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Saturn is moving from Taurus to Gemini this week. This means that

people with moon in tauras, Gemini or cancer are going to be running

the 7.5-year Saturn cycle saadesaati.

Apart from that people with Scorpio moon will come under ashtam


And I am not too sure about this one- but people with their moon in

Aries or virgo moon will come under dhaiyya.

Just a note to make it worse. Though traditionally these calculations

are made from moon, the ascendant should also be considered and if

your ascendant falls in any of the above signs taking a few

precautionary measures may not be a bad idea.


Indeed the fear and awe that Saturn (along with rahu ketu ) inspires

in India not equaled by any other planet. you should visit a temple

of bhairo or hanuman on a Saturday to understand what I am saying.

Oil is poured and black til, black lentils are given away as

offering. black crows and black dogs are fed, all this with an aim

and hope of avoiding the wrath of Saturn.

Saturn is a planet of lessons. What lessons? The one's that are most

often missed. Saturn is next only to ketu as a spiritual benefactor.

Saturn represents kaal –the wheel of time that is churning us all in

the cycles of births and rebirths. There are two aims behind the whip

of Saturn---bringing us back from our faltering from the path of

truth. And two—making us understand the value of time. If you are

honest and really hard working your Saturn cycle may pass by like a

touch of breeze.

Too lazy to type, I am just sending links from the siddhashram site.

With a note to suggest that increasing the chanting to at least

23000, wearing black is a good idea. Direction for Saturn is west as

given in the navgrah article ashish was quoting, but these sadhanas

prescribe other directions so just follow them.


Saturn is the strict teacher you cannot fool. And is not impressed by

escapes. Without giving his name and without his kind permission, I

am telling of a friend's experience. He had been going through a long

phase of joblessness and was thoroughly frustrated. His parents

consulted a pandit who examined his horoscope and adviced

mrityunjaya. (mrtyunjaya is the best jaap for Saturn rahu or ketu

afflictions.) Though money was in short supply it was some how

managed and the family did not consume non veg for a month. Months

passed and it seems uncle Saturn was not impressed. He is the last

one to be bought with money and you have to explain to him what

stopped you from doing the prayers yourself. The pandit then advised

him to keep an oil lamp under the peepul tree dot at dusk and this

went on for several months. he never did it himself, reason being

which self respecting man would like to go and take rounds of a

peepul tree with two fat house wives in the front, and two behind

him. So he was kind enough to touch the lamp with his hands and his

mother would do the rest. But he was pretty serious about it because

my chat sessions on my visit to India were interrupted more than once

because he had to go home to touch the lamp. Uncle Saturn was again

not impressed.


On one of our visits to a favourite small devi temple on the banks of

yamuna, where I was busy feeding little girls something which was

once my favourite way of worshipping devi. This is the shastrokta way

of ending any and every devi poojan anusthan too. Alone in the temple

with the kids and comfortable making offerings to the statue with my

own hands and touching it, I saw him standing in a corner with the

expression of a disowned child. Understanding his deep desire to be

closer to the Mother and of course by Her will, we arranged for him

to perform kanjak on every ashtami, and the pandit's wife there as so

kind as to take charge of the cooking. Two trips to the temple and

before the third ashtami he left for a job abroad. Apparently, uncle

Saturn could not oppose the will of the divine mother.

So whenever it come to escaping the wrath of Saturn ask yourself two


Am I an honest person and do I understand the value of time?


The reason that I babbled so much was that sraavan Saturday ie this

Saturday onwards is the best time to start a Saturday fast for

appeasing the fearsome Saturn rahu ketu trio.

