He is Brahma ,Vishnu and

Shiva.There is no ultimaite principal(tattva) other than Guru in this


The above words mean that Guru is the only one to be respected and

worshipped.The Human Body is wonderful , it is filled with all holy


, all mantras,tantras,sounds(aksharas -beeja,moola,vihaga), but an

ordinary human being is unable to recognise this.That is the reason

why he is lost and struggling in this world.what a human being

is?,actually can be made realized only by a Guru.But a Guru should

not be just a name sake Guru, instead he should be able to activate

the inner being(soul) in a disciple , he should be able to make him

attain the divine ecstasy(satchitananda state),should be able to

activate the kundalini

by transfer of energy(shaktipath), should be able to give

Knowledge,Love,Happiness,desirelessness,the vision(darshan) of the

dear(Ishata) Lord,to the disciple.


Guru is Shiva and Shiva is Guru, there is no difference between both

of them.


A person is considered to be a Guru, if he completely knows the

Everything,and such a Guru teaches

sacrifice but not accumulation

love but not hatred

construction but not destruction

It is very difficult to understand such a Guru,he may lead a normal

family life but he is not a family person.

In a yoga classic 'hatha yoga pradipika' it is written

"Without Sadguru's grace its difficult to leave this materialistic

world and its cravings(Vishay,bhog), its not possible to attain the

ultimate knowledge(tattva gyan)

and Divine ecstacy(kaivalya) is not possible without the grace of the


Guru is not a human being, but it is the knowledge filled in that

person that is called Guru.

Guru devotion(bhakti) is a divine lamp that enters and lights up the

whole being of the disciple. When a disciple of such a devotion

speaks , it is the Guru filled in him

that is talking,for a disciple Guru's order/dicatate is the Mantra

and obeying that order/dictate at all costs is the DIKSHA.


When there is dirt inside us, we see the dualities in the world(raga

and dvesha) , due to this duality arises doubt, delusion,harming

others... and other vices.

As materailistic desires go on rising in a disciple, the Guru in the

heart starts to fade slowly and the disciple starts falling back in

the sadhana field.


To be successful in sadhana field, it is necessary that one should

be pure by thoughts,words and actions.As long as dirt is filled

inside in the form of hypocricy,

doubt,faultfinding and other vices are not removed, one cannot

graduate succesfully in the field of sadhana.To be succesful in

sadhana one should be pure both inside and outside. Outside in the

sense means that his asan should be pure,his clothes should be clean,

and clothes worn should look natural and not flashy.



In the field of sadhana , only those person is considered

successful , who has completely surrendered himself to his Guru.As

long as disciple tends to reason, his intellect is not considered to

be pure.

The basis of sadhana is belief. Only those hearts filled with ocean

flashing with waves of belief ,are going to succeed in sadhana.


A human birth or life is considered to be fulfilled when the purpose

for which a human is born, is achieved.Then only ones life is said to

be complete.

It is the duty and responsibilty of the Guru, to make a disciple

realise the purpose of life and make him fulfill it.


"A person who has obtained a distinguished(shresth) Guru ,in a

sense, has a complete life and is said to have acheived the purpose

of life.


A Guru can be considered a distinguigshed Guru provided his

maternal side and paternal side are pure ,one whose mind remains

balanced in all situations of life.

one whose has total control over senses and mastery over it. One who

is knowledgble in all scriptures and philosophies(shastras).A

Succesful Guru, every second is always engaged in the welfare and

well being of others, one who is expert in chanting

(japa),worship&prayer(pooja) and mediatation(Dhayan). whose voice is

magnetic and powerful,who has a peaceful demeanor,who knows the gist

of the vedas," yoga marg kaa anusandhan karne wala"??(sorry i dont

know the exact meaning)i think its own who follows yoga marga (but

not sure).one who is dear to the lords and lordesses .And only such a

person is qualified to be called as a Guru.

Similarly a true disciple can be identified,

a true disciple always believes in hardwork and applies it whenever

and wherever possible , he exerts himself into action in all situation


He should be inquistive to know the knowledge of the vedas, whatever

work he is given he should take responsibilty in completing the work

in an efficient way.

it is necessary that he stay far from desires(kama) and stay at safe

distance from anger and ...

He should be desireful of the welfare of the humanity.should be

contemplating on the soul , should be beliver of God, should have

respect and faith(shraddha) to his Guru/Lords feet.He should handle

and fulfill his responsibilites(dharma) in sincerily . He should

respect and love his parents, he should not show/exhibit his

arrogance or pride or stuborness(ghamand) before his Guru.

He should not think that he is superior to Guru becos of his birth,

caste, regionality or money.

Instead he should be dedicated to his Guru by body,mind and money


He should always have the feeling that " TWADEEYA VASTHUM GOVINDAM


meaning ,oh lord, All things belong to you ,so i offer back your



He and only he is considered eligble to be called as a sishya who if

necessary would willfully sacrifice his life to complete the

order/dicate given by the Guru, and still would not take credit for

what he has done. A true disciple sets aside his work to get the

Gurus work done, he has a childlike nature(shisuvath) , day and night

he thinks only abt the welfare of the Guru. He obeys his Gurus

dictates in/by thoughts words and actions.and constantly sit at Gurus

feet/proximity serve him and learn and assimilate whatever Gurudev

teaches him. its also necassary to keep the secrets reavealed to Guru

towards himself until Gurdev gives him orders to reveal








translation end.


Once again forgive me for the improper translation.

Jai Gurudev

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