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Kundalini Question

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Hello friends,


I think, my kundalini might be getting activated though I am not

sure. I shall be grateful if I could get some help here.


My name is Ashish Marathe. I used to be an active member of this

group. I hope, some of the senior members still remember me. It all

started about three years ago. I was performing Guru Mantra

anushthan chanting 108 rounds in a single sitting daily. One day, I

suddenly felt some vibrations in my forehead. After a while, the

vibrations moved down to my throat (Vishuddha Chakra), then to

Anahat chakra and so on till Muladhar chakra. After that, the

vibrations disappeared. This continued for about a week. Then one

day, after reaching the Muladhar chakra, the vibrations intensified

and started moving upwards till my Agya chakra again. Few months

later, while I was performing Navarna Mantra anushthan in Navratri

chanting 175 rounds in a single sitting, the same things happened

again. This time, the intensity was almost twice.


Few days later, I got involved in my business and for the last two

year, did not perform any sadhana. This period has been very

painful. I experience sudden emotional surges. Sometimes I am very

happy, sometimes very angry or sad. I was convinced that I am

turning into a devil.


Recently, many messages regarding kundalini have been posted here.

After reading Anurag's experiences, I remembered my own experiences.

I decided to check whether I can feel the vibrations again. Last

night, I chanted a special kundalini related mantra given to me by

bade guruji, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, in 1996. Nothing happened.

Today, I tried again for about 2 hours and the vibrations retuned.

Initially, they were week; but, in the last 15 minutes of chanting

the intensified like never before. I am still feeling a lot of

activity in my spine.


My questions is, "IS MY KUNDALINI GETTING ACTIVATED?" I have never

taken any kundalini related diksha though I have taken many other

dikshas including shaktipaat dikshas for 5 Mahavidyas.


Please, help me.




Ashish Marathe

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, "Ashish" <nikhilashish> wrote:


> Hello friends,


> I think, my kundalini might be getting activated though I am not

> sure. I shall be grateful if I could get some help here.


> My name is Ashish Marathe. I used to be an active member of this

> group. I hope, some of the senior members still remember me. It all

> started about three years ago. I was performing Guru Mantra

> anushthan chanting 108 rounds in a single sitting daily. One day, I

> suddenly felt some vibrations in my forehead. After a while, the

> vibrations moved down to my throat (Vishuddha Chakra), then to

> Anahat chakra and so on till Muladhar chakra. After that, the

> vibrations disappeared. This continued for about a week. Then one

> day, after reaching the Muladhar chakra, the vibrations intensified

> and started moving upwards till my Agya chakra again. Few months

> later, while I was performing Navarna Mantra anushthan in Navratri

> chanting 175 rounds in a single sitting, the same things happened

> again. This time, the intensity was almost twice.


> Few days later, I got involved in my business and for the last two

> year, did not perform any sadhana. This period has been very

> painful. I experience sudden emotional surges. Sometimes I am very

> happy, sometimes very angry or sad. I was convinced that I am

> turning into a devil.


> Recently, many messages regarding kundalini have been posted here.

> After reading Anurag's experiences, I remembered my own


> I decided to check whether I can feel the vibrations again. Last

> night, I chanted a special kundalini related mantra given to me by

> bade guruji, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, in 1996. Nothing happened.

> Today, I tried again for about 2 hours and the vibrations retuned.

> Initially, they were week; but, in the last 15 minutes of chanting

> the intensified like never before. I am still feeling a lot of

> activity in my spine.


> My questions is, "IS MY KUNDALINI GETTING ACTIVATED?" I have never

> taken any kundalini related diksha though I have taken many other

> dikshas including shaktipaat dikshas for 5 Mahavidyas.


> Please, help me.


> Sincerely,


> Ashish Marathe




Ashsish yes your kundalini is GETTING ACTIVATED, all this stuff

happens to me too, when ever i sit in sadhana with a devoted mind

intense longing for gurudev in my heart even till today, i

expereinced all these

moving up and down from my head region to muladhara chakra quite a

few times in "sadhan shivirs" at that time my body feel REAL STRONG

LIKE STEEL, and lot of activity at the spine region.


but the sad thing is that i never sit so long to stabilize that in a

chakra, for some reason or the other i get up. when i am in intensly

devoted mind i find lot of joy other ,but some times when iam not in

devoted i feel like "BURNING SENSATIONS" at various part of my body.



so you too are having the same stuff, but one thing i observed is that


i am not able to do it, i feel that i will be "BLOWN AWAY" by the


but one fine day ill try.



welcome to the SPIRITUAL WORLD


good luck


Jai Gurudev

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> >

> > My questions is, "IS MY KUNDALINI GETTING ACTIVATED?" I have


> > taken any kundalini related diksha though I have taken many other

> > dikshas including shaktipaat dikshas for 5 Mahavidyas.

