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Trishakti: Beej Combo - 3

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Mantra: Ayeim Shreem Kleem


As the name suggests, this is a joint mantra of Mahasaraswati,

Mahalaxmi and Mahakali. Everyone knows what these divine powers can



I learnt this combo during the Raipur shivir in November '99.

Sadhaks, who were taking the Trishakti Diksha, were asked to chant

this mantra for an hour prior to Diksha.


Combos are very useful for those desparate situations when fortune is

not on your side and you need quick results. Chant as much as

possible daily along with 4 rounds of Guru Mantra.


Good Luck...



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Thanks a lot Ashish. You are doing us a great favour

by sharing these wonderful Mantras.


--- nikhilashish <nikhilashish wrote:



> Mantra: Ayeim Shreem Kleem


> As the name suggests, this is a joint mantra of

> Mahasaraswati,

> Mahalaxmi and Mahakali. Everyone knows what these

> divine powers can

> grant.


> I learnt this combo during the Raipur shivir in

> November '99.

> Sadhaks, who were taking the Trishakti Diksha, were

> asked to chant

> this mantra for an hour prior to Diksha.


> Combos are very useful for those desparate

> situations when fortune is

> not on your side and you need quick results. Chant

> as much as

> possible daily along with 4 rounds of Guru Mantra.


> Good Luck...


> Ashish...







- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


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> You are doing us a great favour by sharing these

> wonderful Mantras.


Well, not really. I am simple trying to spread the words of my great

guru, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali.






Here's an article from Siddhashram.Org:



Your birth is no ordinary event. The Lord has brought you into this

world with a special purpose. You do not have to lead an animal

existence. I know the aim of your life. And if you ask me then you do

not belong to some particular region or place rather you are the son

of the earth and the entire world is your home. Now you have to

progress ahead and make the entire universe your home. You won't

achieve anything living an ordinary life on earth, Thus you won't be

able to achieve that which is your true goal, your real aim. You real

goal is to be able to freely travel through the entire universe. You

should be able to go to any place in the universe without any



But blind faith won't lead you to that goal. Just be repeating Ram,

Ram you won't achieve such heights. Just by singing hymns you won't

become immortal, just by beating drums and cymbals you won't be able

to make the entire universe your home. Religion has nothing to do

with this science. Religion and Sadhanas are two different paths.

Only the later leads to totality in life. Totality, completeness and

the highest level of success in spiritual world can be attained only

by following the path of Sadhanas. This is the real goal of your

life, this should be your only aim and it is for the achievement of

this goal that you have been born on this earth. This is the true

basis of human life.


But for this you have to face challenges and stand up against all

odds. You should have an intensity in your eyes, a determination on

your face. And this shall happen when you have the weapon of Sadhanas

in your possession. It is only through Sadhanas that one can gain

vitality, courage and enthusiasm. With the weapon of Sadhanas you can

destroy all the enemies of your life. With this formidable weapon you

can overcome all your foes. You can completely banish poverty from

your life and overcome all problems, obstacles and tensions.


I know that meditation or Dhyan is a very wonderful process. Entering

into the self is an amazing experience but when the mind is

disturbed, when the thoughts are not in control then what would be

the use of sitting with closed eyes? It would be like hiding one's

head in sand as an ostrich does in the face of danger. Having buried

its head in sand the poor bird thinks that it is safe from the

predator. But the very next moment it becomes easy prey and with it

ends its false hope and life.


When we feel fully content, when there is no worry that could disturb

us, when we are capable of kicking at problems and when we are free

of all tensions then only can we successfully enter into Dhyan. It is

only then that one can interact with the self. Hence meditation is

possible only when there are no problems in life, no enemies to

disturb one's peace of mind and no obstacles in life. And overcoming

all these is possible only through Sadhanas.


Gods are not pleased by singing of hymns or ringing of bells. You

might well feel light and forget all your worries for a few moments

by singing hymns and dancing. But this is no way of getting rid of

problems of life, obstacles, enemies, diseases and tensions. Thus one

cannot gain the capability of looking straight into the eyes of



I am not stopping you from going to temples or singing hymns. All

these are necessary in life but they cannot improve your life. They

cannot bring totality in life. Totality is possible only through the

medium of Sadhanas.


The ancient texts clearly state - Mantraadheenaashcha Devataa i.e.

gods can be controlled only through Mantras. It is only through the

chanting of Mantras that they can be propitiated and compelled to

appear. It is only through Mantras that their help can be sought and

their powers used to remove problems of life.


