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Tummo is a Buddhist "completion" technique. It is not mere kundalini

awakening. It is, but it fits into a larger tantric practice of

"generation" of ones persona as compassionate deities through chantings, and

various other ritual practices. Then tummo is begun to channel awareness

into higher levels of awareness of the void nature (samadhi) of existence.

The whole process thus purifys ones activity, emotions, mind, spirit.


Kundalini can be awakened though long distance means because thought occurs

from a superluminal base (faster than light). Thought can be said to

transcend time and space, so in effect one can directly transfer a

concentration of power to you. Though I would be sceptical, and for sure a

clear experience of the result to yourself should be perceived.


The danger of kundalini awakening is that one learns the entire contents of

the mind as it comes up for liberation. Both good and bad, and if one

hasn't learned how to just let go to the divine then one may start

identifying with the contents rather than the container. One can then take

off on tangents and follow what are really meaningless roads.


So one needs to really ask why they want to travel the kundalini path in the

first place. Are you tired of samskara? Do you wish to be liberated? Are

you wishing to develop the compassionate aspects of yourself to better help

humanity? These desires influence how well you will deal with your

personality dissolving into the cosmic. It isn't that a person looses

themselves, but rather it's like they begin to see the cosmic person through

the gaps in the individual. Sometimes it feels like poison. I daresay that

there's a long phase where one feels fear of letting go, but it passes with

long practice, and then one rushes to it again.


Those involved in the "completion" phase should for sure have renounced the

world at some point in the past, at least in mind. It's not that you have

to be a recluse or drop out, what I'm saying is that to be liberated you

have to let go, and how can you let go if you havent renounced the thing.


Just thoughts.

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