> >



see i never took any kundalini diksha,


i get to this state whenever

1) i recite "any mantra " seriously for some time

2) when i feel love/longing for Gurudev/lord


Kundalini is AWAKENED in JOY RUHSES FORTH UPWARD when you know the





Jai Gurudev

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Ashish remember one day you said that when you took some "MAHAVIDYA"

DEEKSHA , you told that you ate 20 /30 puri, drank 12 lassi,sorry i

dont remember the no's correctly,


you know why it happened, its because your "KUNDALINI GOT AWAKENED


i wanted to tell you that but i really didnt get a chance , now i



the fact that you ate like a "SUPER HUMAN" is itself the proof/bench

mark of kundalini activation into MANIPURAKA/SWADISHTANA


and when you go to higher chakras probably you start seeing "past

present future lives"...


but i think a regular discipline is required to maintain the kundalini

at particular chakras, which can only be got when one purses this

with consistency and intensity.



i know that lot of people who went to "SADHANA SHIVIRS" of BADE

GURUDEV have experienced this STUFF being unaware of it.


BADE Gurudev tried many ways to GIVE US who DEVOTED them selves to






Jai Gurudev

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Hi Ashish,


Hey thats great. Guru Mantra and Navaran mantra both help a

great deal in activating kundalini. If kundalini is awakened at times we

tend to become very very very sensitive. Anger gets intensified like

anything once we get angry (if kundalini awakewned). What i try to do is

control it and it passes away after sometime.


I became very sensitive to the food i eat, sounds, anger.


My understanding is we have to conquer these emotions to move on the path of

enlightment. These emotions appear because we might be weak in dealing with

such emotions.


Once awakened kundalini effects our physical body. If after activation we

don't keep our regular practice then it still activated but we are not using

it. Accoprding to our lifestyle slowly this energ will start die out again

and this will happen in balanced /unbalanced way depending on our lifestyle.

Whenever the kundalini is unbalanced we will feel pain etc.


Also once kundalini is awakened it tries to rise daily right at time we

perform our sadhana ( something like hunger). i look at it like this body

become used to kundalini energy. If one is not following sadhana regularly

then the passages along which kundalini flows again start getting blocked (

depending on lifestyle ) and when kundalini tries to rise and makes it way

through blocked paths its then that we get pain.



My advice is keep doing some mantra japa regularly that will slowly (if

kundalini awakening gets in the way of your daily life) awaken your

kundalini. Its very important to keep it balanced. Guru Mantra, Guru Pujan

helps a great deal. i remember after getting kundalini dikshaa i wasn't able

to sleep properly for 3 days. i tried Bhajans, Guru Pujan and after sometime

things became fine.



In two years your pasages have got blocked ( somewhat ) again thats why u

need to more work to feel that again as compared to the time when kundalini

energy was running through you up and down.


I feel (based on my experience) consistency and balance are the golden words

in kundalini awakening.







>Ashish [nikhilashish]

>Wednesday, November 27, 2002 12:15 AM


> Kundalini Question




>Hello friends,


>I think, my kundalini might be getting activated though I am not

>sure. I shall be grateful if I could get some help here.


>My name is Ashish Marathe. I used to be an active member of this

>group. I hope, some of the senior members still remember me. It all

>started about three years ago. I was performing Guru Mantra

>anushthan chanting 108 rounds in a single sitting daily. One day, I

>suddenly felt some vibrations in my forehead. After a while, the

>vibrations moved down to my throat (Vishuddha Chakra), then to

>Anahat chakra and so on till Muladhar chakra. After that, the

>vibrations disappeared. This continued for about a week. Then one

>day, after reaching the Muladhar chakra, the vibrations intensified

>and started moving upwards till my Agya chakra again. Few months

>later, while I was performing Navarna Mantra anushthan in Navratri

>chanting 175 rounds in a single sitting, the same things happened

>again. This time, the intensity was almost twice.


>Few days later, I got involved in my business and for the last two

>year, did not perform any sadhana. This period has been very

>painful. I experience sudden emotional surges. Sometimes I am very

>happy, sometimes very angry or sad. I was convinced that I am

>turning into a devil.


