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To my dear spiritual companions,


More about muladhara chakra


Muladhara chakra


Between this space is the yoni having face towards the back the space is called

the root of thousands of nerves inside our body there dwells the godess

kundalini.it surrounds all the nadis & has three coils & a half & catching its

tail in its own mouth,it rests in the hole of the sushumna.It sleeps there like

a serpent & is luminious by its own light like a serpent it lives between the

joints its the goddess of speech & is called the seed. full of energy & like

the burning gold know this kundalini to be the power of vishnu it is the mother

of three qualities of mu lord vishnu sattwa, rajas & tamas(inertia).There

beautiful like the bandhuk flower is placed the sed of love(kleem) it is

brilliant like burnished gold & is described is yoga as eternal.


The sushmana also embrases it & the beautiful seed is there, there rests shining

brilliantly lie the autumnal moon with the luminiousty of the millions of suns &

the coolness of millions of moons.The goddess Tripura bhairavi has these three (

fire,sun,moon) taken together & collectively she is called the beeja.It is also

the great energy.


Its beeja is endowed with the powers of action & sensation & circulates

throughout the body.It is subtle & has a flame of fire, sometime it rises up &

at the other times it falls down into the water.This is the great energy which

rests in the periniaeum & is called the swayambhu-linga ( the self born).


All this is called the adhar-padma ( the support lotus) & the 4 petals of this

chakra are designated by the letters v,s,sha, shaa,(in hindi)


Near this swayambhu-linga is a golden region called kula(family) its presiding

adept is called dviranda & its presiding deity i goddess Dakini.In the centre

of that lotus is the yoni where resides the kundalini, the ciculating bright

energy above that is called kama beeja ( the seed of love).The wise man who

always contemplates on this chakra abtains by degrees leaving the ground &

rises in the air.the brilliancy of the body is increased the gastric fire

becomes powerful & freedom from diseases, cleverness & omniscience is obtained,

the great yogi is freed from many sins of past lives & this life.




By dharna on this form of lod vishnu for five ghatis with 5 kumbhaks element

earth fails to harm the sadhak & no disease can touch it.



Mantra:- " Om lam par tatvaay vam sham sham sam om phat"


yantra:- can be used also with this mantra.







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