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past life regressions

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A few months back while surfing I had happened to read this book by a

trained hypnotist Irene Hickmann where she details some past life

regressions she performed which left an impression on me. Actually I

was looking for a book called yogic pranayam by some joshi. They have

several online books there minus the illustrations – very easy

reading, some good, some junky. Here are some extracts from Irene

Hickmann's book as I happened to chance upon it again.






One of the more dramatic cases that illustrates the need to relieve

the stored emotional pressures was the case of Kitty Brown (not her

real name.)

Kitty came to me asking me to help her resolve a troublesome

conflict. Among her acquaintances was a man for whom she felt intense

attraction alternating with equally intense revulsion. Kitty was

married to a dependant and somewhat immature man, but she felt

content in the marriage and was not seeking out another man. Neither

her attraction nor her revulsion to the acquaintance made sense to

her. She could find no explanation for either feeling, which were

becoming so troublesome that she felt she must have some help to

resolve the ambivalence.

The first three sessions with Kitty were unproductive of any relevant

material. During the fourth session she related feeling herself

standing on a hilltop overlooking a valley. She could describe the

valley, and feel the gentle breeze blowing back her long light brown

hair. She also felt deep sorrow. No other details were given.

The following session found Kitty again on the hilltop. She said that

she went to the hill because she wanted to think. In the valley was a

small village. Session by session she would add details. She lived in

one of the houses in the village. She had an illegitimate son, still

a baby. Bit by bit over a number of sessions, she revealed that she

lived alone with her child, a social outcast shunned by the other

villagers. The first real breakthrough came during a session during

which she relived a day in which she had gone up on the hill to

commune with her inner self leaving her infant son asleep in his crib

as she had done countless times before. When she returned this day

she found that the baby had wakened, had left his crib, had crawled

across the floor and had fallen face down in the hot coals of the

fireplace. She felt terribly guilty about this. This added more

weight to the guilt she felt for bearing him out of wedlock.

She said she know there was something more about the house she needed

to know. She felt that if she could move to the house and look into

the window, she would know what it was.

Several sessions later she was able to approach the house and to

reluctantly look into the window. Then she started to scream. She

screamed and moaned for several minutes. I calmed her as best I could

be saying, "It's all right. You can scream about this, but you do not

need to be afraid of it. Whatever it is, it is now in the past. Just

relax and tell me what you see."

The tension slowly left her. She told me what she had seen in the

window. She said, "I see my body hanging by a rope from the rafters.

I see my baby crawling across the floor and reaching up toward the

body. I see my real self over in the corner observing the scene and

helpless to do anything about it.

Further sessions filled in further details until the whole story was

revealed. Her lover in that life was the man who now both attracted

and repelled her. She had loved and hated him then. The feeling

stored deep within her memory kept surfacing again and again. The old

love was mixed with her distress and agony of being deserted when

pregnant and left to fend for herself in a bigoted, narrow and

unforgiving village. The added guilt of seeing her child's scarred

burned face left her with no solution she thought except to hang

herself. Then when her real self saw what she had done - that she had

not really died, but had really merely deserted her helpless child,

the guilt became even more overpowering.

As a result of our work together, Kitty was able to deal with the

love-hate ambivalence and to understand the clinging dependency of

her husband whom she recognized as the child she had deserted in that

life. This was one of the most difficult problems brought to me.

Kitty had reason to resist knowing her past history.



Justin Arnold (not his real name) was one who needed to be shown. He

suffered from recurrent stomach ulcers and often felt extremely

lonely and depressed. He was a very intelligent professional person

in his early thirties. Justin doubted everything. He questioned my

qualifications as a doctor because I was a woman. He doubted the

value of hypnotism. He did not think he could be hypnotized. He

especially doubted that there was anything about age regression that

could help him. He even considered age regression as impossible.

If anything these doubts helped, for he quickly became a very good

hypnotic subject. Expecting nothing, his resistance was minimal.

Early in the second session Justin began to tell about Christmas when

he was six years old. He was standing at the blackboard in his school

room with his favorite girl friend. Here is the transcript.

Dr. H. What's your girl friend's name.

J. A. Jean.

Dr. H. What's your name?

J. A. Justin.

Dr. H. I am going to count back one more year and you will be five.

1,244,5. Now you are five years old. Find a happy time and tell me

about it.

J. A. I'm with my grandma.

Dr. H. Tell me about your grandma.

J. A. She loves me, but I'm naughty.

Dr. H. What did you do?

J. A. I hid in the closet. She can't find me.

Dr. H. What happened?