These Sadhanas and their Mantras are effective even today. All one

needs is a Guru who is proficient in this science. Only he can show

you the path and fill you with enthusiasm and courage. Only he can

make you conscious. Only he can teach you Sadhanas through which one

can get rid of poverty, overcome one's weakness , defeat one's

enemies , face all problems and destroy all obstacles that lie in

one's way.


You sure can do all this because you have a powerful Guru who

possesses the power of Sadhanas to guide you. He is not seated hidden

in some cave in the Himalayas. He is not out of your reach. He is not

very far from you. It is your good fortune that he is so near to you

and so easily available.


But to benefit from him you have to reach him, you have to be filled

with determination, you have to have faith in him and you have to

devote your time and energy in Sadhanas.


You have to stand up with determination, you have to come to me with

devotion, you have to face this world with courage, you have to

destroy all problems of life with the weapon of Sadhanas. You have to

attack all problems in life without compassion and with full

strength. Only then shall your ancestors bless you, only then shall

you be a true human, only then shall the divine Ganga flow through

your life. All this is possible only through the medium of Sadhanas.


With love and heart felt blessings !


Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali



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> Hi...


> > You are doing us a great favour by sharing these

> > wonderful Mantras.


> Well, not really. I am simple trying to spread the words of my


> guru, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali.





Hey ashish,there should be some inspiration/driving force to do

sadhanas, what is ur inspiration/driving force or in general.


might not be a great question, but to me it is one of the basics.

how do you generate inspiration



take care

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> how do you generate inspiration


That's a tough one. I never thought about it. Normally, I select a

sadhana, decide in how many days I am going to complete 1250 rounds

and then, start training myself both physically and mentally. When I

feel, I am ready, I begin the sadhana. In case of a sadhana which

must be done during a specific period like Navratri, I start my

training 1-2 month prior to that period.


But, I guess, my main driving force is Guruji himself.

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> > how do you generate inspiration


> That's a tough one. I never thought about it. Normally, I select a

> sadhana, decide in how many days I am going to complete 1250 rounds

> and then, start training myself both physically and mentally. When


> feel, I am ready, I begin the sadhana. In case of a sadhana which

> must be done during a specific period like Navratri, I start my

> training 1-2 month prior to that period.


> But, I guess, my main driving force is Guruji himself.




OK good , but what if you have say 3 diffrent sadhanas(say

hanuman,saraswati,krishna) all similar prices and same time which one

would you go for,


iam just trying to get more sources of inspiration other tnan Guruji

and problem itself.


dont mind my stupid question.


take care

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> OK good , but what if you have say 3 diffrent sadhanas(say

> hanuman,saraswati,krishna) all similar prices and same time

> which one would you go for


I never select any sadhana on the basis of price. Yes, time is a big

factor; I would go for the shortest sadhana first, then the shorter

one and then the long ones. In case of Hanuman, Saraswati and

Krishana; Hanuman sadhana would be first, Krishna sadhana second and

Saraswati sadhana last.

> dont mind my stupid question.


I won't and no, that wasn't stupid at all.


Good luck...



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> > OK good , but what if you have say 3 diffrent sadhanas(say

> > hanuman,saraswati,krishna) all similar prices and same time

> > which one would you go for


> I never select any sadhana on the basis of price. Yes, time is a


> factor; I would go for the shortest sadhana first, then the shorter

> one and then the long ones. In case of Hanuman, Saraswati and

> Krishana; Hanuman sadhana would be first, Krishna sadhana second


> Saraswati sadhana last.


others also if they have something to say can join


very good, so we summarize the inspiration until now then we have the

following list



3)festivals(like navaratri)

4)time & price of sadhana(preferrably time)

5)favouraite lord(hanuman>krishna>saraswati)




ok question once again, so what abt kundali jagaran type/panchanguli


they are nothing to do with favourite lord /festival/problem....


so how would comment on doing this type of sadhanas.what would be

your motivation to do this type of sadhanas besides Guruji.



take care

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> ok question once again, so what abt kundali jagaran

> type/panchanguli sadhanas

> so how would comment on doing this type of sadhanas.what would be

> your motivation to do this type of sadhanas besides Guruji.


Are you sure what actually are you trying to ask? Motivation can't be

generated artificially. As far as I am concerned, it just happens,

automatically. Something within me tells me that I should perform

this perticular sadhana and I perform it. There are millions of

sadhanas and only your Guru can tell you what's best for you. That's

why Guru Sadhana is performed on regular basis. That's why you need

to take Guru Diksha.