If we are to believe the astrologers

Then Saturn connects to Mahakali Rahu to Chinnamasta

and ketu to Dhoomavati. There is also a one to one correspondence

between the the 10 avtars of Vishnu and the 10 maha vidyas mentioned

on the hubcom site (totala tantra)

dhoomavati is the boar form, Cchinnamasta is Nrisimha and mahakali is



Mantras for rahu is


Aum bhraam bhreem bhoum sah rahave namah direction SW color to be

used blue or black (18000) (Saturday) night for starting

Aum straam streem stroum sah keteve namah direction NW color to be

used grey or black (17000) day Saturday or Thursday Night for


For Saturn it is

Aum praam preem proum sah shanishcaraya namah direction west colour

black, (23000) Saturday night for starting




jai gurudev


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To my dear spiritual companion Anu,

You are excellent , precise & hard working in your knowledge & in enlightening us.

I would like to add few more things for my friends. People having deliblitated

or afflicted saturn should avoid the following otherwise life will be

frustrating or miserable or mentally & physically torturous.

1. Avoid tamsic life style.

2. ahlcohol, smoking.

3. non-veg.

4. lust.

5. procarstination.

6. laziness.

7. Pride.

8. Eating eggs or onion.

9. Stale food.

10. Humiliating others.

11.Taking Debts.

12. Associatin with wicked & low class people.

13. Being cruel.

14. No feelings.

15. Lacking in love





Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:16 PM


Saturn is moving from Taurus to Gemini this week. This means that people with

moon in tauras, Gemini or cancer are going to be running the 7.5-year Saturn

cycle saadesaati. Apart from that people with Scorpio moon will come under

ashtam shani, And I am not too sure about this one- but people with their moon

in Aries or virgo moon will come under dhaiyya. Just a note to make it worse.

Though traditionally these calculations are made from moon, the ascendant

should also be considered and if your ascendant falls in any of the above signs

taking a few precautionary measures may not be a bad idea.Indeed the fear and

awe that Saturn (along with rahu ketu ) inspires in India not equaled by any

other planet. you should visit a temple of bhairo or hanuman on a Saturday to

understand what I am saying. Oil is poured and black til, black lentils are

given away as offering. black crows and black dogs are fed, all this with an

aim and hope of avoiding the wrath of Saturn.Saturn is a planet of lessons.

What lessons? The one's that are most often missed. Saturn is next only to ketu

as a spiritual benefactor. Saturn represents kaal -the wheel of time that is

churning us all in the cycles of births and rebirths. There are two aims behind

the whip of Saturn---bringing us back from our faltering from the path of truth.

And two-making us understand the value of time. If you are honest and really

hard working your Saturn cycle may pass by like a touch of breeze.Too lazy to

type, I am just sending links from the siddhashram site. With a note to suggest

that increasing the chanting to at least 23000, wearing black is a good idea.

Direction for Saturn is west as given in the navgrah article ashish was

quoting, but these sadhanas prescribe other directions so just follow them.

Saturn is the strict teacher you cannot fool. And is not impressed by escapes.

Without giving his name and without his kind permission, I am telling of a

friend's experience. He had been going through a long phase of joblessness and

was thoroughly frustrated. His parents consulted a pandit who examined his

horoscope and adviced mrityunjaya. (mrtyunjaya is the best jaap for Saturn rahu

or ketu afflictions.) Though money was in short supply it was some how managed

and the family did not consume non veg for a month. Months passed and it seems

uncle Saturn was not impressed. He is the last one to be bought with money and

you have to explain to him what stopped you from doing the prayers yourself.