J. A. She called my dad.

Dr. H. Then what happened?

J. A. I got a spanking.

Dr. H. Who spanked you?

J. A. Daddy. Real hard.

Dr. H. Are you naughty very much?

J. A. No.

Dr. H. Let's go back a little further and see what it is like when

you were four years old. 1,2,3,4. You are four. Tell me what you are

doing now.

J. A. (Begins to cry) Nobody wanted me.

Dr. H. Why didn't they want you? If you talk about it you will feel

much better.

J. A. (Sobs deeply).

Dr. H. It's very hard for a little boy that's just four to feel this

way, I know. But tell me about it and you will feel better. Where is

your daddy?

J. A. Gone.

Dr. H. Where's grandma?

J. A. I can't find her.

Dr. H. Where are you living?

J. A. The city.

Dr. H. What town is it?

J. A. I don't know.

Dr. H. Where is your mother?

J. A. She didn't want me.

Dr. H. Who are you living with?

J. A. Lots of places.

Dr. H. Are they good to you? (Continues to sob.) Well, we'll not talk

about it now - some other time. Let's go to a time when you were

three. Go back until you are three years old, and tell me about it.

Is it happier when you are three?

J. A. No.

Dr. H. Where are you living now?

J. A. New Mexico

Dr. H. Who are you living with in New Mexico?

J. A. Grandma. We go to church.

Dr. H. What are some of the other things you do?

J. A. We just go to church.

Dr. H. Now let's go back to the time you were two years old. Now you

are two. Look around you and tell me what is happening.

J. A. It's better.

Dr. H. What's better?

J. A. Grandpa is here. He loves me. He sings.

Dr. H. What is he singing?

J. A. Oh, dem golden slippers.

Dr. H. What else does he sing?

J. A. Ten little Indians. He plays the fiddle too.

Dr. H. That is pretty good isn't it? So now we will go on back to one

year -to the time you are one year old. Now you are one year old.

Tell me exactly how you feel. and what's happening all around you.

You will be able to speak about it as an adult, but you are actually

living the experience as a baby one year old. (Began to cry, and then

sob.) Tell me what is the matter.

J. A. (More crying and sobbing.) I'm all alone.

Dr. H. Where are you?

J. A. In a room. I'm locked in.

Dr. H. Who locked you in?

J. A. Mother.

Dr. H. Do you know where your mother went when

she locked you in?

J. A. No. I'm hungry. I'm on the floor. I'm crying.

Dr. H. Have you been there long?

J. A. Uh huh.

Dr. H. Now let's go forward a little bit- until someone comes and

unlocks the door. You will know who it is, and what they do and say.

(Pause.) Who is it that comes in?

J. A. My daddy. He picks me up. He loves me. He's holding me.

Dr. H. What does he say to you?

J. A. "Everything's going to be all right."

Dr. H. Now you feel better. Now we're going back a little further to

the time just before you were born. You are able to think about this

as an adult, but you will be feeling everything just as you did when

you originally went through it. As I count backward to zero you will

be in the birth canal just about to be born. And you will know what

it feels like. You will experience your birth, still thinking about

it as an adult so that it does not upset you. One, zero. You are

ready to be born. Tell me everything that is happening to you, and

whether you are being born head first or feet first.

J. A. Head.

Dr. H. Now at the count of three the head will have been born, and

you will feel a lot better. 1,2,3. Now your head is born. The body is

not yet born. Tell me how you are feeling.

J. A. Relaxed

Dr. H. You are able to hear everything that is being said and to know

everything that is going on in the room. As the birth progresses you

will tell me everything that is happening and everything that is

being said in the room.

J. A. They're talking, but I can't hear.

Dr. H. You're going to be able to hear it a little clearer with the

count of three. 1,2,3. You are hearing plainer now. What are they

saying? Who is in the room besides you and your mother?

J. A. The doctor. He's young, blond. Mother's disappointed.

Dr. H. Why is mother disappointed?

J. A. I'm a boy.

Dr. H. Did you hear her say this?

J. A. Yes. She killed my brother.

Dr. H. Did she say that?

J. A. No.

Dr. H. How do you know it?

J. A. She didn't feed him.

Dr. H. You know that even though you are just a newborn baby? (This

would be knowing a fact which occurred before the present body was

conceived, as well as knowing it at the time of birth.)

J. A. Yes.

Dr. H. (If a soul has a choice as to what body it will occupy, one

might think that the soul would only choose the pleasant and happy

situations. But the soul, apparently, does not operate on the

pleasure-pain principle. It seeks to solve its karmic problems, to

work out its own perfection.) Do you know why you came to this mother?

