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, "NIKHIL KESHAV" <nikhilkeshav@h...> wrote:





> hi jai gurudev

> my name is nikhil keshav

> i wrote to u a few days ago to advice me about my friend who is


> problems such as bad spirits. she fels someone is pulling her from


> can u please advice me on what to do or read my other mail i sent


> earlier

> jai gurudev





sorry some one should have answered, probably they might have forgot,

nice that you reminded again.


if i understand correctly , she faces the problem during the nights

only ,( and she is depressed as a result of this).


so iam assuming she is functional and OK during the daytime except

for the depression.


so if she can do the "shiva kavach" which is in the file section, i

hope that is one good solution


or if she can pray heartfully to her beloved lord, and sing a stotra

to the lord with the "submitted" bhavana until, she feels completly OK

that will also do.



other memebers can suggest or point to certain references.




i have rough translation of "shiva kavach " done by sivananda

so try to recite the kavach and try to match the translation that i

am posting below to the shlokas, becos one will enjoy the shloka, and

it looks more natural and less mechanical,


its not necessary that one should understand the shloka, just tell

your prayer and recite the kavach consistently with hope and faith

(postive attitude) that lord shiva is protecting her always at all



day by day she should grow in confidence, that is the sign that her

recitation is working



here is the translation its streamlines the recitation , especially

when it is long


translation start




Rishi Rishabha spoke to the prince:

Om! My Salutations unto Lord Neelakantha, the Beloved of Uma, the

three-eyed and

thousand-armed Sambhu, who destroys the enemies by His mighty valour!


I now, for your good, reveal the supreme secret of all penances,

possessing which you will

be ever successful, redeemed from all sins and pains.


After adoring the Omnipresent Lord, I declare the esoteric truth of

Siva-Kavacha, for the

weal and welfare of the human beings.


Having seated himself in composure, in a sacred place, one should

contemplate upon the

Imperishable Siva, with all his senses subdued and Pranas controlled.

He is to meditate upon the Subtle and Infinite, having installed Him

in the lotus of the heart,

who is all-pervading and beyond the senses.

Having disentangled himself from the bond of actions, by constant

meditation and merging

wholly in the Supreme Bliss, and with his heart ever intent on the

Shadakshara, "Om Namah

Sivaya", he is to protect himself thus wearing the armour of Siva



May that Supreme Divinity raise me from the dark fathomless well of

Samsara, and may His

glorious name destroy my sins in their totality.

May He render me free from all fears in all places, who exists in all

forms, who is

all-blissful, who is smaller than the smallest and is possessed of

Mighty Power.


May the eightfold form of Siva who supports the universe as earth,

protect me from all

earthly ailments, and may He who gives life to humanity as water,

remove all my fears from water.


May the Kala Rudra, who having burnt the worlds at the end of Kalpa,

engages Himself in

Tandava rescue me from all troubles from wild conflagrations and wind.

May He, the four-headed Trinayana, who is resplendent like lightning

and gold, look after

me in the East, and He who holds axe, Veda, hook, noose, trident and

rosary in His hands, whose

colour is dark and glossy as the raining clouds, in the South.

I adore Him who is pure and spotless as jasmine, moon, conch and

crystal, who bears the

Vedas and rosary in His hands, as the emblems of bestowing boons and

fearlessness, for my safety

in the West; and Him who shines like the filament of a blossoming

lotus, in the North.


May the five-faced Isvara, who is white and transparent as the

crystal, who holds hook,

noose, hatchet, skull, drum and trident in His hands and also the

Vedas and a rosary as the token of

security, protect me above.


I pray to Lord Chandramauli to take care of my head, Phalanetra to

look after my forehead,

and Him, the destroyer of lust, for the protection of my eyes.

I worship Visvanatha, who is renowned in Vedas and who holds a skull

in His hand to keep

my nose, ears and skull, safe and sound.


The five-faced Lord, whose tongue is the very Vedas, may protect my

face and tongue; the

blue-necked One who holds Pinaka in His hands may protect my throat

and my hands.


May the Lord, the destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha, whose arms

are the very

embodiment of Dharma, guard my chest and arms against all dangers and



May my hip, waist, stomach, navel, be in the care of Dhurjati, the

destroyer of Cupid, and

who holds the mountain as His bow.


I leave my thighs, knees and feet to His grace who is all graceful.

In the first watch of the day, may Mahesa be my protector; in the

second, Vamadeva;

Trilochana in the third and Vrishaketu in the fourth.

Sasishekara may keep me from all the evils in the evening, Gangadhara

during midnight,

Gauripati at dawn and Mrityunjaya at all times.

May Sankara be my protector when I am in, Sthanu, when I am out,

Pasupati in the

intermediate region and Sadasiva in all places.

May He, who is known by the Vedas, be my saviour when sitting, the

Lord of the Pramathas

while walking and the Sovereign Ruler of the universe while at rest.

May Nilakantha, the formidable foe of the three cities, dispel my

fears and dangers while on

the way, and amidst impassable mountainous peaks and valleys.

May the All-powerful Almighty save me from the cruel clutches of the

wild animals, while

journeying through thick forests.



I offer my hearty prayers to Lord Virabhadra who is as fierce as Yama

at the end of Kalpa

and whose terrible laughter causes the worlds to tremble, for

destroying my fears in crossing the

terrible ocean of formidable foes.


