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The Lord of the Moon sign Jupiter is placed in the 8th house. This

has certain positive features with regard to family and finance. At

the same time, this placement may cause health problems for the aged.

The retrogression of Saturn gives positive effects from January to

April and indicates success over impediments. Your debts will be

under control. You will act with courage.


For most part of the year, Mars occupies the 3rd house. This improves

your communication abilities and self-confidence and indicates

progress in all your undertakings.


Jupiter transits to Leo by the end of July. This improves your health

condition. You will be favoured with fortune in all your

undertakings. Auspicious events may take place in your personal life.

You may have opportunities to travel abroad. Overall success can be



The transit of Rahu and Kethu to the 5th and 11th houses respectively

makes you mentally active and improves the prospects to a great

extent. This year will be progressive from January. You will become

more fortunate after April and the positive trend continues

throughout the year








The major planets Saturn and Jupiter are placed in an extremely

favourable position and it indicates success in all your

undertakings, progress in career and starting of new ventures. You

will be able to overcome enemies and service debts without any



You will be financially well off during this year due to the positive

placement of the 11th house Lord Mars in the 2nd house during the 2nd

half of the year. Some changes and foreign travel are in anvil when

Rahu and Kethu transit to the 4th house and the 10th house

respectively. You will maintain good health and vigour.


However, the transit of Jupiter by the end of July hampers your

prospects to some extent. .


On the whole, you will experience extremely good results till July.

>From August to September the results will be moderate. However,

throughout the year, you will enjoy a comfortable financial position






The Moon sign Lord Saturn is in retrogression in the beginning of the

year and gets into direct motion by the 1st week of April. The period

till April makes you inactive and dull. Progress may be slow paced

and this can be considered to be a lethargic phase. Progress can be

expected from April and you will be more fortunate in all your



When Jupiter transits to your 7th house and aspects your Moon sign,

you may have lot of energy, optimism, financial inflow, prosperity

and success. It also brings in opportunities for going abroad and

opens new avenues in business/profession. Auspicious events like

marriage may take place.


The transit of Rahu and Kethu to the 3rd and 9th houses is absolutely

beneficial to you. You will gain more confidence and courage. You

will become venturesome. Your health condition will improve

significantly. You will be able to overcome the opposition and

achieve success in all your undertakings.


In short the development may be at a very slow pace upto April and it

gains momentum gradually. You will be fortunate from July. Fortunes

and opportunities will be substantially enhanced from October till

the end of the year. You will be highly successful and fortunate for

most part of the year.






he placement of Jupiter in the 5th house and the retrogression of

Saturn to the 3rd house and its movement back to the 4th house in the

month of April indicate that you will be highly successful. You will

have excellent power of judgment and a positive frame of mind. You

will enjoy favourable circumstances upto July.


During this year, 3 major planetary transits are taking place. The

first is Rahu from your 4th house to the 3rd house and Kethu from

your 10th house to the 9th house on February 27th. This transit

stimulates travel and gives you the courage. You may perform

religious rites. This is a favourable transit. This will give success

over enemies and prosperity.


The transit of Jupiter to your 6th house cannot be considered to be

adverse, as this gives progress and consistency in profession. This

also indicates some auspicious events in your life.


The transit of Rahu and Kethu to the 2nd and 8th house by end of

September is likely to give adverse results, especially some troubles

and confusions in your family. You may also incur some unexpected



To sum up, the first 7 months of the year will be extremely good.

During the period from August to September there may be some setbacks

and you may lose your peace of mind. But, progress in most of the

areas like profession, family and finance are indicated. Some

troubles like affliction to health and misunderstandings in family

are indicated from October to December.


However, the aspect of Jupiter on the 2nd house saves you from

troubles. On the whole, for most part of the year, there will be

excellent progress and success in your undertakings.



(please take it as fun and as a bye gift:))

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