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To my dear spiritual companions,


(Krishna speaking to Arjuna)II.28. Beings are unmanifested in their beginning,

manifested in theirmiddle state, O Arjuna, and unmanifested again in their end.

What is there to grieve about?COMMENTARY: The physical body is a combination of

the five elements. Itis seen by the physical eyes only after the five elements

have enteredinto such combination. After death, the body disintegrates and

thefive elements go back to their source; it cannot be seen. Therefore,the

body can be seen only in the middle state. The relationship as son, friend,

teacher, father, mother, wife, brother and sister isformed through the body on

account of attachment and Moha(delusion).Just as planks unite and separate in a

river, just as pilgrims uniteseparate in a public inn, so also fathers, mothers,

sons and brothersunite and separate in this world. This world is a very big

public inn.People unite and separate. There is no pot in the beginning

and the end. Even if you seethe pot in the middle, you should think and feel

that it is illusory and does not really exist. So also there is no body in the

beginningand in the end. That which does not exist in the beginning and in

theend must be illusory in the middle also. You must think and feel thatthe

body does not really exist in the middle as well. He who thus understands

the nature of the body and all human relationships based on it will not

grieve.II.29. One sees This (the Self) as a wonder; another speaks of It asa

wonder; another hears of It as a wonder; yet having heard, noneunderstands It

at all.COMMENTARY: The verse may also be interpreted in this manner. He

thatsees, hears and speaks of the Self is a wonderful man. Such a man is very

rare. He is one among many thousands. Thus, the Self is very hard to



Comments by Swami Sivananda






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