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dear all,


Today iam very happy, so am posting about the siva dance from

sivananda as is



The Tandava or celestial dance of Lord Siva is extremely thrilling

and charming,

exquisitely graceful in pose and rhythm and intensely piercing in


Nritya or Tandava is an inseparable, sacred movement of the various

limbs of the body in

accordance with the inner divine Bhava. Nritya is a divine science.

The Adigurus for this celestial

Nritya were Lord Siva, Krishna and Mother Kali. In Nritya, the six

Bhavas, viz., Srishti, Samhara,

Vidya, Avidya, Gati and Agati are demonstrated.

The dance of Lord Siva is for the welfare of the world. The object of

His dance is to free the

souls from the fetters of Maya, from the three bonds of Anava, Karma

and Maya. He is not the

destroyer but He is the regenerator. He is the Mangala Data and

Ananda Data, bestower of

auspiciousness and bliss. He is more easily pleased than Lord Hari,

He grants boons quickly, for a

little Tapas or a little recitation of His five letters.


`Aghada Bhum' is His song of dance. When Siva starts His dance

Brahma, Vishnu, the Siva

Ganas and Kali with Her bowl of skull, join Him. Have you not seen

the picture of Pradosha Nritya?

It will give you an idea of the dance of Siva.

Kali was very proud of Her ability in dancing. Siva started dancing

to quell Her pride. He

danced very beautifully, very artistically. Kali had to put Her face

down in shame.

Lord Siva wears a deer in the left upper hand. He has trident in the

right lower arm. He has

fire and Damaru and Malu, a kind of weapon. He wears five serpents as

ornaments. He wears a

garland of skulls. He is pressing with His feet the demon Muyalaka, a

dwarf holding a cobra. He

faces south. Panchakshari itself is His body. Lord Siva

says: "Control the five senses which are

hissing like serpents. The mind is jumping like a deer. Control the

mind. Burn it in the fire of

meditation. Strike it down with the Trisula of discrimination. You

can attain Me". This is the

philosophical significance of the picture of Lord Siva.

You can witness the dance of Siva in the rising waves of the ocean,

in the oscillation of the

mind, in the movements of the senses and the Pranas, in the rotation

of the planets and

constellations, in cosmic Pralaya, in epidemics of infectious

diseases, in huge inundations and

volcanic eruptions, in earthquakes, landslips, lightning and thunder,

in huge conflagrations and

cyclonic storm.

As soon as the Guna Samya Avastha, wherein the three Gunas exist in a

state of equilibrium,

is disturbed by the will of the Lord, the Gunas manifest and

quintuplication of elements takes place.

There is vibration of Omkara or Sabda Brahman. There is manifestation

of primal energy. This is

the dance of Siva. The whole cosmic play or activity or Lila is the

dance of Siva. All movements

within the cosmos are His dance. He gazes on Prakriti and energises

Her. Mind, Prana, matter begin

to dance. When He begins to dance, the Sakti Tattva manifests. From

Sakti, Nada proceeds and

from Nada, Bindu originates. Then the universe of names and forms is

projected. The

undifferentiated matter, energy and sound become differentiated.

The burning grounds are the abodes of Siva. Rudra is the destructive

aspect of the Lord.

Lord Siva dances in the crematorium with Kali, in His ten-armed form.

The Siva Ganas also join

with Him in the dance.

Nataraja of Chidambaram is the expert dancer. He has four hands. He

wears the Ganga and

the crescent moon on His matted locks. He holds Damaru in His right

hand. He shows Abhaya

Mudra to His devotees with His raised left hand. The significance

is: "O devotees! Do not be afraid.

I shall protect you all." One left hand holds the fire. The other

right hand points down on the Asura

Muyalaka who is holding a cobra. He has raised the left foot in a

beautiful manner.

The sound of the drum invites the individual souls to His feet. It

represents Omkara. All the

Sanskrit alphabets have come out of the play of the Damaru. Creation

arises from Damaru. The

hand which shows Abhaya Mudra gives protection. Destruction proceeds

from fire. The raised foot

indicates Maya or illusion. The hand which points down shows that His

feet are the sole refuge of

the individual souls. Tiruakshi represents Omkara or Pranava.



Chidambaram is a sacred place of pilgrimage in South India. All the

Tamil saints have sung

hymns in praise of Nataraja. There is Akasa Linga here which

indicates that Lord Siva is formless

and attributeless. The popular saying goes: "He who dies in Banares

with Ramanam in his lips and

heart, attains salvation. He who remembers Arunachalam or

Tiruvannamalai attains Mukti. He who

gets Darsana of Nataraja attains final emancipation." Real

Chidambaram is within the heart.

Nataraja dances in the hearts of devotees who have burnt egoism,

lust, hatred, pride and jealousy.

He dances quite gently. If He dances vehemently the whole earth will

sink down at once. He

dances with His eyes closed, because the sparks from His eyes will

consume the entire universe.

The five activities of the Lord, Panchakriyas, viz., Srishti

(creation), Sthiti (preservation), Samhara

(destruction), Tirobhava (illusion) and Anugraha (grace), are the

dances of Siva.

May you all comprehend the true significance of the dance of Siva.

