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Journalists under fire for telling the truth

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Journalists under fire for telling the truth


Former President Clinton says that he will "Die for Israel"

so he has

now openly shown his true colors. We knew this adulterous,

liar and

arrogant Irish American was in bed with the Jews but the

Arab world

needs to wake up and see this.Today I have cut all

relations with

every American I know, Muslim and non-Muslim and I will

adavise all

Arabs and Muslims to do the same.War has been declared and


American military are about to bomb Iraq again even though


already killed many Arabs including startving 1,000,000

Iraqi babies

while their white babies multiply like rats in America.They


concern for the Arab race and once i believed that

Christians and

Jews could get along with Muslims,now I see that prophecy

was right

we will go to war with them and we must invade Europe as


are rats of the human race and no good.Every American will


d from here,we don't want to waste our time on

anything to

do with you all.There is only one way to free palestine and

its not





A Christian friend of mines showed me an article in the


Jewish dominated Newspaper yesterday and I was surprised

because 12

years ago when I wrote for a Palestinian Arab Magazine

based in

Florida's Tampa Bay, it was underground. Yes, in the same


called "free country", we had to write articles underground

and send

it off just like the Jews of Hitler's Germany. Americans

have yet to

realize that our generation is a generation that grew up

either under

occupation from the Israelis or witnessed American support

of it as

well as in our schools, books, movies and all forms of


Therefore don't blame us for being angry now, don't blame

us for

seeing no hope but war now and don't even claim to

understand because

you don't and never will simply because this has not

happened to you

yet! Your fate is yet to come promised by God and it will

be in the

form of great earthquakes, floods, missiles from the skies


whoever survives, Jesus(AS) will be there to slay you

unless you were

a practicing Christians who truly understood Jesus'

teachings which

is no different from all 240,000 Prophets(AS) of God sent

to mankind

to warn them of the oneness of God, the first of the 10


Since Americans have thrown out morals through the window,

don't care

about suffering nations even though the Holy Bible tells

them that

the "meek shall inherit the earth" and they were warned

about Sodom

and Gomorra but still they do not listen as they will not

to what I

am writing here to too. However, my Christian friend gave

me a copy

of this article which I want to share with you entitled,



My Arab

brother Fassed says,

"Ayman missed his second birthday. He was only 18 months


Mohammed did not pass the age of 4; Diana was only 5; Mona

was killed

with her children, Subhi died with his 5 year old son.

Diana Matar

was only two months old and Ala Matar was 11 years old.

What on earth did they do wrong? They were not allowed to

live in

freedom, not to live at all. Ariel Sharon called July 23

bombings in

Gaza "a great success". He added, "we of course have no

interest in

striking civilians and are always sorry over civilians who



But Palestine Red Crescent Society statistics show that

Sharon lies.

With 1,669 Palestinians killed and 19,792 injured, of which

most are

civilians, who can believe him?"

COMMENTS: For those who do not understand what he is saying


Brother Fassed is referring to the recent attacks on

civilians with

an American made F16 Fighter plane which dropped a 1,000 lb

bomb in

Gaza, Palestine which killed 15 Palestinians. Just imagine

that same

1,000 lb bomb being dropped in your American neighborhood

and killing

your children? Oh you cannot because for the last 53 years

and in

particular 35 years you refused to even listen or learn or

read about

it! My Arab brother continues to say:

"All countries that still supply Israel with arms are

complicit in

this war crime. The United States, Britain, the

Netherlands, and

others supply Israel with the tools to erase the existence


Palestinians on their own land. Will the perpetrators face


Will Sharon, other Israeli officials or the pilot who

dropped the

bomb be exposed to criminal prosecution in Israel or

elsewhere under

the principle of universal justice?

I read that a Spokesman for the United Nations, Fred

Eckhard, has

said that "Israel has a legal and moral responsibility to

take all

measures to avoid the loss of innocent life." That same

global body

did not want to know the truth about what happened in Jenin


Nablus during April's attacks by Israeli troops.

It's self-defense," says Israeli spokesman Gideon Meir, in


state terror. But if you want to defend a country, its

borders must

be set. Expanding territory is not "self defense",

oppressing a

nation is not "self defense", depriving children of the

right to

live, the right to education, the right to work, and the

right to

development cannot be termed "Self-defense."

