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pranayam exercises for sadhaks

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To my dear spiritual companions & Kashyap,


This has been practiced initially by me in the beginning & results obtained.


Quote Sami Vivekananda:-


first thing is to breathe in a measured way in & out.that will harmonise the

system.When you have practiced it for some time, you will do well to join to it

the repetetion of some word as "om" or any other sacred word & mantra in the

mind.let the word flow in & out rhythmically.harmoniously & you will find the

whole body is becoming rhythmical.Once the rest comes the most tired nerves

will be calmed down & you will find that you have never before really rested.


The first effect of this practice is perceived in the change of expression of

one;s face as harsh lines on the face shall dissappear with calm thoughts

calmness comes over face (with cool forehead).These signs comes after few

months practice.


It can be done 10 rounds & 3 to 4 times a day.Gradual intensity without break

will give required results & purify the nadis.



You can also use the following ratio after few month's of practice":-


ratio = 1:4:2






( use gayatri mantra for the ratio)


sit on kusha grass mat or white coton or silk cloth facing north or east in gyan

mudra with left hand pose with padma asan & spine straight.


right hand's first two fingres should touch root of thumb & thumb on right

nostril & ring finger for closing the left nostril


inhale & exhale slowly with full degree with the strength of lungs( inspire

fully & expire fully)


never wipe out the sweat with towel or any cloth but rub the sweat with your

hands all over the body after the pranayam & keep it secret (for success) with

concentrated mind at the tip of nose between the eyebrows.


It is to be done before taking satwic food & after gap of atleast 3 to 4 hrs

with practice of yam & niyam.


practice of pranayam should be without duality(love or hate success or faliure feelings etc)


Follow the other precautions posted in the earlier post.


You will succeed in few months this is for sure as kundalini will certainly rise

one day & then the whole world wll begin to change & secrets shall start to

open. But if yam & niyam has not been practiced properly rising kundalini shall

increase the most prominent desire mainfold & faliure or fall may be the






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