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Agni purana

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To my dear spiritual companions,


Sins And Their Atonement

If one commits a sin, one has to atone for it. This is known as prayashchitta.

If one does not atone for the sins that one has committed, it is the king’s

duty to punish the sinner.If one drinks from a well where the dead body of an

animal has been floating, one has to fast for three days. The worst possible

sins are the killing of brahmana, the drinking of wine and theft. Other sins

are criticising the Vedas, the bearing of false witness, killing a friend,

killing a cow, forsaking one’s parents or sons, the selling of ponds, murder,

lying, killing animals and the cutting down of green trees for fodder.A killer

of a brahmana has to build a hut in the forest and live there for twelve years.

He has to beg for a living and give up all that he possesses to another

brahmana. A killer of cows has to live on just coarse grain for a month. He has

to live with cattle and follow them around during the day. All his possessions

have to be given up to a brahmana and he has to bathe in cow’s urine for two

months.If a brahmana steals gold, he should go and report his crime to the

king. The king will then hit him with a club and this will be the brahmana’s

prayashchitta.The sin of killing kshatriya is one-fourth the sin of killing a

brahmana. If one kills a vaishya, the sin is one-eighth the sin of killing a

brahmana. And if one kills a shudra, the sin is one-sixteenth of the sin of

killing a brahmana. Killing a cat, a mongoose, a frog, a dog, a lizard or a

crow is as sinful as killing a shudra.





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dear rohit,

thank you so much for your contribution again.


"The sin of killing kshatriya is one-fourth the sin of killing a

brahmana. If one kills a vaishya, the sin is one-eighth the sin of

killing a brahmana. And if one kills a shudra, the sin is one-

sixteenth of the sin of killing a brahmana. Killing a cat, a

mongoose, a frog, a dog, a lizard or a crow is as sinful as killing a


 do you really think that the sin of killing a brahmin is a more than

that of killing a shudra??

May the hindu religion come out of the pit that it has fallen to, and

may it rise to it's full glory.

let us together, lend a hand in that direction. and may the giver of

wisdom, ma saraswati bless us all and shake ignorance out of our


jai gurudev


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To my dear spiritual companion Anu,

What has been written in Purans which are authentic can be commented seriously

upon only by enlightened people & truth can be seen. But deliberations by

people who are not enlightened or reached higher stages of spiritual evolution

i think cannot do the justice or find the truth and say it is superstitious.

As per the "killing of Brahmin" considered more sin. I think it is more true if

the person is realy a brahmin by karma & the propounder & follower of Veds &

divine teachings & keeps the society on moral & spiritual path then the

murderer deserves more severe punishment in his cycle of births.Because he

hurts the society more.

Unfortunately it was misunderstood & misused for selfish reasons & led to evil.

People who considered themselves as brahmins then & even now are not brahmins

at all. Its the greatest mistake on this earth when i hear people telling that

they are brahmins & they dont know what they are talking about just because

their horoscope says so or their sir name propogates so.

this we have seen in our history From Lord Ram father when he was cursed etc.

I have also witnessed & know a person who was given "shrap" by real brahmin in

his previous births & has spirits occupying his body now due to karm phal.


I Think we can only judge when we become one with god & see or judge from his

eyes & under what section of criminal law one should be charged.





Wednesday, July 24, 2002 10:59 PM

Re: Agni purana

dear rohit,thank you so much for your contribution again."The sin of killing

kshatriya is one-fourth the sin of killing a brahmana. If one kills a vaishya,

the sin is one-eighth the sin of killing a brahmana. And if one kills a shudra,

the sin is one-sixteenth of the sin of killing a brahmana. Killing a cat, a

mongoose, a frog, a dog, a lizard or a crow is as sinful as killing a

shudra."do you really think that the sin of killing a brahmin is a more than

that of killing a shudra?? May the hindu religion come out of the pit that it

has fallen to, and may it rise to it's full glory.let us together, lend a hand

in that direction. and may the giver of wisdom, ma saraswati bless us all and

shake ignorance out of our skulls.jai gurudevanu------------------------

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