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About Nadi purification.

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What are nadis ? What is this term "purification of

nadis"? What are the impurities? Are we born with

impure nadis? Since nadi purification is required for

handling Kundalini energy. Can anyone explain the

above process?




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Nadis refer to the channels in the astral body, and Tantra Shastras

say that there are 72,000 of them, and some even say that there are

350,000. We're "born" with impure nadis because of the attachments,

desires and karmas carried over from previous lives. So we could say

that the attachments and karmas constitute the "impurities", which

need to be removed. Perhaps we can liken the nadis to the nervous

system in the physical body.....so we could say that nadis

are "astral nerves".


In order to awaken the Kundalini, we need to be able to withdraw the

life force (prana) from these 72,000 nadis and concentrate it at the

point between the eyebrows. This produces a divine intoxication and

bliss, which is also referred to as "Paravastha". However, if the

nadis are blocked, then the prana also encounters blockages when we

try to withdraw it, and hence we still remain tied to the world of



Nadis can be cleansed through performance of Kriyas or through other

means such as mantras. With more cleansing the body becomes stronger,

and eventually the entire life force can be concentrated between the

eyebrows. The body now becomes "dead" (since the sensory signals are

shut off), but one begins to see the "spiritual eye", which appears

as a 5-pointed star, surrounded by a blue light, surrounded by

yellow. Then one needs to penetrate this star to enter the realm of

cosmic consciousness or "Christ Consciousness".


All these things constitute milestones in spiritual progress, but the

more important thing is to be focussed on one's sadhana with full

discipline, and that's the only way to achieve actual progress, so

that one can experience these milestones oneself.


I hope this has been of some help. Good luck in your sadhana and also

your life.


In Divine Friendship





, hhhh mmmm <hema484> wrote:

> What are nadis ? What is this term "purification of

> nadis"? What are the impurities? Are we born with

> impure nadis? Since nadi purification is required for

> handling Kundalini energy. Can anyone explain the

> above process?




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i can only tell from my personal experience and study of different articles on

kundalini. Nadis are some sort of channels in which kundalini flows. I think

each nadi has some power associated with it. Energy has to flow in these to

channels clearly to experience the power associated with that nadi. Different

mantras are make energy flow in different nadis in different manner. kundalini

will rise but to flow in a balanced manner nadis should be open. Energy will try

to force its way if the nadi is closed and cause pain.


This can be felt and i guess anyoe who is on the path awakening kundalini would

have felt it ( Energy trying to force it way through and also when it could

easily )


If a obstruction is there in a river, water will flow to lands and cause



In magazine once A Lama Mantra was given by Pujya Gurudev to pacify the

awakening of kundalini.



>hhhh mmmm [hema484]

>Thursday, December 12, 2002 2:35 AM


> About Nadi purification.



>What are nadis ? What is this term "purification of

>nadis"? What are the impurities? Are we born with

>impure nadis? Since nadi purification is required for

>handling Kundalini energy. Can anyone explain the

>above process?




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shree Gurucharana Kamalebhyonamah



i would recommend all those interested in understanding abt kundalini

and kundalini awakening and understand abt the ill effects it can

cause if one is not prepared/and some useful advise on how to handle

kundalini, so on and soforth , in the book called "kunadalini aghora

series 2 " by robert svaboda as told by our friend mukund, besides

reading shivananda and Gurudev.




what i would summarise from my understanding is that


1)the connection btw astral and the physical body is two way, each

influencing one another.


2)the prana tattva which is the sukshma(not visible/subtle) has its

own nervous system made of nadis.


3)becos of the Maya shakti, we, though being infinite, still identify

with the limited body(finite), this is becos our kundalini shakti

(divine mother)is asleep.


4) the aim of kundalini is to unite/withdraw our"individual prana"

into the "cosmic prana" ,when it is united ,duality cease to exist,

end of play.


5)we dont have control over our prana becos our kundalini is

asleep/not active.


6)one who has control prana, can control kundalini.

7)kundalini activation is a mega event, becos in this process all the

prana is being accumulated and diverted into sushmana nadi.


