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To my dear spiritual companions,


Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum, belongs to the family of Labiatae. The classical name,

basilicum, from which "basil" is derived, means "royal or princely." Hindus

know the plant as Tulasi and Surasah in Sanskrit, and Tulsi in Hindi. Other

commonly used names are Haripriya, dear to Vishnu, and Bhutagni, destroyer of

demons. Tulsi is Divinity. It is regarded not merely as a utilitarian God-send,

as most sacred plants are viewed to be, but as an incarnation of the Goddess

Herself. Thus, when one bows before Tulsi, one bows before the Goddess. Of

course, denominations differ in their approach. Generally, worshipers of Vishnu

will envision Tulsi as Lakshmi or Vrinda; devotees of Rama may view Tulsi as

Sita; while Krishna bhaktas revere Her as Vrinda, Radha or Rukmani.

A plethora of Puranic legends and village stories relate how Tulsi came to grow

and be worshiped on Earth. The classic Hindu myth, Samudramathana, the

"Churning of the Cosmic Ocean," explains that Vishnu spawned Tulsi from the

turbulent seas as a vital aid for all mankind. More common are legends that

describe how the Goddess Herself came to reside on Earth as Tulsi. A complex

legend in Orissa views the plant as the fourth incarnation of the Goddess who

appeared as Tulsi at the beginning of our present age, the Kali yuga. The tale

continues with intrigue and deception among the Gods, typical of the Puranic

stories, culminating in Vishnu's transforming the Goddess Tulsi into a basil

bush to be worshiped morning and evening by men and women in every household in

the world.

The Tulsi is the most sacred. In Sanskrit that which is incomparable is called

Tulasi. Impressed by her devotion and adherence to righteousness, Tulasi the

wife of a celestial being was blessed by Lord Krishna that she would be

worshipped by all, offerings would be incomplete without the offering of

Tulasi. She also symbolizes Goddess Lakshmi. Those who wish a righteous life

also worship Tulasi. It symbolizes,

1)Kalyani - Normally poisonous snakes and mosquitoes do not come close to it due

to some smell that it emits. That explains why it is a must in every house. The

leaves as well roots are a cure for several diseases like malaria, cold, fever.

The wood of this plant is used for Mala, ie a rosary for worship of Lord Vishnu

and when worn in the neck it prevents diseases of the throat.

2) Visnu Priye - Tulsi has been described as the beloved of Lord Vishnu since he

is the creator and Tulsi helps the health of human beings and animals, prevents

soil erosion. 3) Moksa - prade - By keeping the body healthy, it keeps the mind

healthy and free of worries enabling us to concentrate on worship of the

Ultimate Reality in comfort. Tusli, along with all other species of basil,

possesses remarkable physical and spiritually healing properties, as author

Stephen P. Huyler summarizes, "Aside from its religious merits, Tulsi has been

praised in Indian scriptures and lore since the time of the early Vedas as an

herb that cures blood and skin diseases. Ancient treatises extol it as an

antidote for poisons, a curative for kidney disease and arthritis, a

preventative for mosquito and insect bites, and a purifier of polluted air.

Generally prepared in medicinal teas and poultices, Tulsi's widespread

contemporary use in India as an aid to internal and external organs suggests

these traditions are based upon practical efficacy." One finds descriptions of

basil's health benefits in any of the books on herbs and ayurveda readily

available today. Tulsi is also extensively used to maintain ritual purity, to

purify if polluted and to ward off evil. A leaf is kept in the mouth of the

dying to insure passage to heavenly realms. During an eclipse, leaves are

ingested and also placed in cooked food and stored water to ward off psychic

pollution. Funeral pyres often contain tulsi wood to protect the spirit of the

dead--as Bhutagni, destroyer of demons. tulsi leaves and sprigs are hung in the

entryways of homes to keep away troublesome spirits, and the mere



Parents can give 3-leaves of tulsi with mantra of "Om namo bhagvate vaasudevaya"

mantra for increased intelligence & for good health after offering water to

tulsi in the morning.

One should plant tulsi at home during rainy season.

One should try to keep tulsi plant near its pooja room for satwic & purifying environment




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