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what is Panchmahapurush?

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Respected members,

I am Giridhari, always in search of THE TRUTH.

I am very much interested in occult sciences.

What is Panch-Mahapursh? Please explain.

What is GajKeshari yog?

one of the astrologres told me that this in present in my horoscope.

Till now I have knowledege of Palmistry, Numerology and Graphology.

But I haven't started Astrology.Hence I am posting this querry.

Thanking you in anticipation



Direction is important than speed


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---Respected members,

I am Giridhari, always in search of THE TRUTH.

I am very much interested in occult sciences.

What is Panch-Mahapursh? Please explain.

What is GajKeshari yog?

one of the astrologres told me that this in present in my horoscope.

Till now I have knowledege of Palmistry, Numerology and Graphology.

But I haven't started Astrology.Hence I am posting this querry.

Thanking you in anticipation



Hello giridhari

I may not be able to satisfy you though I will answer your question.

There are 5 planets in vedic astrology (mars, Saturn, venus, mercury,

Jupiter) two luminaries (sun and moon) and two nodes(rahu ketu).

Each of these 5 planets owns 2 signs each. Eg

Mars aries, scorpio

Apart from that each planet is exalted in assign and is debilitated

in the sign opposite to it. Fors mars mars rise is in dhanistha

nakshatra (Capricorn) and fall is in cancer. Opposite for Jupiter.

In each horoscope house 1 4 7 10 are called Vishnu sthaans and house

1 5 9 are called lakshmi sthaans. House 1 rules dharma 10 artha 7

kaam and 4 moksha. If a planet is present in any of these 4 houses

and is in its own sign or better still in a sign it is exalted in,

then it constitutes a mahapurush yog. A planet in own sign or exalted

in lashmi sthaan also holds good promise though it is not called a

mahapurush yog.

The 5 yogs are

Bhadra –mercury in Gemini or virgo –exalted virgo

Hansa Jupiter in sagitarrius pisces or exalted in cancer

Sasha Saturn in Capricorn aquarius or exalted in libra

Ruchaka mars in aries scorpio exalted in cpricorn

venus in libra tauras exalted in pisces


the yogs carry some good tendency in the direction of the planet's

characteristics but have to be seen carefully in the particular chart

and usually there is no need to blow the conch.


Gajkesari is made of Jupiter in quadrant from moon – i.e. they should

be 1 4 7 or 10 from each other. Since moon completes a cycle in a

month, 25% people born in a month will have gaj kesari yog. Most do

not become kings, some are even not respected by their own servants

and family members. Anyway here is a result for a search:

Ruchaka Yoga: Strong physique, well versed in ancient love, conforms

to tradition and customs, and becomes famous. Such an individual also

becomes wealthy, lives for long, and leads a group of men or an army.

Bhadra Yoga: Strong physique with a lion-like face. The individual is

helpful to relatives and attains a high intellectual eminence.

Hamsa Yoga: A righteous person, graceful in appearance, considerate,

devoted to gods and higher life, and ritualistic in religious


Malavya Yoga: Essentially a family person, preoccupied with domestic

responsibilities and surrounded by children and grandchildren. He

possesses personal vehicle, residential house, and other necessities

of life.

Sasa Yoga: Sensuous, occultist, leader of non-traditional and anti-

social elements. Fearless and capable of performing arduous deeds.


The combination makes the individual bright, affluent, intelligent,

accomplished and favored by the government. Gaja Kesari-yoga is both

protective from evil consequences of other maleficent as well as

productive of auspicious results.



The first time I got into horoscope business was when a friend asked

me my time of birth etc and was just starting out. After her reading

I believed that I had the best horoscope in the world and told

everyone I met just that – after all was i not so special? Then, in a

low phase when I started reading a few things I concluded that

everything that could be wrong in a chart was wrong in mine. And

finally now I have given it up and am totally at peace. If things are

not perfect in your life and there is scope for improvement in you as

a human being then in all probability things are not perfectly OK in

your chart. And we all have our own strengths so there will be surely

good things too. What astrology tells you is merely about your

tendencies and good and bad phases in your life.

This is the whole problem – all of us are seeking reassurances (or

excuses) and I hear this from people very often that they have a

great horoscope. And this great yog and that special yog. Attempts to

counter this with even silence are not taken kindly. Conclusions need

to be drawn only after seeing vargas and do not try to give a reading

before you have been studying astrology for 5 years - 10hours a day.


Astrology needs a lot of wisdom, many souls are simply not matured

enough to take it up. It is not for dabblers, and a lot of Indians

will do themselves a favor by staying away from it – readings by

irresponsible people given can cause serious damage. And I am pretty

cynical about most.


Chant, Meditate and pray. Planets connect to charkas. In my opinion

this should be the correspondence though various are given.

Mooladhara – mercury (earth) , Swadisthan Chakra – venus (water),

manipur –mars (fire), anahat –air (saturn), vishuddha –akash

(Jupiter). Moon will rule hrit chakra and sun will rule sahasradhara.

Aagya will be ruled by a combination.

An interesting point to note is that since rahu ketu take up the

behaviour of the planet whose house they are placed in and conjuct

with, they will therefore strengthen the respective chakra. Also

houses are allotted to various charkas. I think mooladhara relates to

8th, swsthidhan to 7th, manipur to 6th, anahat to 4th. So just

balance your own kundalini by chanting meditating visualization

whatever. Flaws in the horoscope will be taken care of.

