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Finding a guru

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Jay Gurudev

Dear Brother,

> I am looking for a guru but don't know where to start. Could you

> tell me where I might start searching?


For what purpose you are looking for a Guru. This group is of

deciples of Gurudev Narayan Dutt Shrimali and is for spirtual

uplifement and learning of Tantra, Mantra, Yantra Science. Please

expalin your specific interest. Then we can suggest in a better way.


Jay Gurudev


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, "wildprince77" <davidthelander@h...> wrote:

> Hello,


> I am looking for a guru but don't know where to start. Could you


> me where I might start searching?




This are the 2 topics from a realised soul sivananda of the way as to

how to get a GURU(generalized)




If you find peace in the presence of a Mahatma, if you are inspired

by his speeches, if he is

able to clear your doubts, if he is free from greed, anger and lust,

if he is selfless, loving and I-less,

you can take him as your Guru. He who is able to clear your doubts,

he who is sympathetic in your

Sadhana, he who does not disturb your beliefs but helps you on from

where you are, he in whose

very presence you feel spiritually elevated—he is your Guru. Once you

choose your Guru,

implicitly follow him. God will guide you through the Guru.

Do not use your reason too much in the selection of your Guru. You

will fail if you do so. If

you fail to get a first-class Guru, try to follow the instructions of

the Sadhu who is treading the path

for some years, who has purity and other virtuous qualities, and who

has some knowledge of the

scriptures. Just as a student of the Intermediate Class will be able

to teach a student of Third Form

when a professor with M.A. qualification is not available, just as a

sub-assistant surgeon will be

able to attend on a patient when the civil surgeon is not available,

this second-class type of Guru

will be able to help you.

If you are not able to find out even this second-class type of Guru,

you can follow the

teachings contained in the books written by realised saints like Sri

Sankara, Dattatreya and others.

You can keep a photo of such a realised Guru, if available, and

worship the same with faith and

devotion. Gradually you will get inspiration, and the Guru may appear

in a dream and initiate and

inspire you at the proper time. For a sincere Sadhaka, help comes in

a mysterious manner.


Just see how the Lord has helped the devotees in the following

instances. Ekanath heard an

Akasa-Vani, a voice from the sky. It said, "See Janardhan Pant at

Deva Giri. He will put you in the

proper path and guide you." He acted accordingly and found his Guru.

Tukaram received his

Mantra "Rama Krishna Hari" in his dream. He repeated this Mantra and

had Darshan of Lord

Krishna. Lord Krishna directed Namadev to get his higher initiation

from a Sannyasin at

Mallikarjuna. Queen Chudalai assumed the form of Kumbha Muni,

appeared before her husband

Sikhidhvaja in the forest, and initiated him into the mysteries of

Kaivalya. Madhura Kavi saw a

light in the firmament for three days consecutively. It guided him

and took him to his Guru

Nammalvar who was sitting in his Samadhi underneath a tamarind tree

near Tinnevelly.

Bilvamangal was very much attracted to Chintamani, the dancing woman.

The latter became his

Guru. Tulasidas received instructions from an invisible being to see

Hanuman and, through

Hanuman, to get Darshan of Sri Rama.

Competent disciples are never in want of a competent Guru. Realised

souls are not rare.

Ordinary ignorant-minded persons cannot easily recognise them. Only a

few persons, who are pure

and embodiments of all virtuous qualities, can understand realised

souls, and they alone will be

benefited in their company.

So long as there is a world, there are Gurus and Vedas to guide the

struggling souls in the

path of Self-realisation. The number of realised souls may be less in

the Iron Age when compared

with the Satya Yuga, but they are always present to help the

aspirants. Let each man take the path

according to his capacity, temperament and understanding. His Satguru

will meet him along that




hope this will help in your quest to get a Guru


jai Gurudev

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