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nazir ji

since i went about making tall claims in public about doing bagla

mala mantra for you for 11 days, i should admit in public that i

never actually did get to do it out of either sheer laziness or

circumstances though i did chant it for you recently to a lesser

extent im my own haphazard ways. nonetheless, i am sorry for not

keeping my word.


personally my view is very different from my brothers and i do not

think ugra mahavidyas are for every one or starters. they advice

people to sit for chinnamasta and on talking more i find the person

concerned has no idea of hindu rituals, is regular meat eater and has

very small children to care for apart from having a very active

social life. one has to choose ones sadhana according

to ones capacity and limitations.

i recently got a thank you letter for the amogh kavach from a brother

praising its efficacy. and apart from cleanliness there are no rules

with it like celibacy, wearing yellow, eating besan in some form

offering yellow flowers etc which

are a must for bagala sadhana to the best of my knowledge though i

may be wrong. please chant amogh kavach it 5 or 11 times a day as and

when you can. just keep a copy with you and read it whenever you have

time. there are no specific rules for it.


ashish is a very experienced and devoted sadhak sadhak and when he

says he followed no rules he means he got up in the middle of night

sat for three hours, had only 1 meal a day, stayed away from even tea

and coffee, apart from following celibacy and chanting 100 malas a

day. i cannot match him even one tenth. but i hope everyone got the

picture of what a sadhana of an ugra mahavidya is like and the grit

needed to perform it.


jai gurudev


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