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To my dear spiritual companions,


M A N I P U R AC H A K R A 3. The third energetic center is Manipura chakra,

whose area of perception in the physical body is the solar plexus area. It

represents expansive consciousness, and the desire for power.This chakra

symbolizes passionate consciousness and dynamism. On a psychic level, this

chakra is in charge with will, ego, individuality, expansiveness, self-control,

and intelligence.On a physical level, it coordinates the digestive processes and

the activity of the organs situated in the abdomen.The disharmonious activation

of this chakra makes a person struggle for personal power, and the recognition

of one's rights even wrongfully and hurting his kind."The person who focuses

intensely and who meditates on this center of force gets the ability of

discovering hidden treasures, will never be touched by illness, will not fear

fire, and even if that person sits amidst fire, he will not be harmed. Such a

person does not fear death, and his will and power are amazing." (Swami


MANIPURA CHAKRA (3)(behind the navel)When the yogi contemplates on the manipura

lotus, he gets the power called patala-siddhi - the giver of constant

happiness. He becomes lord of desires, distroys sorrows and diseases, all his

wishes will be fullfilled. He can escape from the grip of Time i.e. he will

conquer the Time. Sage Kakbhusundi and Yogi Changdevji escaped fromt he spell

of time and lived up to 1400 years. We can find many exampleslike this in

scriptures. Yogi, who meditates on this chakra can enter the body of another,

he will get that power. He can make gold and see hidden treasures of devas,

discover medicines for diseases.


mantra for manipura chakra

|| Om Ram Chakra Jaagrannay Mannipuraay Ram Om Phat ||



Element:- fire


3 Manipura, the ‘gem-centre’ at the level of the solar plexus, has on its ten

blue petals the ten letters da, dha, na, ta, tha, da, dha, radiant like the

rising sun’, is related to the element fire. The deity represents the world of

mind. The energy generated by him is LakiniSakti, in dark blue, three-faced

three-eyed in each face, four-armed, holding fire, vajra (thunderbolt), and

making the gestures of graning boons and dispelling fear.

Patanjali in his yoga sutra (III, 29) says that contemplation of this chakra

leads to knowledge of the physical organism and its functions, because this is

the chakra of the life-force. The chakra is related to the principle of sight,

and also to light, the upward expansiveness of the fiery quality.



The third chakra is referred to as the Solar Plexus. It is located two inches

below the breastbone in the center behind the stomach. The third chakra is the

center of personal power, the place of ego , of passions, impulses, anger and

strength. It is also the center for astral travel and astral influences,

receptivity of spirit guides and for psychic development. When the Third Chakra

is out of balance you may lack confidence, be confused, worry about what others

think, feel that others are controlling your life, and may be depressed.

Physical problems may include digestive difficulties, liver problems, diabetes,

nervous exhaustion, and food allergies. When balanced you may feel cheerful,

outgoing, have self-respect, expressive, enjoy taking on new challenges, and

have a strong sense of personal power. The body parts for this chakra include

the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and small intestine.








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