8)as sushmana nadi is the only cosmic link in our body thru which the

individual prana can be withdrawn and merged into the cosmin



9)kundalini is fully awakened only when it crosses the ajna chakra ,

becos the last granthi(rudra granthi) is over come in this chakra, so

one transcend body beyond this chakra, so he is out or birth/death



10)granthi's are 3 , that is the place where ida,pingala and sushmana

nadi meet , it happens at 3 chakras 1)brahma granti at muladhara

chakra2)vishny granthi at heart/anahata chakra 3)rudra granthi at

ajna chakra(eye brow), this three posts have to be crossed becos,

there is a good chance of spillover of concentrated pure prana into

ida/pingala , which may wreak havoc.



11) kundalini is major force becos the concentrated prana if not

controlled properly may spill into little nadis and may wreak havoc

in the nervous system, people may fall sick/die, even if they escape

that their aura would be damaged , which is an invitation to the

etheral spirits to have a free ride. even if aura is still intact,

this may lead ego inflations, as the person feels very energtic and

powerful and thinks that he is in command...



12) always think kundalini as the mother,(instead of just energy) as

a mother cant harm you in anyway


13)one has to prepare the body and do regular sadhana to raise

kundalini in controlled systematic way giving bliss,besides avoiding

spillover into other nadis, which causes pain and chaos in both

astral and physical nervous system,as both are linked.


14) kundalini can be raised in any way

by pure will,pranayam,devotion,mantra,selfless enquiry,...


iam ending it here...


Jai Gurudev

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I want to practise it

"birendra_m <birendra_m >" <birendra_m > wrote:

shree Gurucharana Kamalebhyonamahi would recommend all those interested in

understanding abt kundalini and kundalini awakening and understand abt the ill

effects it can cause if one is not prepared/and some useful advise on how to

handle kundalini, so on and soforth , in the book called "kunadalini aghora

series 2 " by robert svaboda as told by our friend mukund, besides reading

shivananda and Gurudev.what i would summarise from my understanding is that

1)the connection btw astral and the physical body is two way, each influencing

one another.2)the prana tattva which is the sukshma(not visible/subtle) has its

own nervous system made of nadis.3)becos of the Maya shakti, we, though being

infinite, still identify with the limited body(finite), this is becos our

kundalini shakti(divine mother)is asleep.4) the aim of kundalini is to

unite/withdraw our"individual prana" into the "cosmic prana" ,when it is united

,duality cease to exist,end of play.5)we dont have control over our prana becos

our kundalini is asleep/not active.6)one who has control prana, can control

kundalini.7)kundalini activation is a mega event, becos in this process all the

prana is being accumulated and diverted into sushmana nadi.8)as sushmana nadi

is the only cosmic link in our body thru which the individual prana can be

withdrawn and merged into the cosmin prana/consiousness.9)kundalini is fully

awakened only when it crosses the ajna chakra , becos the last granthi(rudra

granthi) is over come in this chakra, so one transcend body beyond this chakra,

so he is out or birth/death cycle.10)granthi's are 3 , that is the place where

ida,pingala and sushmana nadi meet , it happens at 3 chakras 1)brahma granti at

muladhara chakra2)vishny granthi at heart/anahata chakra 3)rudra granthi at ajna

chakra(eye brow), this three posts have to be crossed becos, there is a good

chance of spillover of concentrated pure prana into ida/pingala , which may

wreak havoc.11) kundalini is major force becos the concentrated prana if not

controlled properly may spill into little nadis and may wreak havoc in the

nervous system, people may fall sick/die, even if they escape that their aura

would be damaged , which is an invitation to the etheral spirits to have a free

ride. even if aura is still intact, this may lead ego inflations, as the person

feels very energtic and powerful and thinks that he is in command...12) always

think kundalini as the mother,(instead of just energy) as a mother cant harm

you in anyway13)one has to prepare the body and do regular sadhana to raise

kundalini in controlled systematic way giving bliss,besides avoiding spillover

into other nadis, which causes pain and chaos in both astral and physical

nervous system,as both are linked.14) kundalini can be raised in any wayby pure

will,pranayam,devotion,mantra,selfless enquiry,...iam ending it here...Jai

GurudevJay Gurudev







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, vickyc vickyc <vickycvickyc>



> How can kundalini be raised through mantras give it more in details


> I want to practise it




sorry i forgot to write one more point, that is KUNDALINI


should require a satguru's grace.


it is his job to give you the mantra,it is a big responsiblity, as

the aim of the kundalini is to merge in infinite/or to become

infinite, which occurs in sahashrara chakra in the head region, until

that time, he has to hold you,manage you, it is in a way a promise to

realisation, so it is for him to give you mantra/diksha.