> --


> Direction is important than speed

> --


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"devi_bhagat <devi_bhagat >" <devi_bhagat > wrote:

---Respected members,I am Giridhari, always in search of THE TRUTH.I am very

much interested in occult sciences.What is Panch-Mahapursh? Please explain.What

is GajKeshari yog? one of the astrologres told me that this in present in my

horoscope.Till now I have knowledege of Palmistry, Numerology and

Graphology.But I haven't started Astrology.Hence I am posting this

querry.Thanking you in anticipation-GiridhHello giridhariI may not be able to

satisfy you though I will answer your question.There are 5 planets in vedic

astrology (mars, Saturn, venus, mercury, Jupiter) two luminaries (sun and moon)

and two nodes(rahu ketu).Each of these 5 planets owns 2 signs each. EgMars

aries, scorpio Apart from that each planet is exalted in assign and is

debilitated in the sign opposite to it. Fors mars mars rise is in dhanistha

nakshatra (Capricorn) and fall is in cancer. Opposite for Jupiter.In each

horoscope house 1 4 7 10 are called Vishnu sthaans and house 1 5 9 are called

lakshmi sthaans. House 1 rules dharma 10 artha 7 kaam and 4 moksha. If a planet

is present in any of these 4 houses and is in its own sign or better still in a

sign it is exalted in, then it constitutes a mahapurush yog. A planet in own

sign or exalted in lashmi sthaan also holds good promise though it is not

called a mahapurush yog.The 5 yogs are Bhadra –mercury in Gemini or virgo

–exalted virgo Hansa Jupiter in sagitarrius pisces or exalted in cancerSasha

Saturn in Capricorn aquarius or exalted in libraRuchaka mars in aries scorpio

exalted in cpricornvenus in libra tauras exalted in piscesthe yogs carry some

good tendency in the direction of the planet's characteristics but have to be

seen carefully in the particular chart and usually there is no need to blow the

conch. Gajkesari is made of Jupiter in quadrant from moon – i.e. they should be

1 4 7 or 10 from each other. Since moon completes a cycle in a month, 25%

people born in a month will have gaj kesari yog. Most do not become kings, some

are even not respected by their own servants and family members. Anyway here is

a result for a search: Ruchaka Yoga: Strong physique, well versed in ancient

love, conforms to tradition and customs, and becomes famous. Such an individual

also becomes wealthy, lives for long, and leads a group of men or an army.Bhadra

Yoga: Strong physique with a lion-like face. The individual is helpful to

relatives and attains a high intellectual eminence.Hamsa Yoga: A righteous

person, graceful in appearance, considerate, devoted to gods and higher life,

and ritualistic in religious observances.Malavya Yoga: Essentially a family

person, preoccupied with domestic responsibilities and surrounded by children

and grandchildren. He possesses personal vehicle, residential house, and other

necessities of life.Sasa Yoga: Sensuous, occultist, leader of non-traditional

and anti-social elements. Fearless and capable of performing arduous

deeds.Gajkesari:The combination makes the individual bright, affluent,

intelligent, accomplished and favored by the government. Gaja Kesari-yoga is

both protective from evil consequences of other maleficent as well as

productive of auspicious results.The first time I got into horoscope business

was when a friend asked me my time of birth etc and was just starting out.

After her reading I believed that I had the best horoscope in the world and

told everyone I met just that – after all was i not so special? Then, in a low

phase when I started reading a few things I concluded that everything that

could be wrong in a chart was wrong in mine. And finally now I have given it up

and am totally at peace. If things are not perfect in your life and there is

scope for improvement in you as a human being then in all probability things

are not perfectly OK in your chart. And we all have our own strengths so there

will be surely good things too. What astrology tells you is merely about your

tendencies and good and bad phases in your life. This is the whole problem –

all of us are seeking reassurances (or excuses) and I hear this from people

very often that they have a great horoscope. And this great yog and that

special yog. Attempts to counter this with even silence are not taken kindly.

Conclusions need to be drawn only after seeing vargas and do not try to give a

reading before you have been studying astrology for 5 years - 10hours a day.

Astrology needs a lot of wisdom, many souls are simply not matured enough to

take it up. It is not for dabblers, and a lot of Indians will do themselves a

favor by staying away from it – readings by irresponsible people given can

cause serious damage. And I am pretty cynical about most.Chant, Meditate and

pray. Planets connect to charkas. In my opinion this should be the

correspondence though various are given.Mooladhara – mercury (earth) ,

Swadisthan Chakra – venus (water), manipur –mars (fire), anahat –air (saturn),

vishuddha –akash(Jupiter). Moon will rule hrit chakra and sun will rule

sahasradhara. Aagya will be ruled by a combination. An interesting point to

note is that since rahu ketu take up the behaviour of the planet whose house

they are placed in and conjuct with, they will therefore strengthen the

respective chakra. Also houses are allotted to various charkas. I think

mooladhara relates to 8th, swsthidhan to 7th, manipur to 6th, anahat to 4th. So

just balance your own kundalini by chanting meditating visualization whatever.

Flaws in the horoscope will be taken care of.>


Direction is important than speed>


Gurudev Do

you ?

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, ravi nukala <nukalar2002> wrote:


> Nice one Anuji.



thank you ravi.


please do not "ji" me. till date i have done nothing to deserve this

honour, and that will force me to call you ravi ji as well as i have

learnt from your postings too though being vastly mismanaged as a

human being i am trying to post less and keep my appreciation to





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My group members used to call me 'sir' inspite of telling/threatening many

times. They only stopped when i too started calling them 'sir'. So, nice to see

our strategies match :)



"devi_bhagat <devi_bhagat >" <devi_bhagat > wrote:

, ravi nukala <nukalar2002> wrote:> > Nice

one Anuji.> thank you ravi. please do not "ji" me. till date i have done

nothing to deserve this honour, and that will force me to call you ravi ji as

well as i have learnt from your postings too though being vastly mismanaged as

a human being i am trying to post less and keep my appreciation to

myself!!jaigurudevanuJay GurudevYour use of is subject to the

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