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I apologize to those who don't think I am wrong for quitting like this but

believe me, I can't take more blames. In the above line you

meant who think instead of who don't think.

Is that correct ?

By quitting you are actually giving victory to the evil one's


( in your words he was trying to malign you)

So rethink your decision.



Thursday, July 18, 2002 1:24 AM


JAI GURUDEVHi all...Things are not very pleasant for the past two days. I am

extremely sorry that the mess involves me and someone's personal enemity for

me. That person came out of nowhere and went on blaming me for things I never

even dreamed of doing. I am sorry that I had to loose my temper because silence

is sometimes considered as acceptance. I don't need anyone to be a judge for me.

I am what I am and my Guruji knows that. That person desparately needs to malign

me and would go on blaming me for more serious things. I am no coward, I am

sadhak. But I can't take it anymore as this involves Gurudham and Guru Trimurty

along with me. I can not continue anymore. Sadly, I would have to quit to save

Guru Trimurty and Gurudham from being insulted once more.I apologize to those

who don't think I am wrong for quitting like this but believe me, I can't take

more blames.So, good bye folk. May Guruji bless you all with perfect health,

unlimited wealth and all round success. Don't forget to perform sadhana and it

is the only way to become complete. And yes, if you ever feel like having a

word with me, feel free to email me at my account.JAI

GURUDEV...Ashish...Jay GurudevYour use of is subject to the


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Although I do have a lot to say but I dont ve time to write long

emails. The only thing i can say is that Ashish, I dont think ur

decision is right. Take it easy man. u r a young dude, u will face so

many thing, so many people during the course of ur life. Take em "IN

THE FACE". However abt this sp. person, just chill out. Ignore her

man. I just wan u to hang on. I was a visitor to this group and I

joined this group coz of ya. And I am sure there will so many other

people like me. U don wanna hurt all of us coz of sombody else's

mistakes. I am not gonna pay for somebody else's sins. Anyway. Dont

ve time for writing more. SO JUST HANG ON.

And in case this persons wants to know who I am. Just shoot me a

personal email with ur phone no and I wld give u call.

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> Take it easy man.


You are right, but enough is enough. Allegation after allegation,

that person will go on forever.

> However abt this sp. person


That person is not special, but you are, my friend. Today, she is

saying you are me, tomorrow, she may go on saying something wrong for

you as well. There is no limit to her imaginations. Unfortunately,

that person is my own guru bahan. Damn.


And yes, this may lead to another insult for Guruji. I would never

want that to happen again.



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> Is that correct ?


I meant, "I apologize to those, who don't think I am wrong, for

quitting like this; but believe me, I can't take more blames."



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> I was a visitor to this group and I joined this group coz

> of ya. And I am sure there will so many other people like

> me.


Thanks for trusting me. I guess, this is the reason why these people

are out to malign me. They want to use me as a pawn and their final

target is Gurudham and Guru Trimurty. Otherwise, why would they

create all these noises in the first place? Despite my every effort

to be reasonable, Anu simply went on spitting piles of false

allegations on me. I reasoned, I sweared; but, no use. All she wants

to say that I am the biggest lier of this world. And what she thinks

she is? The goddess of truth herself!!! Most members of this group

know that I am a website designer working with ASP and databases

living in a small city in India while she is an expert in Artificial

Intellegence working with a leading europian cybernetics company in

Belgium. Who, do you think, is in a better position to do all the

creapy stuff she is blaming me for?


And guess what, her buddy, Birendra has also joined her now and

started pointing fingers at me. He has been instantly declared the

giant ball of purity by Anu. Why? Because he has supported her.

Remember, yesterday she was claiming that you, Seren Dipity, do not

exist and I use your identity to support and praise myself. She was

even throwing open challenges on me.


Now, that she has got a supporter too, am I allowed to declare that

Anu and Birendra_m are actually two different identities of a single

person created mainly to support each other and malign Gurudham? Yes,

they actually are one person, not two. If she denies, she should also

accept whatever she is blaming me for, is completely false. If she

accepts, what right does she have to point a figure on me?