This can only happen if the mother/Gurudev wills so, and inturn that

can only happen when you long to merge in your beloved directly or




so please your Guru, and get the required from him/ or he will

himself give you when the right time comes,

guru tests well before giving this PROMISE.


This should be your long term stratergy, as it takes lot of

commitment,discipline to accomplish. there is no shorter route




Jai Gurudev.

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Very enlightening info from our dear brother Biru.


I just would like to add that the ill-effects of uncontrolled

awakening are really dangerous. This was explained at length in the

auto biography of Pandit Gopi Krishna. He was a resident in Kashmir,

who aroused the kundalini by concentrating on sahasrara chakra,

without any training and guidance. For this reason, he suffered for

more than eight years by astral influences, night mares and many

more. Finally, he could control the effect, by channelising the

energy through a proper nadi.





, "birendra_m <birendra_m>"

<birendra_m> wrote:

> shree Gurucharana Kamalebhyonamah



> i would recommend all those interested in understanding abt


> and kundalini awakening and understand abt the ill effects it can

> cause if one is not prepared/and some useful advise on how to


> kundalini, so on and soforth , in the book called "kunadalini


> series 2 " by robert svaboda as told by our friend mukund, besides

> reading shivananda and Gurudev.




> what i would summarise from my understanding is that


> 1)the connection btw astral and the physical body is two way, each

> influencing one another.


> 2)the prana tattva which is the sukshma(not visible/subtle) has its

> own nervous system made of nadis.


> 3)becos of the Maya shakti, we, though being infinite, still


> with the limited body(finite), this is becos our kundalini shakti

> (divine mother)is asleep.


> 4) the aim of kundalini is to unite/withdraw our"individual prana"

> into the "cosmic prana" ,when it is united ,duality cease to exist,

> end of play.


> 5)we dont have control over our prana becos our kundalini is

> asleep/not active.


> 6)one who has control prana, can control kundalini.

> 7)kundalini activation is a mega event, becos in this process all


> prana is being accumulated and diverted into sushmana nadi.


> 8)as sushmana nadi is the only cosmic link in our body thru which


> individual prana can be withdrawn and merged into the cosmin

> prana/consiousness.


> 9)kundalini is fully awakened only when it crosses the ajna

chakra ,

> becos the last granthi(rudra granthi) is over come in this chakra,


> one transcend body beyond this chakra, so he is out or birth/death

> cycle.


> 10)granthi's are 3 , that is the place where ida,pingala and


> nadi meet , it happens at 3 chakras 1)brahma granti at muladhara

> chakra2)vishny granthi at heart/anahata chakra 3)rudra granthi at

> ajna chakra(eye brow), this three posts have to be crossed becos,

> there is a good chance of spillover of concentrated pure prana into

> ida/pingala , which may wreak havoc.



> 11) kundalini is major force becos the concentrated prana if not

> controlled properly may spill into little nadis and may wreak havoc

> in the nervous system, people may fall sick/die, even if they


> that their aura would be damaged , which is an invitation to the

> etheral spirits to have a free ride. even if aura is still intact,

> this may lead ego inflations, as the person feels very energtic and

> powerful and thinks that he is in command...



> 12) always think kundalini as the mother,(instead of just energy)


> a mother cant harm you in anyway


> 13)one has to prepare the body and do regular sadhana to raise

> kundalini in controlled systematic way giving bliss,besides


> spillover into other nadis, which causes pain and chaos in both

> astral and physical nervous system,as both are linked.


> 14) kundalini can be raised in any way

> by pure will,pranayam,devotion,mantra,selfless enquiry,...


> iam ending it here...


> Jai Gurudev

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  • 3 years later...

On the question of raising Kundalini, I would recommend you simply follow your practice. With regular sadhana, you will gradually cleanse your system and the prana will begin to flow better and better. Soon the major centers will become conscious naturally. You will be ready for the energy when it comes. Forcing it is a recipe for trouble.


It is simply good to be aware of the nature of your system so that when you have the experiences, you will know what is going on.


Enjoy the journey. Thats why you're here.


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