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> I would like to urge all devotees of Swamiji to pray to Him to

restore peace in India and to stop the violence that is going to

destroy a million lives. Pray for all innocent lives that will be

destroyed by inhuman and ignorant fools who want the blood of people

for their selfish gains.


Hi kanchan,

Divine beings of Siddhashram will take care of the situation,as we

are resposnisble and bear the good and bad results of the individual

karma so also we are responisble and part of the

community /collective karma may it be of nation/state...


so wars are result of that type of collective karma, pralaya or maha

pralaya is no where near so things wont dissappear, besides divine

beings at siddhashram behind the scenes will manage the show with

minimal loss as possible and below articles by yogananda should

enlighten all of us

i am posting 2 articles


1) why war/suffering arises

2) how it can be prevented


by Swami Yogananda

Inner Culture, March 1937


When people all over the earth are happy and prosperous they are in

tune with God, and the entire vibrations of the earth in relation

with the planets are harmonious. But as soon as one nation starts

fighting with another or the selfish industrial gourmands try to

devour all prosperity for themselves it brings depression. And when

depression starts in one place it starts everywhere due to the

vibrations which travel through the ether from one place to another.

The last world war created wrong vibrations in Europe first and it

then spread all over the earth and where there was no war, influenza

appeared. The agonies of the people who died in the world war created

the epidemic of Spanish influenza which immediately followed the

world war and killed 20 million people while the war itself killed

about 10 millions only.


In the present Spanish Civil War, the death struggles of thousands of

men, women and children are floating in the ether causing floods in

America, storms in England and Portugal, and earth-quakes in India.

And so the peoples of the world instead of creating more wars and

getting into wars, should try their utmost to use peaceful means and

non-cooperation, blockades, to stop war.


Injustice to Ethiopia

The murder of thousands of Ethiopians (who didn't want war) and the

vibrations of injustice done to them, has upset the equilibrium of

the world. For no one can get away with disturbing one part of the

world and preventing the disturbance from moving through the ether

waves to other parts of the world. If people in one part of the house

are disturbed, then the entire household is bound to be disturbed.

After the Ethiopian conquest, the dread of war left as an aftermath

of the world war, vanished. And many nations are again enthused for

wars of aggression. The Ethiopian war was a war of aggression. The

war in Spain is a war of aggression. According to the League of

Nations a war of aggression in untenable. But since the world ignored

the divine mandate and divine rule of outlawing wars of aggression

(which came as a great lesson from the world war), the world is again

headed toward the self-created, Satan-influenced possibility of a

greater world war and greater destruction.


The depression is caused by the sins of the last war and if another

world war is started there will be very little for the population of

the world to eat. So it is better that the nations of Europe do

everything to avert any wars.


Another thing, the greatest evil of patriotism is when it doesn't

mind its own business—when it is used, instead of to keep the

prosperity and happiness of the nation intact, to get into

international complications and destroy the very thing for which

patriotism stands. Those patriots who think that by having

international patriotism they would lose national advantages are

foolish, for the international good includes the national good and

partial national good should be sacrificed for international good.

But if the national good acts against the interest of international

good it will defeat its own purpose. National selfishness,

disregarding the international well-being, will bring national as

well as international disaster.


Right Patriotism

Ye nations of the world. Beware! Use your patriotism to protect your

own country and don't get mixed up with any other nation. All nations

should get together to non-cooperate in every way with those nations

that want to start wars of aggression. Nations of the earth should

get together to destroy nature-created calamities due to disease,

floods, poverty, sickness and earth-quakes, etc. Man should not add

to the natural calamities by creating avoidable self-created

calamities of poverty, lack, suffering, and death due to wars. It is

evident that self-created calamities and wrong vibrations of war and

industrial selfishness bring about natural calamities. The state of

Texas in America could produce enough wheat and corn to supply the

whole world; why is there any starvation in the world today? Because

of man's political and industrial selfishness which is against the

divine law of cooperation mutual service and sharing God-given

prosperity properly among the nations of the world. If people follow

the laws laid down by Christ, "Love thy neighbor" and "Give all ye

have," then there will be no poverty-suffering on earth today. The

politicians are blinded by their patriotism, selfishness and love of

fame and, disregarding the divine law laid down by God and great

saints, they are bringing an avalanche of miseries upon the nations

of the earth. Follow the dictums of saints who are the true children

of God and not the dictums of Satan. We wish every true child of God

of every nation would non-cooperate with Satan and war, and work in

every way to establish constructive, international peace and

prosperity and spiritual happiness in their own nation and in all

nations. Let us eradicate all wrong misery-producing scenes of false

patriotism and establish in every world-citizen the true

international patriotism of brother hood, peace, mutual good will and

consideration of mutual mental, hygienic, industrial, social,

scientific, philosophical, moral and spiritual progress and happiness.



2)by Paramhansa Yogananda

Inner Culture, January 1940


Answer: There will be war until people live up to the standards of

God, who has no race hatred, no color prejudice, no political

differences. We are the children of God. We must gather our forces

together and live up to the ideal of God. Wars are the result of

ignorance. Man should be able to settle all differences by spiritual

force instead of brute force. It is God alone with His knowledge of

the conditions of the people of the world who can decide who is right

and who is wrong.


Gandhi's life is an example showing that spiritual power can conquer

brute force. He has gained advantages of all kinds for India by

overcoming brute force with spiritual force than anyone ever gained

before in the annals of any country. So spiritual force does work,

even in a political sense.


Never be afraid to sacrifice in order to preserve an ideal. Did Jesus

fight for one nation to the exclusion of all others? No, he fought

for Truth, which belongs to all. Jesus fought for the Truth that is

true for all times. What was his motto? To love your enemies. You

cannot conquer your enemies by brute force. You must use love. Even

if your enemy does not yield to love, you will have done your part.

If you surround your enemy with hatred, his hatred for you will

increase, and he will never understand, but if you do what is right

with great firmness, yet with love in your heart, your good deeds

will not go unnoticed by God.


Duty to God Is Paramount

Your nation did not give you life. God gave you life, so your duty to

Him is paramount. Throw your life at the feet of God and win

immortality. We are all made in the immortal image of God; but, being

encased in the body, we have to test our immortality through mortal



When the drama of hate and killing and lust for blood becomes

monotonous to the ignorant hearts of nations, then they will think of

peace. Then the whisper of God through conscience, now drowned

beneath the roar of cannon, will resound through the hearts of

nations and they will come together in brotherhood.


If you do a wrong to your family, you are answerable to your family.

If you do a wrong against society, then society demands restitution.

If you do a wrong to your country, your country sits in judgment you.

But if you work against the world, Truth will demand an answer for

your actions. You actions must find approval in the eyes of Truth and



In a war, each side expects to win. The fruits of victory are often

worthless. Once there was a lion and a bear who fought for a stag

which had been killed. In the fight the lion killed the bear, but the

lion was so weak that he could not get to the stag. A jackal came

along and took the stag away. So in war, the victor and vanquished

alike lose.




dont worry , there are siddhashram beings worrying for you, just be

thankful to them and continue thinking of the lord more fervently.



Jai Gurudev

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