May you all dance in

ecstasy in tune with Lord Siva and merge in Him and enjoy the

Sivananda, the final beatitude of






for more go to this link



Jai Gurudev

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Jay Gurudev

Thanks so much

I t is always great hearing about Shiv

Can you please explain the importance of Paarad Shivling

thanks love





birendra_m <birendra_m > wrote:

dear all,Today iam very happy, so am posting about the siva dance from sivananda

as is"The Tandava or celestial dance of Lord Siva is extremely thrilling and

charming,exquisitely graceful in pose and rhythm and intensely piercing in

effect.Nritya or Tandava is an inseparable, sacred movement of the various

limbs of the body inaccordance with the inner divine Bhava. Nritya is a divine

science. The Adigurus for this celestialNritya were Lord Siva, Krishna and

Mother Kali. In Nritya, the six Bhavas, viz., Srishti, Samhara,Vidya, Avidya,

Gati and Agati are demonstrated.The dance of Lord Siva is for the welfare of

the world. The object of His dance is to free thesouls from the fetters of

Maya, from the three bonds of Anava, Karma and Maya. He is not thedestroyer but

He is the regenerator. He is the Mangala Data and Ananda Data, bestower

ofauspiciousness and bliss. He is more easily pleased than Lord Hari, He grants

boons quickly, for alittle Tapas or a little recitation of His five

letters.38`Aghada Bhum' is His song of dance. When Siva starts His dance

Brahma, Vishnu, the SivaGanas and Kali with Her bowl of skull, join Him. Have

you not seen the picture of Pradosha Nritya?It will give you an idea of the

dance of Siva.Kali was very proud of Her ability in dancing. Siva started

dancing to quell Her pride. Hedanced very beautifully, very artistically. Kali

had to put Her face down in shame.Lord Siva wears a deer in the left upper

hand. He has trident in the right lower arm. He hasfire and Damaru and Malu, a

kind of weapon. He wears five serpents as ornaments. He wears agarland of

skulls. He is pressing with His feet the demon Muyalaka, a dwarf holding a

cobra. Hefaces south. Panchakshari itself is His body. Lord Siva says: "Control

the five senses which arehissing like serpents. The mind is jumping like a deer.

Control the mind. Burn it in the fire ofmeditation. Strike it down with the

Trisula of discrimination. You can attain Me". This is thephilosophical

significance of the picture of Lord Siva.You can witness the dance of Siva in

the rising waves of the ocean, in the oscillation of themind, in the movements

of the senses and the Pranas, in the rotation of the planets andconstellations,

in cosmic Pralaya, in epidemics of infectious diseases, in huge inundations

andvolcanic eruptions, in earthquakes, landslips, lightning and thunder, in

huge conflagrations andcyclonic storm.As soon as the Guna Samya Avastha,

wherein the three Gunas exist in a state of equilibrium,is disturbed by the

will of the Lord, the Gunas manifest and quintuplication of elements takes

place.There is vibration of Omkara or Sabda Brahman. There is manifestation of

primal energy. This isthe dance of Siva. The whole cosmic play or activity or

Lila is the dance of Siva. All movementswithin the cosmos are His dance. He

gazes on Prakriti and energises Her. Mind, Prana, matter beginto dance. When He

begins to dance, the Sakti Tattva manifests. From Sakti, Nada proceeds andfrom

Nada, Bindu originates. Then the universe of names and forms is projected.

Theundifferentiated matter, energy and sound become differentiated.The burning

grounds are the abodes of Siva. Rudra is the destructive aspect of the

Lord.Lord Siva dances in the crematorium with Kali, in His ten-armed form. The

Siva Ganas also joinwith Him in the dance.Nataraja of Chidambaram is the expert

dancer. He has four hands. He wears the Ganga andthe crescent moon on His matted

locks. He holds Damaru in His right hand. He shows AbhayaMudra to His devotees

with His raised left hand. The significance is: "O devotees! Do not be afraid.I

shall protect you all." One left hand holds the fire. The other right hand

points down on the AsuraMuyalaka who is holding a cobra. He has raised the left

foot in a beautiful manner.The sound of the drum invites the individual souls to

His feet. It represents Omkara. All theSanskrit alphabets have come out of the

play of the Damaru. Creation arises from Damaru. Thehand which shows Abhaya

Mudra gives protection. Destruction proceeds from fire. The raised

footindicates Maya or illusion. The hand which points down shows that His feet

are the sole refuge ofthe individual souls. Tiruakshi represents Omkara or

Pranava.39LORD SIVA AND HIS WORSHIPChidambaram is a sacred place of pilgrimage

in South India. All the Tamil saints have sunghymns in praise of Nataraja.

There is Akasa Linga here which indicates that Lord Siva is formlessand

attributeless. The popular saying goes: "He who dies in Banares with Ramanam in

his lips andheart, attains salvation. He who remembers Arunachalam or

Tiruvannamalai attains Mukti. He whogets Darsana of Nataraja attains final

emancipation." Real Chidambaram is within the heart.Nataraja dances in the

hearts of devotees who have burnt egoism, lust, hatred, pride and jealousy.He

dances quite gently. If He dances vehemently the whole earth will sink down at

once. Hedances with His eyes closed, because the sparks from His eyes will

consume the entire universe.The five activities of the Lord, Panchakriyas,

viz., Srishti (creation), Sthiti (preservation), Samhara(destruction),

Tirobhava (illusion) and Anugraha (grace), are the dances of Siva.May you all

comprehend the true significance of the dance of Siva. May you all dance

inecstasy in tune with Lord Siva and merge in Him and enjoy the Sivananda, the

final beatitude oflife!"for more go to this


GurudevJay Gurudev Terms of


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