>Recently, many messages regarding kundalini have been posted here.

>After reading Anurag's experiences, I remembered my own experiences.

>I decided to check whether I can feel the vibrations again. Last

>night, I chanted a special kundalini related mantra given to me by

>bade guruji, Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali, in 1996. Nothing happened.

>Today, I tried again for about 2 hours and the vibrations retuned.

>Initially, they were week; but, in the last 15 minutes of chanting

>the intensified like never before. I am still feeling a lot of

>activity in my spine.


>My questions is, "IS MY KUNDALINI GETTING ACTIVATED?" I have never

>taken any kundalini related diksha though I have taken many other

>dikshas including shaktipaat dikshas for 5 Mahavidyas.


>Please, help me.




>Ashish Marathe



>Jay Gurudev






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Jay Gurudev

Hai Ashish

Great to hear about your kundalini stuff,great to see your determination by

which u can sit and chant even 175 rounds of malas,i haven't went beyond 70 in

a single stretch These vibrations or movements in spinal cord u are talking

about happens to me also sometimes ,i never took kundalini deeksha,but it is

one of my dream sadhanas.these vibrations happens as i notice when after

reciting mantras for some time mind becomes calm and joyful,i experienced some

stuff of this while doing tara mahavidhya sadhana and i love that experience

I am also looking forward to kundalini activation








Ashish <nikhilashish > wrote:

JAI GURUDEVHello friends,I think, my kundalini might be getting activated though

I am not sure. I shall be grateful if I could get some help here.My name is

Ashish Marathe. I used to be an active member of this group. I hope, some of

the senior members still remember me. It all started about three years ago. I

was performing Guru Mantra anushthan chanting 108 rounds in a single sitting

daily. One day, I suddenly felt some vibrations in my forehead. After a while,

the vibrations moved down to my throat (Vishuddha Chakra), then to Anahat

chakra and so on till Muladhar chakra. After that, the vibrations disappeared.

This continued for about a week. Then one day, after reaching the Muladhar

chakra, the vibrations intensified and started moving upwards till my Agya

chakra again. Few months later, while I was performing Navarna Mantra anushthan

in Navratri chanting 175 rounds in a single sitting, the same things happened

again. This time, the intensity was almost twice.Few days later, I got involved

in my business and for the last two year, did not perform any sadhana. This

period has been very painful. I experience sudden emotional surges. Sometimes I

am very happy, sometimes very angry or sad. I was convinced that I am turning

into a devil.Recently, many messages regarding kundalini have been posted here.

After reading Anurag's experiences, I remembered my own experiences. I decided

to check whether I can feel the vibrations again. Last night, I chanted a

special kundalini related mantra given to me by bade guruji, Dr. Narayan Dutt

Shrimali, in 1996. Nothing happened. Today, I tried again for about 2 hours and

the vibrations retuned. Initially, they were week; but, in the last 15 minutes

of chanting the intensified like never before. I am still feeling a lot of

activity in my spine.My questions is, "IS MY KUNDALINI GETTING ACTIVATED?" I

have never taken any kundalini related diksha though I have taken many other

dikshas including shaktipaat dikshas for 5 Mahavidyas.Please, help

me.Sincerely,Ashish MaratheJay GurudevYour use of is subject to


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i remember after getting kundalini dikshaa i wasn't able

> to sleep properly for 3 days. i tried Bhajans, Guru Pujan and after


> things became fine.




i agree with anurag, in the past few yrs i never performed any

sadhana with intensity, i think all thru my sadhana life cycle it was

only 2/3 times i sat

continiously for 3hrs, but on one of the 3 hr sitting , i was at the

verge of kundalini explosion, i was confident that i would be able to

burst it open, i never thought abt how i would control it, but my

feelling was solely to get it open, but i dont know for some reason i

just got up, i really curse myself even till today as to why i got up,

becos it takes "good frame of mind " to sit for 3 hrs, your asana

gets stabilised,to this day i am not able to get to that frame of

mind to sit for 3 hrs, that night and the following day i really

couldnt sleep properly , the feeling was very different. The activity

in spinal region was HEAVY but i didnt had any pain, but i still long

to make my attempt successful, one fine day by GURUDEV's loving grace

i will do it.


Ashish dont try too hard as anurag said , balance is important.


for people like me intensity and consistency is imp, becos i dont do

my sadhanas seriously, ashsish as you have intensity and consistency

the problem for you would be balance...



so watch words are intensity,consistensy and balance(not overdoing it

due to our greed)


Jai Gurudev

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