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To my dear spiritual companions,


The English translation of the Sanskrit term BHADRA is "throne". BHADRASANA

means thus "the posture of the throne". This physical /bodily posture must not

be mistaken for BHADRASANA, "the posture of the blessing", which is quite

different. BACKGROUND: The great Yogi GORAKSHA used to spend much time sitting

in this posture. Therefore, this asana bears also the name GORKSHASANA. In

other treaties, you may find this asana under the name BADDHA KONASANA. BADDHA

means "caught", "held", and KONASANA means "angle".In the renowned yogic treaty

HATHA YOGA PRADIPIKA, sloka 55-56-57 we find the following description: "Place

the heels on either side of the seam of the Perineum, keeping the left heel on

the left side and the right one on the right side, holding the feet firmly

joined to one another with both the hands. This Bhadrasana is the destroyer of

all diseases.The expert Yogis call this Goraksa asana. By sitting with this

asana, the Yogi gets rid of fatigue."




This asana acts efficiently on the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor and

on the genital-urinary system. It also renders the articulations of the thighs

and knees more elastic.

The stretching of the muscles and ligaments causes an intense excitation of the

proprioreceptors. Through the vegetative centres in the hypothalamus, the

activity of the heart and respiratory system are highly stimulated.

This posture is remarkable as regards its effects in the case of anal-rectal

diseases. The constant practice of this asana cures the haemorrhoids.

The pelvis, abdomen, and back are highly flooded with blood and thus stimulated.

Brings and maintains a state of perfect health of the kidneys, prostate, and urinary tract.

Prevents hernia.

Eliminates the states of certain forms of frigidity. Practised in combination

with SARVANGASANA and SHALABASANA (asanas which will be presented furthermore

in this section) it brings to normal the internal activity of the ovaries. It

may be included in the training programme of pregnant women, preparing them for

a painless delivery.

You may perform this asana right after eating because it stimulates and

facilitates the digestion, even increasing the appetite to a healthy level.


It is forbidden to practice this asana if you suffer of sciatica, especially

during the crisis. Nevertheless, if it is practised moderately, without

forcing, BHADRASANA may eliminate sciatic pain.





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