COMMENTS: The fact is Europe and America are directly


for the occupation and state terror Palestinians face

funded by their

own people via their tax money. Israel is an illegal state

imposed on

the state of Palestine to which even the Red Necks Bible


people of Southern U.S. knows as Philistine in their

Bibles. However,

their arrogance is so much and their stupidity is so much

that they

don't even know that the word "ALLAH" is Arabic meaning

"GOD". They

believe that "ALLAH" is something else, so if their level


intelligence is so great, how can they truly see or

understand what

is going on? It's like asking a Donkey, do you understand


formulae? Then, they stubbornly support Israel in every

step you take

so much that everyday on the News you either hear about


11th 2001 or about israeli's so called "victims" and they

never give

a balanced view of the Palestinian plight! Last night we

all heard of

5 Americans killed in occupied Palestine called Israel and

I am glad

for them! It should have been more because they know very

well what

they are doing by going there to support aggression and

some who

survived even said that they would stay. Hamas should NEVER

have to

apologize for Americans killed there because they choose to

be there

and that's the price for supporting a state terrorist

illegal state

of Israel on Palestinian lands.

My brother Fassed continues to say in that article:

"The key point about terrorism, on which almost everyone

agrees, is

that it is politically motivated. This is what

distinguishes it from,

say, murder or football hooliganism. Terrorism is

calculated to

terrorize the public or a particular section of it. In the


definition of self-defense, however, terrorism can never be


by a state.

Denying that states cannot commit acts of terror is

generally useful,

because it gets Israel and its allies off the hook in a

variety of


Recently and in the past, Western countries, in particular

those that

support Israel, tend to define "terrorism" in such a way

that acts

describable as "terror" are applied mostly to resistance

groups and

rarely to states. According to Israel, all acts of

resistance by the

Palestinians are forms of terrorism, including acts against


occupation forces. This definition of "terrorism" renders



COMMENTS: The fact is, America, Israel and Europe know very

well what

they are doing and are not ignorant of their evil actions

towards the

oppressed people of Palestine and to what they are doing to


Holy lands as the Zionist Israelis have begun to turn one

of the

three Holy places in Palestine, the Ibrahimi Mosque into a

Jewish den

of pork, wine and filth with not a single World U.N.


condemning it and taking physical action to stop it from


However, if a Muslim army is raised to defend it you will

see how

quickly these same Christian and Jewish hypocrites would

move to

condemn that action and even take military action against

it. So,

Arabs and Muslims must understand that we have no friends

in the

Great Satan of the U.S., in the evil countries of Europe

and of

course in the devil child of Israel. When this is clearly


then the inevitable war will begin to rid us of these

devils once and

for all. It is fine for them to drink their beers, eat

their pork

burgers and insult us by using racial stereotypes but we

must suffer

in the U.S. and outside the U.S. for it. I call on the Arab

armies of

Salahudeen Ayyubi who drove the Christian crusader


back to Europe when they attacked us about 1,000 years ago

to rise

and unite us! Unite us all!!

My brother Fassed continues to say:

"in 1948, the Nations of the World adopted the Universal


of Human Rights, which says, "It is essential, if man is

not to be

compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion


tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be

protected by the

rule of law."

International humanitarian law prohibits attacks on the


populations as such, as well as individual citizens. Acts

or threats

of violence, the primary purposes of which is to spread

terror among

a civilian population, are prohibited.

Israel's use of terror has been qualitatively and

quantitatively much

higher than that of the Palestinians. The number of

civilians killed

as the result of actions by Israel, both before its

creation and

after, has far exceeded the number of Israeli civilians

killed by

Palestinian groups. "