The pandit then advised him to keep an oil lamp under the peepul tree dot at

dusk and this went on for several months. he never did it himself, reason being

which self respecting man would like to go and take rounds of a peepul tree with

two fat house wives in the front, and two behind him. So he was kind enough to

touch the lamp with his hands and his mother would do the rest. But he was

pretty serious about it because my chat sessions on my visit to India were

interrupted more than once because he had to go home to touch the lamp. Uncle

Saturn was again not impressed. On one of our visits to a favourite small devi

temple on the banks of yamuna, where I was busy feeding little girls something

which was once my favourite way of worshipping devi. This is the shastrokta way

of ending any and every devi poojan anusthan too. Alone in the temple with the

kids and comfortable making offerings to the statue with my own hands and

touching it, I saw him standing in a corner with the expression of a disowned

child. Understanding his deep desire to be closer to the Mother and of course

by Her will, we arranged for him to perform kanjak on every ashtami, and the

pandit's wife there as so kind as to take charge of the cooking. Two trips to

the temple and before the third ashtami he left for a job abroad. Apparently,

uncle Saturn could not oppose the will of the divine mother. So whenever it

come to escaping the wrath of Saturn ask yourself two questions:Am I an honest

person and do I understand the value of time?The reason that I babbled so much

was that sraavan Saturday ie this Saturday onwards is the best time to start a

Saturday fast for appeasing the fearsome Saturn rahu ketu trio. If we are to

believe the astrologers Then Saturn connects to Mahakali Rahu to Chinnamastaand

ketu to Dhoomavati. There is also a one to one correspondence between the the 10

avtars of Vishnu and the 10 maha vidyas mentioned on the hubcom site (totala

tantra)dhoomavati is the boar form, Cchinnamasta is Nrisimha and mahakali is

Krishna.Mantras for rahu isAum bhraam bhreem bhoum sah rahave namah direction

SW color to be used blue or black (18000) (Saturday) night for startingAum

straam streem stroum sah keteve namah direction NW color to be used grey or

black (17000) day Saturday or Thursday Night for startingFor Saturn it is Aum

praam preem proum sah shanishcaraya namah direction west colour black, (23000)

Saturday night for


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hank you for your input, rohit

as well as praise. encouragement always feels good. I notice that

you too work extremely hard to contribute to the group. This is

really nice. Will it be possible that you give us reference of the

articles you post. You know sometimes the stuff is extremely

interesting and people may want to look up other things related to

it. In any case giving credit where it is due is a good idea and

seems fair to the original author.


Just a minor comment. It has often been thought by people who are

teetotalers that in their self control they are being spiritually

very advanced as compared to others. But this is not the case. In my

experience in life, I have met several people who drink who smoke and

their moral character far supercedes that of the spiritual beginners.

These are just aids. They are NOT sins.

For that matter vivekanda smoked, and ram hunted for food in the


True marks of a man are not in what he eats or does not eat. True

marks of a man are in what he is. Sometimes a non smoker non drinker

can be spiritually advanced, some times a mere beginner.

8. So that puts in one category of food.



ahlcohol, smoking.

3. non-veg.

9. Eating eggs or onion.

10. Avoid tamsic life style.'

Stale food.


11. Associating with wicked & low class people.

12. pride


Vivekananda says that if we were so perfect why are we born at all?

We all have our own flaws. The moment we snub up our nose we make a

mistake. What is low class? Low by birth? Low by actions? Believe me

we all have been through all the classes in our spiritual journey and

never know what class we will land up in our next life. Always

remember not to be proud of the beauty you are blessed with, the

intelligence you are born with and the family you come from.




4. lust.


Sometimes lust is for women, but sometimes lust is for power.

Sometimes, lust is for recognition. There are several kinds of lusts.

That brings us to the difference between lust and desire. If you

have a desire you have every right to put in effort to fulfill it.

nothing is a sin as long as you do not deter from the path of dharma-




5. procrastination.

5. laziness.

These are not sins. But as I put it, understanding the value of time

is important for Saturn's blessings.

10. Humiliating others.

Yes, one should never insult another person. And yes one should be

humble But

Have you heard about the translation of 4th adhyaay of durga


Har vidya ka hai gyaan tujhe apni shakti par maan tujhe

Ham tere hee gunn gaate hain jai jai ambe jai jagdambae


So all the khsatriya races who have evolved worshipping chandi have

some amount of borrowed pride in them. See one has to be humble at

times and fiercely confident at others. Knowing what is needed when

are the marks of a wise man.




11.Taking Debts.

Oh come one, we all need to take a small loan once in a while. If we

repay it it is not a crime. We are already under a lot of debts –

pitra rinn, dev rinn, bhu rinn and rishi rinn.

We will repay it all slowly.


