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Tantra teacher sought in London

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Anyone in Greater London on this list who can recoommend a tantra

teacher? My life partner and I, at the moment 6,000 miles apart, are

studying separately with teachers, and we want to find someone to


with us together from January, 2003. We are not interested in "neo-

tantra," in taking bits an d pieces of tantra to use for couples

therapy or sexual enhancement. We have chosen tantra as our primary

spiritual practice and seek a guide and teacher on this path we have

only begun to tread. If you can recommend someone, please respond to

wordworks Thanks.

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, "leitwrtr" <wordworks@c...> wrote:

> Anyone in Greater London on this list who can recoommend a tantra

> teacher? My life partner and I, at the moment 6,000 miles apart,


> studying separately with teachers, and we want to find someone to

> work

> with us together from January, 2003. We are not interested in "neo-

> tantra," in taking bits an d pieces of tantra to use for couples

> therapy or sexual enhancement. We have chosen tantra as our primary

> spiritual practice and seek a guide and teacher on this path we


> only begun to tread. If you can recommend someone, please respond


> wordworks@c... Thanks.





I feel that neo tantrism is not the real tantra, and to learn real

tantra ,the Guru( teacher) should be a realised one, only he could

precisely prescribe the right sadhanas... otherwise there is always

scope for great errors


and its really difficult to get a real one, you can get one in

himalayan regions otherwise its too difficult to get.


i hope india is the best place for you to look


iam posting some exceprts from article abt from siddhashram website

may enlighten you as to what real tantra is


a)Fear of Tantra is baseless


The notions of an ordinary person about Tantra are not worthy to

mention as this science of power has been misused very much. Those

who are quite conversant with Tantra, by awakening their internal

cosmic faculties, acquire knowledge to progress ahead and by

activating the internal Chakras become ultimately successful in

attaining Self realisation and thereby Supreme Bliss, whereas the

imperfect Tantriks focus their attention towards the leftist part

which hitherto has been utilised by such Tantriks in causing pain and

harm to others and in achieving sensual enjoyment. Thus they involve

themselves in a wrong direction. Although they can cause damage to

the common men, yet eventually such Tantriks undergo severe

sufferings and their lives get highly miserable.


This is human nature that every person focuses his attention first on

the bad aspect of any subject and not on the virtuous one. This

attitude proves harmful to them. As I have said earlier that Tantra

is a process of activating internal cosmic faculties of the invisible

world and making them favourable for oneself. During this process,

that vigorous energy at first affects the person who is trying to

overpower it and if at that time the aspirant does not get

frightened, the divine energy itself behaves like a slave and then

performs all the miraculous deeds at the will of the aspirant. To

explain further I am citing an illustration- If you go outside during

winter without wearing woollen clothes, what will happen? The frozen

particles of cold wave will fall violently upon you and you will fall

sick. But in case you are totally prepared- you have a healthy

physique covered with woollen clothes, cold cannot affect you in any

way and you will proceed ahead without any fear. The same is the case

with Tantra. If you are not afraid, have the required equipment and

also a sound knowledge then Tantra is the easiest way for you to

acquire the divine powers.


To emerge successful in Tantra, fearlessness as well as elevation of

inner consciousness are absolutely essential because in this Sadhana,

the power is to be evolved from within.


b)Confidentiality in Tantra


In our ancient scriptures, there is great emphasis on the fact that

the real Tantra should be kept confidential. What is the reason

behind this secrecy? If this science has got usefulness, it should be

popularised and propagated everywhere, every person should have its

knowledge. But this is not the case. What is the reason behind it?


The real Tantra and its secrets were passed on verbally by the

competent Guru to his disciples only. The disciples memorised that

science and also got realisation of 'Siddhi' but the Guru got his

disciples to promise that this knowledge would be granted to only

those who really deserved it. So they had this relevant argument

behind their secrecy. As I have written above that every action has

equal and opposite reaction. For example if you disturb anyone -

tease a dog, bull or snake, it will certainly attack you. You should

have strength to fight them and ultimately bring them under your

control. The same is true for Tantra. If a suspicious, weak and

fearful person starts Tantra Sadhna, he on experiencing some distress

or crisis, generally leaves it midway and thus puts himself in danger

due to reversible reaction of the Sadhna because at that moment the

inner energy of the aspirant is feeble and so is easily overpowered

by the external forces. This is the reason why only a competent Guru

is capable to impart the knowledge of Tantra. A Guru minutely and

completely analyses the disciple and on getting assured that his

disciple would never misuse that power, he starts teaching Tantra

Sadhna. Immediately after getting success, the aspirant becomes very

much energetic and his vigorous activities must be utilised for

public welfare as well as for Self Realisation and not for causing

harm to others.


Due to the afore mentioned reasons, the methods of Tantra Sadhnas

have been written incompletely, or in symbols and one, who performs

Sadhna according to what is written in scriptures can never be

successful as the complete knowledge can be attained only through the

guidance of a Guru.


c)How Tantra became a taboo


What then happened in between that has made Tantra a taboo today ?


Perusal of the past reveals that after Gorakhnath pseudo gurus like

Bhayanand started the misuse of Tantra and thus got introduced vile

practices like meat eating, sex and money spinning into the system.

These false Tantriks not just used these rather expounded that

without them success is impossible in field of Tantra. These

unconscientious one's even stooped so low as to resort to drinking,

rape and swindling.


It was then but natural for the common man to keep distance from such

practicers who were unfortunately more in number than real masters of

Tantra. Soon society began to shun Tantra and a belief was generated

that Tantra itself is a vile practice and has no useful applications

in life.


But the problem was not with Tantra rather with the charlatans who

used Tantra as an excuse to give vent to their beastly cravings. In

fact Tantra is a science that can instill totality in life. A

question may arise that when there are Mantras to procure divine

blessings why do we need Tantra?


Wise and capable persons do not come to their conclusions in a

moment, but only after a careful analysis of any thing. When the left

wing of Tantra got predominant and those, who were keen to do these

leftist Sadhnas for their petty and selfish ends, did not get

success, they turned into big critics of Tantra and only those

persons created misconceptions about Tantra.


Jai Gurudev

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