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hi jai,


i am back in mumbai and assume that you are also back to work at

rajkot and it was nice to know that there was your reply ready for me to reply

again.so after reading your mail it seems to me that you are very much annoyed

with the great gods and dear lords,due to which you and your family has

suffered a lot and is being punished till today as per your saying.so jai first

of all i would like to explain to you about your birth and death cycle and then

effects of various planets on a human being and various other facts so that you

can come to know and understand all that,s

happening around you.


First of all the creator narayan(vishnu) created a soul(aatma) and then it is

send to go through the various 84 lacs yonis

(birth existances) all these yonis consists of all animal life

,birds,reptiles,aquatic life i mean to say all living being

on this planet then ultimately that particular soul is given a chance to be born

as human being then he\she performs

various good bad deeds according to that after his death he has to take another

birth and another until he neutralises

his sins to attain the ultimate moksh or mukti which is to fuse his soul aatma

with the supreme aatma i.e paaramaatma

so after rotating in these cycle of life and death if some one is unable to

neutralise his sins of all past lifes the that soul

enters into bhoot,pishaach yoni that is to say that it has lost the chance to

moksha by itself and will be wandering in

these evil yonis then some one from the living would has to do the job for

giving mukti for that particular soul ,you

might have about pitr dosh i.e is ancestors of that persons have not attained

mukti so they are troubling you.this way

everything goes on and it depends on your last birth,s deeds and everyone has to

accept whatever is being given

to him by the creator and destiny.And remember one thing except a human being no

other animal or life can attain

moksha or mukti due to the design of the entire body the spinal cord

,nabhi,chakras its position etc no other animal

has such similar or near to similar internal body structure.In one of instances

a sadhak or let,s say a common man

asks lord VISHNU that my dear lord you have created human beings but they have

no miraculaous powers like you

have,so ultimately we humans and you gods are not equal there is a difference

,so lord vishnu replied that my dear

we both are equal but the only difference in you and me is that all the powers

in you are in a sleeping or inacativated

mode and mine are activated,he said the entire universe ,all planets all, cosmic

energies ,all gods(devi&devtas) are

all present in your body parts like kundalini etc all that you have to do is to

activate them with the help of meditation

,sadhana and then the process of becoming NARAYAN FROM NAR(MALE) is commenced.so

i mean to say everything is

within us we don,t have to run here and there for anything just choose the right path and proceed.



Now regarding astrology and the effects of planets it is as simple ,there are 5

planets mercury,venus,mars,jupiter,saturn

and rahu & ketu are the co-related opposite node planets and the sun and moon

are light sources.so each of these

planets emit a particular electromagnetic radiation(E.M.R) at a particular

frequency and wavelength now it is

scientifically proven fact that these rays when pass through our body creates

certain effects on our body and each

frequency & wavelength has different properties .now whenever a child is born

i.e comes out of its mothers womb

in our astrology system the date and time of birth is noted down and place etc

why it is done ,because when a child is

inside its mothers womb it is floating is a gelatinous sack filled with saline

liquid and it is believed that at that time

no radiation effects the child but as soon as the shild comes of the mother,s

womb the various combination of

all types of radiation from different planets falls on to the child and some

factors like latitude ,longitude are taken

into account bacause all these radiations pass through some constallation

(rashi),and at what degree,place has its

different effects therefore the rashi is taken into account as the time of birth

which rashi was placed overhead is

taken into consideration.so all these factors do have effects on our body and

astrology is a true science there is no

doubt about it.


see jai you should respect all these planets and cosmic energies it is a

different thing that you cannot see them today

as it is kalyug but still you can see sun,moon,water ,fire all these are nothing

but devtas.so i would advice you to

consult a good astrologer an try to learn from him the various bad combinations

of planets in your horoscope and

the way out to neutralise their bad effects and one important thing try to

accomplish SHANI SADHANA as lord

shani is amongst the most powerful in devs\planets so take some good advice an

proceed further,as shani has the

power to change a persons destiny within seconds,here i remember a short story

regarding shani and king vikramaditya if you have time kindly read it.


Once upon a time KING VIKRAMADITYA of ujjain now in madhya pradesh was a very

prosperous(ujjaini) kingdom full

of all riches & everything.Now in this period vikramaditya commited many sins

and wrong deeds so ultimately a

day came when lord shani,s dasha was cast upon the king and due to his wrong

deeds within days the king was

on roads all the wealth everything wife ,children gone and his condition

deteriorated day by day so one day

vikram wandered into another kingdom and he was hungry ,thirsty and in torn

attire roaming here and there

he sat in front of a cloth merchant,s shop the whole day tired and on the other

side what happened is that the

sale of that shop went up many times on that day and the shopowner earned high

profit on that day so he said

to king vikram(whom he did,nt recognise) that sir i think you are very lucky for

me as you sat in front my shop

suddenly the revenues went up in one day so why not you work here and we will

share some profit as you are very

lucky for me,vikram agreed and so the shopkeeper took vikram to his house and

offered him new clothes and food

and simultaneoulsy the merchant had a daughter so he decided to marry her with

vikram so that the good luck

will be at their home.Now one night the merchant invited vikram for dinner as he

reached the merchnat,s house

his daughter beautifully dressed with a diamond necklace studded on her neck

came to serve him food .Then after serving food she hung her necklace on a

wooden hook on the wall and went inside the house simultaneously while

eating vikram saw that there was a painting of a peacock on the wall which

suddenly came alive and it started

eating the diamonds one by one hung on the wall and almost all the diamonds were

gone,meanwhile when she

returned back to the room seeing the condition of the necklace she told her

father and they enquired about the

necklace with vikram so vikram told them that the peacock in the painting came

alive and ate the diamonds

they said what,s rubbish and took vikram to the king,s court and complaining

about the necklace case.The king

ordered that vikram has stollen the diamonds therefore his hands and legs be

amputated(cut) and so it happened.

Now vikram, life became misarable so he started thinking about his past deeds so

he remembered that all this

is the punishment given by lord shani himself due to the bad deeds done by

vikram himself.Then vikram understood

and started to penance and appease lord shani and some years lord shani was

appeased and gave him his darshan

gave him a boon that all his hands,legs ,kingdom,wealth will be restored to him

and one more thing that shani

gave him was that ,shani told that vikram you being the greatest sadhak of me i

would bestow you something

that this entire universe will remember you and the boon(vardan) which shani gave vikram was


so till today many centuries have passed but billions of people have repeated

the name vikram many times this

is the effect of the vardan given by lord shani and one more thing is that in


place near NASIK(MAHARASHTRA) is situated a shani temple there the idol of lord

shani is placed and in the portrait


imagine what the king,s

penance might have been.


here i mean to explain is that fear of lord shani is baseless and if you are a

sinner than you should be afraid of him

as shani has the power to shape a person,s destiny within seconds.So jai try to

complete shani sadhana.And then

you can mail me if anythin else is required.


so don,t loose heart and be devoted.


bye for now


take care.



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