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Update on me. On Jul30th informed by CPP that application has been

turned down. 90 days has been granted for an appeal.

Now this situation means more expense. And more complications.

One is that CPP lawyer known as advocate has told me that I cannot

entertain any thoughts of working even a few hours a day as CPP is

only concerned with either you are capable of working or not working

period. That means even one's honesty to give a try at working few hours

can mean no success with any appeal. So now if my doctor states to

my employer that I am still unable to return to work( even on part time or a

few hours a day) , my employer will likely terminate me. As for the CPP

advocate that I contacted wants 1500 Cdn. plus 20% of any settlement

and any costs to get medical reports or further evaluations. The 20% is

collected only upon successful settlement. And it can be months before

the outcome is clear. That means life without any income. It has been

a burden on my spouse paying all the bills. If I forget about CPP and take a

letter from my doctor stating that I could be accomodated on a part time scale,

then it will boil down to my luck. The employer can upon evaluation of my

doctors report, decide that they don't really need me even for part time and

can opt for their right to terminate me.( after an employee is away for 2 years

or more an employer can terminate) I am not certain but at best they would

offer me about 6 months in severance.8 weeks is standard plus 1 week for

every year of service. If the company wants to be nice as they have with

former employees, they can offer upto 3 weeks per year of service. That

again would be my luck. In conclusion the system sucks because if the

CPP had given approval for benefits and then I accepted any number of hours

with any employer when and if I felt better to try , CPP considers it has a

rehabilitation work. Benefits continue but you keep working to your capacity.

I am so much in tension and depressed. The CPP advocate I spoke to today

at one point told me on phone that he deals with a lot of Indians and the problem

with them is that they are too honest for their own good and actually their

honesty and being candid hurts their chances at dealing with insurance companies

and with the Government departments. As much as I would like to

try to change , I was so brought up by my parents that I cannot turn around and

embark on being dishonest. I feel that although I am not well to work full time,

certainly there are hours during the day between 11 and 2 when many days

I can function and that I can only find out how I would do if I were to actually

go to work during those hours if my employer was willing to accept me.

And it is only fair that my employer would pay me for the hours worked and

the CPPdisability would pay to make up the difference.(beween full time hours

and part time hours). I paid all these years into the CPP plan. But that is besides

the point. It was not within my control that I got sick. I worked 17 years for

the same employer. So why shoudn't I expect to be compensated to make up

for the full time hours ? Anyways right now I am at crossroads and with this

CPP rejection( because they usually turn down 99 % of applicants the first time

to stop those trying to misuse the system), even the honest ones become

victims. While those who are serious will appeal , there are amongst even the

honest and serious ones who may not appeal because of the time it takes and

the expense involved dealing with an advocate. Almost all who are ready to

appeal do so through a CPP advocate because trying to do it on your own will

almost be a failure. I could at this time do with the help of someone who can

see into the future or even near future and give some guidance as to what

I should do. I have a deadline to meet for the employer and that is from Jul 15,

I have tried to put off my doctor making a report to end of next week.

If I were to pursue an appeal of CPP then the advocate expects no report

from my doctor going out to my employer that would state that I could give a try

at working out a few hours daily. And if I decide to forget about CPP appeal ,

then will I get my employers offer to work part time, once they receive the

medical report from my doctor stating that I can give work a try by working a

few hours daily and then later increasing the time after an assessment of my

health a few months later. Any psychics out there in the group who can give

any tip of what I should do ?



Thursday, July 25, 2002 7:24 PM

Re: some points to note

--- Birendra,I have yet to carefully read your long mail. I thank you for the

effort you took in typing it for me. I appreciate your heartfelt concern. But I

fully understand how and where to take a mantra Since I have never claimed not

to be in the guidance of a guru such a discussion is meaningless. I as a person

have learnt a lot from a lot of people as Dattatreya puts across your teacher is

everywhere. So just like I showed respect to people you revere, kindly do not

equate my sources to T series. It is really nice to see someone like you who

claims that he can mange well without sadhanas give such elaborate comments on

chanting. This just means that you should be doing them yourself too after all

Have you heard kabir"Main kehta aankhin dekhi, tu kehta kaagaz kee

dekhi"hearsay is never enough. True experience is what you gain yourself. So

until you sit to chant, all the commentary you are giving will be borrowed.

Well I too am not in a position yet to give any original authentic comments but

I am trying in this direction and gaining success and getting guidance too. And

whatever little I have learnt, I have put in the few posts I have posted on

sadhanas, and will put more in the posts that follow.its very sad that you

people dont understand the need for a bhava while chanting the mantra.(by bhava

you focus a mantra besides purpose).no doubt without bhava also things work but,

it would take lot of time to set to the natural tune/bhava of the mantra in the

mean time one may get frustrated and discontinuewhat on earth made you make

this assumption and statement?? No mantra ritual of mine goes without bhav.

Please go back and read the post on sadhanas I have posted, probably in taking

a quick look you have missed my point. The first step I take in chanting any

mantra is nderstanding what this GOD stands for and I try to with whatever

limited apparatus in terms of soul mind and body I have open myself up to that

power. my prayer rituals are never completed without listening to some

melodious rendering of stotras—since as I put across this is the easiest way

for me to emote. To understand what I am saying you need to combine the two.

Neither bhav nor sadhana alone can work, when I started as a child I had enough

bhav in me to make things happen by listening to any obscure bhajan or praying.

Then as I grew older I lost this capacity. But chanting cleanses the dirt that

has gathered within even if it is temporarily. It brings it back, and I am able

to after a session of chanting enjoy the same feeling of being immersed in

bhakti. Very vain talk I guess. As I put across, it is temporary state and does

not happen every day. That is what ashish has been trying to tell you. Just like

bhav is important for sadhnas, sadhanas are also important for purifying bhav.

It is very sad to see someone become a disciple of nikhileshwarand and deny

himself the path of sadhana. And remember one thing, human beings are different

just like you think you can manage purely by bhav, there are people at the other

extreme who can mange just by sadhna since bhav is not something that come

naturally to them. but they have tremendous will power and that is their path.

But yes the best dinner is when it is full course. Coffee to dessert.> > >

Generally mantra should be given by a Guru and he assumes the Ø

responsiblity of that sadhana, yet I have chanted so many mantras without

meeting Dr srimali, and still managed to get the right pitch and tone etc. so

will I mange with aum namah shivaay too. Thank you for your concern, but I

think I have guidance.> > > > now if you do not mind, in the limited time I

have, I prefer to use it constructively in helping people like nazir ji. I

think he needs us all a lot these days. we have been chatting for months now,

and our philosophic discussions can wait till we are more free. Jai gurudevAum

namah shivayAnuJay Gurudev

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