Here's a famous dialogue from a western movie: "If you want to shoot,

shoot. Don't talk."


I might be able to help you, if you'll be more specific and clearer

about your questions.


Have a great day.

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> Are you sure what actually are you trying to ask?

> Motivation can't be

> generated artificially. As far as I am concerned, it

> just happens,

> automatically. Something within me tells me that I

> should perform

> this perticular sadhana and I perform it. There are

> millions of

> sadhanas and only your Guru can tell you what's best

> for you. That's

> why Guru Sadhana is performed on regular basis.

> That's why you need

> to take Guru Diksha.


> Here's a famous dialogue from a western movie: "If

> you want to shoot,

> shoot. Don't talk."


> I might be able to help you, if you'll be more

> specific and clearer

> about your questions.


> Have a great day.




Very well said Ashish.






- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


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> Normally, I select a

> sadhana, decide in how many days I am going to

> complete 1250 rounds

> and then, start training myself both physically and

> mentally. When I

> feel, I am ready, I begin the sadhana.


Ashish, you are saying that you do 1250 rounds for all

the sadhnas that you do. what about the sadhnas for

which as per the MTYV magzine you are supposed to do

less no of rounds. Like for some sadhnas it will be 1

round for 3 days , 5 rounds for 21 days and so on.

What do you advise in such cases. Do you follow the

Sadhna process as per the magazine or you just go

ahead and do 1250 rounds? Please advise what should be

the course of action in such cases. I will appreciate

all your help in this regard.







- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


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> Ashish, you are saying that you do 1250 rounds for all

> the sadhnas that you do.



> what about the sadhnas for which as per the MTYV magzine

> you are supposed to do less no of rounds. Like for some

> sadhnas it will be 1 round for 3 days , 5 rounds for 21

> days and so on. What do you advise in such cases. Do you

> follow the Sadhna process as per the magazine or you just

> go ahead and do 1250 rounds?


I follow the sadhana process exactly as per the magazine without even

a slight change. Since Birendra was asking about maintaining

motivation (well, probably), I thought, I should consider a 1250

round sadhana. Small sadhanas such as 1 round for 3 days or 5 rounds

for 21 days don't usually require any pre-planning.

> Please advise what should be the course of action


Regarding sadhanas, the course should be:


1. If you are in India, take Guru Diksha.

2. Follow Guruji's instructions. Chant 4 rounds of Guru mantra, 1

round of Gayatri mantra and 1 round of Chetana mantra daily.

3. Get rid of bad habits, if any.

4. Eat healthy, vegetarian food.

5. Complete 1250 rounds of Guru Mantra in 11, 21, 31 or 51 days

(whichever suits you best).

6. Starting with small easy sadhanas, gradually move towards the

tough ones.


If you are not in India and can't take Guru Diksha, you may still

chant Guru mantra, Gayatri mantra and Chetana mantra as much as you

like. You may chant other mantras, including Beej mantras, too; but,

to perform any sadhana, you need Guru Diksha. If you are lucky

enough, Guruji may even grant you Diksha in your dream.


Hope it helps...



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, "nikhilashish" <nikhilashish> wrote:



> > ok question once again, so what abt kundali jagaran

> > type/panchanguli sadhanas


> > so how would comment on doing this type of sadhanas.what would be

> > your motivation to do this type of sadhanas besides Guruji.


> Are you sure what actually are you trying to ask? Motivation can't


> generated artificially. As far as I am concerned, it just happens,

> automatically. Something within me tells me that I should perform

> this perticular sadhana and I perform it. There are millions of

> sadhanas and only your Guru can tell you what's best for you.


> why Guru Sadhana is performed on regular basis. That's why you need

> to take Guru Diksha.


> Here's a famous dialogue from a western movie: "If you want to


> shoot. Don't talk."


> I might be able to help you, if you'll be more specific and clearer

> about your questions.


> Have a great day.




dear ashish, really nice to learn the way you approach sadhanas, its

very different than the way i think, i was just trying to understand

how and why of things.


regarding the western film what you told is true, but saints tell that

there are three types of persons

1) who act

2) who think

3)who think and act


we should all try to be the 3 type of persons.


dont worry i am also not of 3 category,its a remainder for me too.




its nice that you are getting the insturction to do a particular

sadhana from gurudev directly or indirectly.

not every one is so fortunate.


iam not trying to shoot, i aimed , i shot i missed and i am kind of

missing so am trying to make a bulls eye,its a continious application

and learning process, iam a kind of spoilt child. iam trying to get

the right mix for my life,for me Gurudev prescribed guru mantra/love

thru disciple ship.


iam happy with it, but iam just hunting for any resources that i

should learn,understand so that i may be more equipped.



jai Gurudev


take care.

