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A question for Ashish

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How can I come to know if I have been successful or

not in the Sadhna that I perfomed? How long do I need

to wait for the results of the Sadhna to appear? May

be it is a stupid question for you, but please guide

me here.


Also on the web site and also in the MTYV magazine I

have seen the details of certain Mahavidya Sadhnas.

Can we be successful in Mahavidya Sadhans by following

that procedure. I was talking to somebody and he said

that Mahavidya Sadhnas are very diffult and success

in them can not be achieved by following the steps in

the MTYV magazine. He was of the view that for success

Mahavidya Sadhnas one needs to do 1250 rounds of the

Mantra and one also needs to take diksha from Gurudev

before performing Mahavidya Sadhna. I am a little

confused that should I do Mahavidya sadhan as per the

MTYV magazine or not. And if I do will I be



I ask such stupid questions. Sorry







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First of all, stop calling yourself or your questions stupid. You are

not the first person facing these questions and, believe me, you are

not the last one either.

> How can I come to know if I have been successful or

> not in the Sadhna that I perfomed?


That depends on how you measure success. According to Guruji, no

sadhana can ever fail. Every mantra that you chant, no matter which

one it is, takes you a step closer towards your ultimate goal. The

quality of pronounciation, concentration etc. simply determine the

size of that step. Experiences vary from person to person. No two

persons can feel success the same way. But one thing I can say for

sure, whenever it will happen to you, you'll know it has happened.

> Also on the web site and also in the MTYV magazine I

> have seen the details of certain Mahavidya Sadhnas.

> Can we be successful in Mahavidya Sadhans by following

> that procedure.


YES. Sadhana from MTYV, sadhana from Guruji, sadhana from here,

sadhana from there; in the end, it's only a game of mind working on

the WYTIWYG (What You Think Is What You Get) terminology. Because

gods, deities, Guru are not out there; they are in there, inside you,

behind your eyes, between your ears. Ahh... forget the heart; it's a

tinker toy, a mere pump. Your emotions, too, are created and

controlled by your mind. So, as I said earlier, it's not a question

of whether, it's a question of when and that entirely depends on your


> he said that Mahavidya Sadhnas are very diffult


Of course, they are. Tougher than you would ever imagine. But, many

have successfully completed them, If they can why can't you?

> success in them can not be achieved by following the steps

> in the MTYV magazine. He was of the view that for success

> Mahavidya Sadhnas one needs to do 1250 rounds of the Mantra

> and one also needs to take diksha from Gurudev before

> performing Mahavidya Sadhna.


Here, re-read para 2 & 3 written by me above. Again, it depends on

how far you are from being successful and how much training your mind


> should I do Mahavidya sadhan as per the MTYV magazine or not.


Only Guruji can answer this question.


Good luck...



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