I worship the Lord, to destroy the fearful hosts of the enemy armies,

arrayed against with the

four divisions, infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants with the

sharp and ferocious edge of his



May the blazing fire emitted by the trident of the Lord, reduce the

desperadoes to ashes and

His bow, Pinaka, frighten the wild beasts such as tigers, lions and



May He protect me from all evils arising from inauspicious dreams and

omens, from all

mental and bodily agonies, and from all the calamities of different



I bow down to that Lord Sadasiva, who is that Supreme Truth, who is

the very form of holy

hymns and sacred rites, who is beyond all knowledge and truth, who is

the incarnation of Brahma

and Rudra, whose very eyes are the sun, moon and fire, who has a body

smeared with white holy



ashes, who wears a crown and artless jewellery, studded with various

gems and diamonds, who is

the creator, sustainer and destroyer of the whole universe, who

destroyed Daksha's sacrifice, who

kills the tide of time, who resides alone in Muladhara, who

transcends the categories of knowledge,

upon whose head the holy Ganga makes her permanent abode, who is

immanent in all beings, who

possesses the six qualities, who is the truth and essence of

philosophy, who is the means to attain the

three Vargas (Dharma, Artha and Kama), who is the Lord of the worlds,

who wears the eight

serpent-kings round His neck and who is the very form of Pranava.

I adore Him who is the embodiment of consciousness, whose form is of

ether and the

directions, who wears the necklace of stars and planets, who is pure

and spotless, who is the

preceptor of all the worlds, who is the Supreme Witness of the whole

universe, who is the Supreme

Secret of all Vedas, who transcends all philosophy, who bestows boons

upon all His devotees and

who showers mercy upon the poor and ignorant.

I pray to the all-merciful Lord who is ever pure and all-blissful,

who is free from all lust,

greed and sorrow, who is bereft of all flaws and qualities, who is

devoid of desire, disease, ego and

attachment, who is all-pervading, endless and eternal, who is beyond

the chains of causes and

effects, in whom all pains and pleasures, pride, power and pomp,

fears and dangers, sins and

sufferings sink and die.



I worship Him, who is the embodiment of Pure Consciousness, in whom

doubts are dried

and actions cease, who is beyond all change, time and destruction,

who is full, pure, mute and

eternal, who is Satchidananda (Existence-Absolute, Knowledge-Absolute

and Bliss-Absolute),

who is the incommunicable place personified, who is all-effulgence

and effulgence embodied, who

is the beneficent One, the radiant vision of Infinite Beauty and

Beatitude. O my Lord! Victory on

Thee. Thou art the incarnation of Rudra, Raudra and Bhadra. Thou art

that Mahabhairava,

Kalabhairava. Thy garlands are the necklaces of skulls and Thou

holdest the divine weapons

Khatvanga, sword, skin (Charma), noose, hook, drum, trident, bow,

arrow, club, Sakti (a weapon)

and the like in Thy hands. O thousand-faced God! Thou art fearful to

look at with Thy terrible teeth

and Thy pealing laughter pierces through all the worlds. Serpents are

Thy ear-rings, Thy garlands

and bracelets. Thou wearest elephant-skin on Thy body. Thou art the

conqueror of death, the

destroyer of the three cities, O three-eyed God!

Thou art all-existent, Immanence of things, Essence of Peace, and the

Supreme Bliss and

Silence, O Sambhu! Thou art verily the Brahman of Veda and Vedanta.

Thou art all-pervading,

ancient and eternal. Save me, my Lord! Dispel my fears from unnatural

death and dangers, destroy

my enemies, with Thy trident and chop them off with the edge of Thy

sword. Frighten the bands of

Betala, Kushmanda and the like with the bow and arrows. Save me from

falling into the pit of

fearful hell and render me free and fearless. Cover me with Thy

armour and protect me always. I am

poor, meek, humble and helpless. I dedicate all at Thy feet and leave

myself at Thy disposal. Thou

art my only prop and saviour. O Lord Sadasiva! Mrityunjaya!

Tryambaka! Salutations to Thee

again and again.

Rishabha spoke: In this manner, I have unfolded the supreme secret of

Siva-Kavacha which

grants every boon and gratifies all desires and which relieves one

from all pains and sufferings.



Always, one clad in this (Armour of Siva), is free from all fears,

all dangers and downfall,

by His divine Grace.

One, released from chronic diseases and premature death, enjoys long

life and Eternal Bliss.

This Armour (of Siva) strikes at the root of evil and elevates one to

the lofty heights of peace

and prosperity.

One, in the end, redeemed from all sins and obstacles, attains the

blissful seat of salvation by

its mighty power.

Therefore my boy! Wear this presented by me with full faith, by which

you will be very


Suta said: Having spoken thus, sage Rishabha gave the prince a big

conch, a mighty sword

with which he would be able to conquer his enemies in no time.

Then he sprinkled some holy ashes on his body and gave the magnetic

touch which rendered

him feel the strength of twelve thousand elephants.

Having obtained such strength, power and courage, the prince shone

with the glory of the

autumn sun!

The Sage again told him: This sword given by me is purified by sacred

Mantras, by whose

mere sight, the enemy will become lifeless. Death itself will be

terrified and take to his heels.

Hearing the thundering sound of this conch, the enemies will fall

down unconscious, with

their weapons cast aside.

These are the two instruments which will destroy the opposing armies

and encourage your


Clad in Siva's Armour, you will destroy your enemies with these two

divine weapons. You

will obtain your ancestral kingdom and become the sovereign ruler of

this earth.

Consoling him thus, with all his blessings, the Sage after receiving

due respects and

honours, departed.



shivakavach link of the above english translation is found here



for the sanskrit version of the shloka go the file secion of the

, i think 'S' has posted a pdf file



i believe that any kavach will do!

if any one knows anything abt this solution,please help him out.




May Lord shiva bless her with success.

Jai Gurudev

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