She says, I tried to assassinate the character of Birendra. May I ask

why would I do that? What would I gain from it? He is not a famous

person, he is not even rich, he has no connection with Gurudham or

Guru Trimurty. Would she care to explain why would I want to send

mails on his behalf to malign him? There must be a reason for it. If

she knows the reason, she should mention it right now. If she can't,

how could she blame me for it? Now, it's my turn to throw open



On the other hand, I am in direct contact with Gurudham and Guru

Trimurty. I am Bade Guruji's disciple for last 14 years. Whatever Anu

is trying to do for the past two days can very well be termed as

character assassination. Was I harming someone here? Was I harming

someone's interest by posting mantras, promoting sadhanas and

promoting Gurudham? Of course, I was and I still am. I am a big

problem for all those who hate Guru Trimurty. I am a big problem for

all those who want to take this group away from Gurudham by posting

stuff stolen from other people's website. I am a problem for all

those who oppose sadhanas, mantras and tantras as they all lead

members of this group to Gurudham, one way or another. That's why

this whole dirty plot is being targetted at me.


In a recent mail, Anu says, her email id was also used to post

viruses to this group. Yes, that is possible. But, did it really

happen that way? Or that mail simply slipped out because of some

error while she was posting viruses to this group using different ids

and Ips? Or that one was specifically sent to protect her in case

someone finds out that she was the one who posted them? Possibilities

are numerous.


Anu says, I forge IPs; but, never cared to explain why would I want

to do that and what would I gain from it that I can't gain doing

exactly what she and Birendra usually do? She says, I do silly

things; but hey, I promote Gurudham and Matra Tantra Yantra Magazine.

Can it be termed as silly? Moreover, what good did she do to this

group by creating the current situation? What good did she do to help

that kid Naveen whom she used to target me? Did she help his family

financially? Did she help him secure a better future with proper

education? Did she help his father get a job? What good did she do to

Anurag, Rohit, Anupam, Charanjit, Bishnu, Birendra or any other

member of this group? What good did she do to Guru Trimurty or

Gurudham? If she hasn't done anything good for anyone, what right she

has to blame me for anything? Would she care to explain or this

question will also go unanswered like many others?


The only good she did is to Rajesh Parmar, the arch villain; Guru

Trimurty's arch enemy who is trying to defame Gurudham and Guru

Trimurty by hook or by crook. I suspect, the person called Anupama

Mehra is just as imaginary as my other, so called, identities. She

does not exist at all. She is actually Rajesh Parmar.


If this person; Anu, Birendra, Rajesh, whoever it is; declares me a

lier, how he/she is going to prove that he/she is not a lier



Beware memebers, this is a big and dirty game targetted not only

against me and you, but Gurudham and Guru Trimurty. Such people who

do nothing but cause menace, must be banned from posting to this

group. We all must avoid such people and drive them off.



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hey ashish,


Please calm down. There is nothing to panic, i felt wrong at both

sides due to false imaginations, my mail was directed to both of u, i

have equal responsibilties towards both of you, you both are

disciples to my beloved Gurudev.



please do not over react,i understand that she was unfair to you and

you were also the reason for being that.



that day i felt very bad when you just dumped me out of the blue, i

really felt hurt, but becos you are devoted to Gurudev i did not

mind, as my goal is Gurudev and you just fall in that path.



if she dosent forgives, she has to improve, i believe its her fault

also for not being able to forgive after you have admitted.



but i think u are reacting more than required, and you have to

understand that she has calmed down


i swear on Gurudev that there is no conspiracy going on. or iam not

planning one in future , nor i ever planned.


Guru pournami is coming, pls be constructive.


regarding Gurdham i have publically agreed many times that i dont

have contact with Gurudham and my only contact was BADE GURUDEV and

after Gurudev passed away shortly i left india.



pls calm down and think twice before you start all imaginary

allegataions, you are repeating the same mistake that u had done to

me earlier.



jai Gurudev

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