J. A. No.

Dr. H. Well, we can go back a little further - back to the time

before birth, back to the time you will know why you are coming back

to live this life. So go back in time until you come to the time when

you have an awareness of the reason you are coming back into an earth

experience again. You will know why you are coming back to this

particular mother and father. You will know and you will be able to

tell me. So go back through time until the time of this decision. Now

you know why you came to these parents. Why did you come?

J. A. For my daddy.

Dr. H. Had you known him before? (Usually the soul returns to those

it has known before. This is often very necessary in order to

continue to work out some special karmic problem.)

J. A. Yes.

Dr. H. Let us now go back to the time when you knew your daddy

before. Your subconscious knows and it can search through your memory

until it finds the time when you and this daddy were together before.

When I reach the count of seven you will have found that time.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Look around you and tell me what is happening.

J. A. He's my brother.

Dr. H. Can you tell me the kind of house you live in?

J. A. A log cabin.

Dr. H. What part of the world are you living in?

J. A. United States.

Dr. H. Do you know what part?

J. A. It's the country.

Dr. H. Do you know the year it is?

J. A. Seventeen and something.

Dr. H. Tell me about your brother. What's his name?

J. A. Jerry.

Dr. H. Is he older or younger than you?

J. A. He's sixteen.

Dr. H. How old are you?

J. A. Nearly seven. (Laughs.)

Dr. H. What's happening?

J. A. I'm dressed so funny. High-topped black shoes. Buttons on them.

Fancy pants. A big straw hat on my head.

Dr. H. Do you go to school?

J. A. Yes, we write on slates.

Dr. H. Let's go to school and have a lesson and tell me exactly what

you are writing.

J. A. It's arithmetic. Four times six.

Dr. H. What's the answer?

J. A. Twenty four.

Dr. H. What happens if you get the wrong answer? Does the teacher

scold you?

J. A. Slaps you. Jerry's the only one who is good to me.

Dr. H. Let's go back through time to see if there was another time

when you and Jerry were together. Was there another time?

J. A. He's a grown man.

Dr. H. And you?

J. A. I'm grown too. He's in uniform, a soldier.

Dr. H. Do you know him well?

J. A. He's my sweetheart.

Dr. H. (Each soul, it is commonly believed, must experience life on

earth in both male and female bodies. I have had reports of many such

changes.) Would you like to marry him?

J. A. Oh, yes.

Dr. H. Are you able to get married to him? (Sadly.) No. He has to go

to war.

J. A. Does he come back from the war? No.

Dr. H. What is your name? Kathleen Morris.

J. A. Where are you living? In the south.

Dr. H. What year is it?

J. A. Civil war.

Dr. H. Now we will go forward in time to the time when you have lived

out that life as Kathleen and, just as a dream, you will be able to

know the cause of the death and how long the life lasted. You are

there now. Tell me what happened.

J. A. I'm old, real old.

Dr. H. How are you dressed?

J. A. Like a witch, in gray.

Dr. H. Did you ever get married in this life?

J. A. No. He never came back.

Dr. H. Now go forward until after this life has ended and you will be

between lives. You will know how it happened that you left the body

of Kathleen. Tell me what happened.

J. A. I died of old age. Alone.

Dr. H. There was no family at all?

J. A. None. No one at all.

Dr. H. Now you are between lives. Tell me what is happening, how you

feel, and what your thoughts are.

J. A. It's better. I saw him.

Dr. H. Your sweetheart?

J. A. (Joyfully.) Yes.

Dr. H. Are you with him now?

J. A. (Ecstatically.) Yes.

Dr. H. Now you are going forward in time to the time when you and

Jerry were brothers; and then into your present life when he is your

father. As I count to ten you will come forward all the way to the

present. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. You may wake up feeling very good.

Wake up.

After Justin wakened, I asked him how he felt." wonderful," he

said, "But somehow I feel different. What happened?"

He had no memory of what he had experienced. As he listened to the

tape recording the memory began to return. His eyes had a far-away

look. After hearing the tape he remarked, "So that's why I have

always felt so alone. I've been alone for many lives."

I touched his hand.- "That was a long time ago. Now that you have

reviewed this you can let go of that pattern and enjoy your life now.

You are not alone now."

A smile crossed his face. Thanks, he said, "very much."

His ulcers healed and did not recur. He was able to move out and

become more sociable. Within a year he was engaged to be married.

Both his health and his mood continued to improve.

It is surprising how many patients with long-existing and serious

problems are able to resolve them and return to health after only a

few hypnotic sessions.





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