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for some help TRATAK

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Shree GuruCharana Kamalebhyo Namah


> hELLO SIR. i want to learn hypnosis because i am very much

interested in it. i am trying to collect knowledge about i want to

know that weatner hypnosis work and if it how? i want knowledgs

about tratak i presently do not know much about tratak. please post

it to me i am from dahod gujarat will you post on myn add.



as you can do trataka in various ways few of them given by sivananda

are listed below



Keep the picture of your Ishta Devata in front of you. I shall tell

you now how to do Trataka

on Lord Vishnu. "Dhyeya sada savitri mandala madhyavarti, Narayana

sarasijasana sannivishta;

Keyuravan, Makara kundalavan, kirti harih hiranmaya vapuh; Dhrita

sankha chakra gada pane


Fix the mind first on the feet of Lord Vishnu, then on lotus under

the legs. Take it round the

yellow silken cloth the Pitambara, then to the golden Hara, the gem

on the breast, then ear-ring, then

the face, then the crown on the head, then the bracelets on the arm,

then the disc in the right upper

hand, then the conch in the left upper hand, then the Gada or mace in

the left lower hand. This is the

order. Then come down to the feet and start again to the upper parts.

Do like this again and again.

Whenever the mind runs away, fix it again and again, just as Lord

Krishna says in the Gita VI-25:

"Yato yato nischarati manaschanchalamasthiram

Tatastato niyamyaitadatmanyeva vasam nayet."


The conch representsOMor Sabdha Brahman. The disk is the destroyer of

the evil Vrittis or

Vasanas, the mace represents the emblem of sovereignty, the lotus at

the feet represents the world

or universe.

At the outset, you can do Trataka, after taking Asana, on a fine

black point on the wall in

front for 10 minutes. Slowly increase the time. Have a steady

uninterrupted gaze on the dot without

closing the eyes. You can also do Trataka after closing the two ears

with your two thumbs, on the

Anahat sound that rises from the Akasa of the heart. This will lead

to actual Laya, in the long run.

Then you can do Trataka on Lord Vishnu, Siva, Krishna or any other

Murthy. Trataka practice gives

tremendous power and removes a host of opthalmic ailments (eye

troubles) and bestows Divya




Practice Of Concentration



Fix the mind on some object either inside or outside the body. Keep

it steady there for some

time. This is concentration. You will have to practise this daily.

Purify the mind first through the practice of right conduct and then

take to the practice of

concentration. Concentration without purity is of no use. There are

some occultists who have

concentration; but they have no good character. This is the reason

why they do not make any

progress in the spiritual path.

He who has a steady posture and has purified the nerves and the vital

sheath by the constant

practice of control of breath will be able to concentrate easily.

Concentration will be intense if you

remove all distractions. A celibate who has preserved his energy will

have wonderful


Some foolish, impatient students take to concentration at once

without any preliminary

ethical training. This is a serious blunder. Ethical perfection is of

paramount importance.

You can concentrate internally on any one of the seven centres of

spiritual energy. Attention

plays a prominent part in concentration. He who has developed his

powers of attention will have

good concentration. A man who is full of passion and all sorts of

desires, can never concentrate on

any object even for a short period. His mind will be restless like

that of a monkey.

A scientist concentrates his mind and invents many things. Through

concentration he opens

the layers of the gross mind and penetrates deeply into the higher

regions of the mind and gets

deeper knowledge. He concentrates the energies of his mind and

focuses them on the materials he is

analysing and finds out their secrets.

He who has gained abstraction (withdrawing the senses from the

objects) will have good

concentration. You will have to pass on the spiritual path step by

step, stage by stage. To start with,

lay the foundation of right conduct, postures, regulation of breath,

and abstraction. The

superstructure of concentration and meditation will be successful

only then.


You should be able to visualise the object of concentration very

clearly even though it is not

there. You must form the mental picture at a moment's notice. If you

have good concentration you

can do this without much difficulty.

At the initial stage of practice you can concentrate on the tick-tick

sound of a watch, the

flame of a candle or any other object which is pleasing to the mind.

This is concrete concentration.

There is no concentration without something at which the mind may

rest. The mind can easily be

fixed on any object which is pleasing. It is very difficult to fix

the mind in the beginning on an object

which it dislikes.

Sit on lotus-pose, Padmasana, with crossed legs. Fix the gaze on the

tip of the nose. This is

called nasal gaze. Do not make any strained effort. Gently look at

the tip of the nose. Practise for

one minute in the beginning. Gradually increase to 30 minutes or one

hour. This practice steadies

the mind. It develops the power of concentration. Even when you walk

in the streets keep up this


Sit on lotus-pose with crossed legs or in "perfected pose"

(Siddhasana) in your meditation

room and practise fixing the mind at the junction of the eyebrows

gently for half a minute. Then

gradually increase the period to half an hour. There must not be the

least strain in this practice. This

practice removes the restlessness of mind and develops concentration.

This is known as the frontal

gaze because the eyes are directed towards the frontal bone of the

forehead. You can select either

the nasal gaze or the frontal gaze according to your temperament and


If you want to increase your power of concentration you will have to

reduce your worldly

activities. You will have to observe the vow of silence every day for

two hours or more.

Practise concentration till the mind is well established on the

object of concentration. When

the mind runs away from the object bring it back again.

When concentration is deep and intense, the senses cannot operate. He

who practises perfect

concentration for three hours daily will have tremendous psychic

powers. He will have a strong


There was a workman who used to manufacture arrows. Once he was very

busy at his work.

He was so much absorbed in his work that he could not notice even the

big party of a King and his

retinue passing in front of his shop. Such must be the nature of your

concentration when you fix

your mind on God. You must have the idea of God and God alone. No

doubt, it takes some time to

have complete concentration or attain one-pointedness of mind. You

will have to struggle very hard

to have a single-minded concentration.

Even if the mind runs outside during your practice in meditation do

not bother. Allow it to

run. Slowly try to bring it to your object of concentration. By

repeated practice the mind will be

finally focussed on your heart, on the Self, the Indweller of your

heart—-the final goal of life. In the

beginning the mind may run out 80 times. After six months it may run

70 times; within a year it may

run 50 times; within two years it may run 30 times; in five years it

may be completely fixed in the

Divine Consciousness. Then it will not run out at all even if you try

your best to bring it out. It will

be like a wandering bull which used to run to the gardens of

neighbours for grazing but which now

eats fresh grain and extract of cotton seeds in its own resting place.





vicky for hypnosis you should try to understand the nature and

working of the mind and the thoughts.

this dosent come in a short time, you can see some tangible results

say after few months of consistent and gradual increase in practise,

no spirtual sadhanas bear result in a short time especially during

your early stages of your spiritual path.



> secondly i want to ask that the kesav hypnosis mantra . that how it


> I dont know anything abt this keshav hynosis mantra, in fact iam

hearing it for the first time




good wishes

Jai Gurudev

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