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> i was just trying to understand how and why of things.


That's nice. Unless you understand sadhanas correctly, they won't

work for you. You are heading the right way.

> there are three types of persons

> 1) who act

> 2) who think

> 3)who think and act

> we should all try to be the 3 type of persons.


Of course. No thinking is wrong, but too much thinking can cause

confusions and delay, and may lead you to the wrong direction. Time

is vital and time never waits. Opportunity is knocking your door, if

you won't respond now, it will never return.


Regarding that dialogue; it said, "don't talk"; it never said, "don't

think". Maybe, you forgot to think before responding. Don't worry,

soon you will :) (You are supposed to laugh here).

> iam not trying to shoot, i aimed , i shot i missed and i am

> kind of missing so am trying to make a bulls eye,its a continious

> application and learning process


That's the way sadhanas work. Unless you are exceptionally lucky, you

can't hit the bull's eye in your first attempt. You are required to

keep trying till you are successful.

> iam trying to get the right mix for my life,for me Gurudev

> prescribed guru mantra/love thru disciple ship.


If you are serious about this, Guru mantra anushthan is your only

choice. It is your only way to correctly understand love and

discipleship. It is your first and foremost duty as a disciple.

Anything else is clear deception. Guru is Guru Mantra and Guru Mantra

is Guru. Mantras, Guru and Shiv are one. Those who think otherwise

can never be disciples, let alone the idea of being a good disciple.


Think no further and chant Guru Mantra 1,25,000 times in 21 days. It

is difficult, but not impossible. If you are sincere, nothing would

be able to stop you.


Good luck...



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, "nikhilashish" <nikhilashish> wrote:



> > i was just trying to understand how and why of things.


> That's nice. Unless you understand sadhanas correctly, they won't

> work for you. You are heading the right way.


> > there are three types of persons

> > 1) who act

> > 2) who think

> > 3)who think and act

> > we should all try to be the 3 type of persons.


> Of course. No thinking is wrong, but too much thinking can cause

> confusions and delay, and may lead you to the wrong direction. Time

> is vital and time never waits. Opportunity is knocking your door,


> you won't respond now, it will never return.


> Regarding that dialogue; it said, "don't talk"; it never

said, "don't

> think". Maybe, you forgot to think before responding. Don't worry,

> soon you will :) (You are supposed to laugh here).


> > iam not trying to shoot, i aimed , i shot i missed and i am

> > kind of missing so am trying to make a bulls eye,its a continious

> > application and learning process


> That's the way sadhanas work. Unless you are exceptionally lucky,


> can't hit the bull's eye in your first attempt. You are required to

> keep trying till you are successful.


> > iam trying to get the right mix for my life,for me Gurudev

> > prescribed guru mantra/love thru disciple ship.


> If you are serious about this, Guru mantra anushthan is your only

> choice. It is your only way to correctly understand love and

> discipleship. It is your first and foremost duty as a disciple.

> Anything else is clear deception. Guru is Guru Mantra and Guru


> is Guru. Mantras, Guru and Shiv are one. Those who think otherwise

> can never be disciples, let alone the idea of being a good disciple.


> Think no further and chant Guru Mantra 1,25,000 times in 21 days.


> is difficult, but not impossible. If you are sincere, nothing would

> be able to stop you.


> Good luck...




dear ashish,


Thank you for the advise and concern.

when i replied you the mail , i want not in right state of mind.



good luck and take care

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> when i replied you the mail , i want not in right state of mind.


I understand. It doesn't matter.

> good luck and take care


You too. Have a great day.



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  • 7 months later...

, "nikhilashish" <nikhilashish>




> Mantra: Ayeim Shreem Kleem


> As the name suggests, this is a joint mantra of Mahasaraswati,

> Mahalaxmi and Mahakali. Everyone knows what these divine powers can

> grant.


> I learnt this combo during the Raipur shivir in November '99.

> Sadhaks, who were taking the Trishakti Diksha, were asked to chant

> this mantra for an hour prior to Diksha.


> Combos are very useful for those desparate situations when fortune


> not on your side and you need quick results. Chant as much as

> possible daily along with 4 rounds of Guru Mantra.


> Good Luck...


> Ashish...


Thanks for you advice,but mantra should be:- Ayeim Shreem Kreem,


Kleem is Kama





Billy Smith

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