13. Being cruel.

14. No feelings.

15. Lacking in love


well, it is not so easy to love. Sometimes you have to examine the

object of love more closely. And take up a different one to allow

yourself to emote. Cruelty I agree is not nice. But then when at war

cruelty is also justified. An army man who dies fighting for his

country also comes to the same end as yogi after years of penance.


Thank you very much for your learned in put. And GOD bless you. We

look forward to reading more of your posts.


But there is a misunderstanding in people's understanding of

astrology. It is not that if Saturn is there you should do this. It

is that you are born at a time (as that very learned article from

birendra put across) when the planetary positions are in harmony with

your tendencies. So we all just have to conquer all your negative


Jai gurudev

And my wishes on guru poornima


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To my dear spiritual companion Anu,

Hey Ram! What a dissection. Why i always see a Durga in you?

My dear Friend Anu i consider original author of this universe as only God.We

only rediscover& reproduce.Time(Kaal) only uses people to remember the truth &

pass it on. What we write has been written before, what we think has been

thought before, what we follow has been followed before, What we practice has

been pacticed before, what we talk has been talked before by somebody

somewhere. what we see had been seen before,What matters is that we practice

truth & be happy for ever.

The things i mentioned about the affects of saturn were for the people who can

learn the lessons it wants to teach & minimize the suffering in their life &

negative effects of saturn & develop spiritually.



Wednesday, July 24, 2002 10:50 PM

Re: saturn

Thank you for your input, rohit as well as praise. encouragement always feels

good. I notice that you too work extremely hard to contribute to the group.

This is really nice. Will it be possible that you give us reference of the

articles you post. You know sometimes the stuff is extremely interesting and

people may want to look up other things related to it. In any case giving

credit where it is due is a good idea and seems fair to the original author.

Just a minor comment. It has often been thought by people who are teetotalers

that in their self control they are being spiritually very advanced as compared

to others. But this is not the case. In my experience in life, I have met

several people who drink who smoke and their moral character far supercedes

that of the spiritual beginners. These are just aids. They are NOT sins. For

that matter vivekanda smoked, and ram hunted for food in the jungle. True marks

of a man are not in what he eats or does not eat. True marks of a man are in

what he is. Sometimes a non smoker non drinker can be spiritually advanced,

some times a mere beginner.8. So that puts in one category of food.

You are right my friend.

ahlcohol, smoking.3. non-veg.9. Eating eggs or onion.10. Avoid tamsic life

style.' Stale food.11. Associating with wicked & low class people.12.

prideVivekananda says that if we were so perfect why are we born at all? We all

have our own flaws. The moment we snub up our nose we make a mistake. What is

low class? Low by birth? Low by actions? Believe me we all have been through

all the classes in our spiritual journey and never know what class we will land

up in our next life. Always remember not to be proud of the beauty you are

blessed with, the intelligence you are born with and the family you come from.

Low by actions only when developing spiritually.4. lust.Sometimes lust is for

women, but sometimes lust is for power. Sometimes, lust is for recognition.

There are several kinds of lusts. That brings us to the difference between lust

and desire. If you have a desire you have every right to put in effort to

fulfill it. nothing is a sin as long as you do not deter from the path of


You are right. But way to get moksh & avoid next birth is to free yourself from

desire.If you want to go ahead of even sattwic state & establish in samadhi then

end of desire is essential. Desire is rajasic & greatest enemy of knowledge &

the self manifesting in the heart.Lord krishna says the truth in gita.

5. procrastination.5. laziness.These are not sins. But as I put it,

understanding the value of time is important for Saturn's blessings. 10.

Humiliating others.Yes, one should never insult another person. And yes one

should be humble But Have you heard about the translation of 4th adhyaay of

durga saptashati-Har vidya ka hai gyaan tujhe apni shakti par maan tujheHam

tere hee gunn gaate hain jai jai ambe jai jagdambaeSo all the khsatriya races

who have evolved worshipping chandi have some amount of borrowed pride in them.

See one has to be humble at times and fiercely confident at others. Knowing what

is needed when are the marks of a wise man.

