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Purushartha Versus Prarabdha

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Purushartha Versus Prarabdha

One philosopher says: "It is very difficult to say how Purushartha

brings results and how it

operates." Another philosopher says: "Everything is prearranged in

the grand plan or grand scheme.

God knows the whole details of evolution of a man from mineral life

till he becomes a Jivanmukta

or liberated soul. In reality all is Prarabdha only. We will have to

preach Purushartha just to give an

impetus to the man to work in right earnest. Otherwise he will become

slothful and dull."

The man who advocates the theory of Purushartha says: "Am I a straw

to be tossed about

hither and thither? I can change my Prarabdha. I will undo it by

Vedantic practice. I have free will of

my own. I will make it pure and irresistible. I will work out my

salvation. I will become free

myself." No one can remain quiet even for a second. No one can become

a fatalist. There is an urge

or stimulus from within to work. That is the reason why the Gita

says: "Nor can anyone even for an

instant remain actionless; for helplessly is everyone driven to

action by the qualities born of

nature." The theory of Prarabdha cannot make anyone a fatalist. For a

Bhakta it is all Prarabdha

only; for he is a man of self-surrender. He has to glorify the power

of the Lord. For a Vedantin it is

all Purushartha only; for he is a man of self-reliance. He has to

glorify the power of his own strong

will (Atma Bala). Both are correct from their own viewpoints.

Prarabdha is only Purushartha of previous births. God and Purushartha

are synonymous

terms. They are two names for one thing. Trial or luck, Purushartha

or Prarabdha, free will or

necessity—all these are synonymous terms. If aman succeeds in his

attempt he calls it Purushartha.

He says: "I really exerted much. I have succeeded." If he fails the

same man says: "What can I do,

my friend? It is all Prarabdha. Without Him nothing can be done.

Without God not an atom can

move, no leaf can wave in the air." In the Mahabharata you will find

that exertion and Prarabdha

combined bring about fruits. If you are ailing, you must do

Purushartha. You must take medicine.

You should leave the results to Prarabdha.

Throughout the Yoga Vasishtha, Sri Vasishthaji recommends Purushartha

only to Sri Rama.

Through Purushartha Markandeya conquered death. Man is doubtless the

master of his destiny.

What is destiny after all? It is one's own make-up. You have created

certain things. You can destroy

them or undo them also. You are thinking in one way now: "I am Mr. So

and So. I am a Brahmin. I

am a doctor. I am stout. I am a householder." This is Prarabdha. You

can change this particular

mode of thinking. Think: "I am Brahman. I am omnipotent. I am the

witness or Sakshi. I am God. I

am neither the body nor the mind. I am the all-pervading Truth or

pure consciousness." This is



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