COMMENTS: Someday I wish the Arabs would wake up like I did

as a

former Honorary Member of the U.N. until I realized that

they are

nothing but a front for the American Government's foreign


Every country it goes into is usually a country where

America has

interests and wants to keep it that way from the post Cold

war to

America's new so-called enemies, the Arabs and Muslims. We

have been

at war with America but we did not realize we were at war

with her

because our enemies have hid behind the skirts of the

American High

tech military but even that is vulnerable as we have seen

in Lebanon

in 1982 and in Somalia in the movie depicting Somalia Arab


bravely facing a Superpower and causing it to run with its


between its legs out of the lands of people of color. You

would also

have noticed that even though America went to war with

England for

its independence, today America and England are practically

in bed

screwing each other and acting along their mutual

interests. In the

end, Arabs and Muslims have to wake up to this reality that

we are

alone in our struggle for freedom and justice and there is

only one

way to achieve that: to wage a war against our enemies with


exception of Dajjal (America) as Allah (God in Arabic) has

set aside

His own punishment for this miserable Empire of evil or the


Satan. A special Prophet called Jesus(AS) will slay Dajjal


prophecy says and this is why we are warned not to touch


for we are NOT Christ!! Killing the Beast is his job not

ours. Our

job is to see Isreal destroyed so that it will not rear its

ugly face

again ever for future generations of Arabs and Muslims. Our

job is to

invade Europe and take back what was stolen from us and the

continuing oppression faced by our people there and by the


they maintain in our Holy Lands. However, even greater, our

job is to

unite with the Imam Mahdi (AS) from Iraq to destroy the


who will rise from Syria and use the struggles in Palestine

and the

reintroduction of the state of Palestine to suppress us

even more

than the Zionist Jews. Keep in mind that Syria has the

largest army

in the Middle East and they have not fired one shot into

Israel in

the last 20 years yet, as of last night Israeli American

made tanks

are rolling in Palestinian neighborhoods and Syria still


quite. It is the duty of Syrian Arabs to overthrow

President Basher,

executing him and using his army to completely free

Palestine and

destroy this evil child so as to never worry about it



My brother Fassed continues to say:

"Dehumanization through Political language paralyzes normal


empathy and disrupts moral inhibitions. Ariel Sharon's

insistence on

mopping up "2,000 terrorists" in the Sabra and Shatila

camps in

Lebanon in 1982 was virtually a mandate for the


slaughter of 2,000 Palestinians by Christian Militias.

Every minute the world remains silent and inactive the more


is tolerated. Someone has to stop this. Someone has to take


before it is too late."

COMMENTS: The fact is, the Americans although seemingly

stupid at

what the American government does to them locally, are

aware of what

is going on in Palestine, they have had decades to know

that brought

to them by our forefathers and by ourselves in the last 12

years at

least. However, they choose to ignore it and that's why

they are

rushing to Israel to support it and that's why I simply do

not care

how many American lives are taken on Palestinian soil in


their lands from the isrealis. The Isrealis have hijacked

America and

now they have hijacked American citizens to get involved in


fight to steal lands and commit vast violations of human


abuses. MY cousin was assassinated in Lebanon by Sharon

yet, he has

not been tried for it and never will, so if he won't get


then we must bring justice to the Zionist Jewish Pig! This

is why I

am fed up of all our attempts to get Europeans, European


and even Arab leaders to stop this Israeli aggression. It

will never

stop that way because the same people we are looking to

stop it are

the people involved in it! The average Christian and Jewish


don't care about the Arabs or Muslims even though we

obviously have

too much compassion and concern for them. They will not


change; the only people to free Palestine will be the

Muslims and

Arabs. Even the Christian Palestinians have fled to

countries like

Chile where 350,000 Palestinians of Christian background

live today,

so the Arab Muslim Palestinians are the ones mainly dying

and who

cares for my brothers and sisters who are dying either by


hands or resisting Israeli hands via suicide bombings? NO

ONE!! So we

should stop wasting time, money, effort with the American

people and

European and raise instead our army to invade Europe,

destroy Israel

and end this Christian aggression towards us which is clear


clearer everyday. The Prophecy that we are told that the

"Cross will

wage a war against the Crescent" has already begun, Muslims

and Arabs

have to wake up and realize it and "fight in the way of God

all those

who fight against you but lo begin not hostilities,"

according to the

Holy Quran which gives us our God given right to defend

ourselves and

especially now that the world has failed to help us, they

should made

to never forget the suffering they have placed our people

in for the

last century indeed what Europe has committed against

people of color

for the last 500 years at least. Hope from their present


which to my analysis is more racist, more stubborn, more

arrogant and

adds to our oppression than their own parents will never


Someone once said to me, If you want something done, you

have to do

it yourselves. We will never be free but in death

struggling for our

freedom and justice. Malcolm X also said this of the Afro


who are still kissing the arses of European Americans for


freedom. Blacks in American must be willing to die in order

to be

free in a land in which they are still not free as the

Whiteman still

keeps lynching them with bullets dressed in Police uniform

and State

Judges' uniforms and American Indians will never regain

their lands

if they continue to live on Reservations or as the American


(Isrealis) call them in Palestine, "refugee camps", they

must be

willing to scalp heads as their forefathers to free

themselves. A

mighty army can fall and if a guerilla group learns to use


weapons of the oppressor against it then that is a step in


one's freedom. It is imperative to cut relations with those

who will

do harm to us, those who we will waste time on baby sitting

for the

Whiteman, and those who will never change or understand.

God says in

the Quran that many will be like the cattle, dumb, deaf and

stupid to

His message and they will see religious laws and morality

as a burden

until that day when they need HIM. Then they will say we

believe and

we knew all along but find fault with the devil who shall

say, I only

whispered in their minds and they choose to do the wrong;

they knew

the right but ignored it all along.



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