How both Arjun & Bhishma was humbled by Yadavs at the end of mahabharat & by

Lord Hanuman of their strength & power.

11.Taking Debts.Oh come one, we all need to take a small loan once in a while.

If we repay it it is not a crime. We are already under a lot of debts -pitra

rinn, dev rinn, bhu rinn and rishi rinn. We will repay it all slowly.

You are right.But we have to minimize our desires & be self dependent if we dont

want to suffer more & worked by othere's mind & controlled by others in

espicially if one is following yogic path with simple life style.

Rinn of dev,bhu etc everyone has to fullfill except for the person who has no

duty & is jiva mukta.

13. Being cruel.14. No feelings.15. Lacking in lovewell, it is not so easy to

love. Sometimes you have to examine the object of love more closely. And take

up a different one to allow yourself to emote. Cruelty I agree is not nice. But

then when at war cruelty is also justified. An army man who dies fighting for

his country also comes to the same end as yogi after years of penance. Thank

you very much for your learned in put. And GOD bless you. We look forward to

reading more of your posts.But there is a misunderstanding in people's

understanding of astrology. It is not that if Saturn is there you should do

this. It is that you are born at a time (as that very learned article from

birendra put across) when the planetary positions are in harmony with your

tendencies. So we all just have to conquer all your negative points.Jai

gurudevAnd my wishes on guru poornimaanu



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--- To my dear spiritual companion Anu,


Hey Ram! What a dissection. Why i always see a Durga in you?


You bet! Now I too am beginning to understand the divine mother

better. And why she needs to take so many forms. Most problems cannot

be handled as Gouri.

Thank you for giving such an enlightening rendering about past,

present and future. Vivekananda also says that whatever has happened

today in this cycle of things has happened millions of times before

and will happen millions of time again. While it is very depressing,

it does suggest that I have asked you to give the reference millions

times of before and will ask million of times again in my ignorance

of deeper truths. And you have had to enlighten me every time and may

need to do it so many times more. so I am sorry for troubling you

repeatedly in my ignorance.


Thank you also for explaining the deep truth about puraans. If we do

not learn the truths ourselves, mother nature-prakirti-has a hard way

of teaching them. So I fear the gentleman who was the author of this

puraan would have had to go through a life as a shudra to understand

that it is not fair to equate a human being to a lizard. But that

does not mean that I am propagating killing lizards!

But well, there are several births ahead to learn yet. We will all

become one with God at our own pace. So no worries, I am sorry I

troubled you.

Thank you very much once again for your contribution and active


Please continue. It is nice to see so many posts on so many subjects

that I lost count and feel dazed. Activity is always a sign of life!

Jai gurudev


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>11.Taking Debts.

>Oh come one, we all need to take a small loan once in a while. If we

>repay it it is not a crime. We are already under a lot of debts -

>pitra rinn, dev rinn, bhu rinn and rishi rinn.

>We will repay it all slowly.


Anu i look at it like this. If you take debt you become vunerable to do


(which might be illegal)for a person from whom u have take the debt. And iot

also makes one

feel low in front of the person from whom one has taken debt.


My understanding is this is one of the reasons for not taking debts. But in

case u need to

take debt then make sure you return it at the earliest. This will keep your


honour, self-respect safe.


>13. Being cruel.

>14. No feelings.

>15. Lacking in love


>well, it is not so easy to love. Sometimes you have to examine the

>object of love more closely. And take up a different one to allow

>yourself to emote. Cruelty I agree is not nice. But then when at war

>cruelty is also justified. An army man who dies fighting for his

>country also comes to the same end as yogi after years of penance.



i was reading Bhagvad Gita and there it has been mentioned that even if one

has to kill

someone that should be done in a detached way. Do u remember the story of

brahma gyani butcher.

If a army man kills because is his job and without any hatred towards his

enemies then this act

never earns him hell or heaven. He reaps moksha then.


But if hatred is there then one has fallen from the seat of moksha.




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