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Kundalini Awakening

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>From the base of our spinal cord to the crown of our head, there are

seven energy points or chakras, connected to each other, which are

collectively known as the Kundalini. Every chakra of Kundalini

appears like a lotus. The number of petals of these lotuses

represent the kind of power a perticular chakra contains.


The first of these chakras is the Muladhar Chakra. Muladhar

literally means 'main base'. This chakra is located in the basal

region of the vertebral column at the mid spot between anus and

reproductive organ and it is visualized as a red lotus with four

petals. It represents the earth element.


Most of our powers and energies are concentrated in this chakra.

Usually, these powers remain in a less active or dormant state.


Mainly, there are four beej mantras, each representing one of the

four petals, for activating this chakra. First is 'Vam' which

activates the first petal resulting in a better nervous system.

Second is 'Sham' which activates the second petal resulting in

physical and spiritual beauty. Third is 'Sham' (written differently

in sanskrit) which activates the third petal resulting in increased

muscle mass and strength. The fourth is 'Sam' which activates the

fourth petal resulting in a magnetic personality.


These are some of the many benefits of activating this chakra:


1. Control over the earth element.

2. Rejuvenated tissues and muscles, powerful immune system and

increased strength.

3. Elimination of skin diseases, backache, anemia and kidney related


4. Magnetic personality, joyful life without any kind of fears.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.


The second chakra of the Kundalini is the Swadhishthan Chakra. This

chakra is located in the vertebral column opposite the reproductive

organ and it is visualized as a vermilion lotus with six petals. It

represents the water element.


This chakra is the origin of our sexual abilities and materialistic



There are six beej mantras, one for each of the six petals, for

activating this chakra. First is 'Bam' which activates the first

petal resulting in better reproductive capabilities. Second

is 'Bham' which activates the second petal resulting in the power to

determine sex and nature of babies before their birth. Third

is 'Mam' which activates the third petal resulting in braveness.

Fourth is 'Yam' which activates the fourth petal resulting in the

power to control sexual desires. Fifth is 'Ram' which activates the

fifth petal resulting in better physical appearence. Sixth is 'Lam'

which activates the sixth petal resulting in the capability to

acquire success in every field of the material world.


These are some of the many benefits of activating this chakra:


1. Control over the water element.

2. Improved sexual abilities.

3. Elimination of acidity, constipation, digestion problems and

diseases related to urinary system.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.


The third chakra of the Kundalini is the Manipurak Chakra. This

chakra is located in the vertebral column opposite the naval region

and it is visualized as a blue lotus with ten petals. It represents

the fire element.


There are ten beej mantras, one for each of the ten petals, for

activating this chakra. The beej mantras

are 'Dam', 'Dham', 'Nnam', 'Tam', 'Tham', 'Dam' (written differently

in sanskrit), 'Dham' (written differently in

sanskrit), 'Nam', 'Pam', 'Pham'.


These are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:


1. Control over the fire element.

2. Control over breathing, hunger and pain.

3. Improved ability to meditate.

4. Ability to walk on air and in water.

5. Power to become invisible at will.

6. Power to control weather.

7. Elimination of stomach and heart related diseases.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.


The fourth chakra of the Kundalini is Anahat Chakra. This chakra is

located in the vertebral column opposite the heart and it is

visualized as a red lotus with twelve petals. It represents the air



There are twelve beej mantras, one for each of the twelve petals,

for activating this chakra. The beej mantras

are 'Kam', 'Kham', 'Gam', 'Gham', 'Angam', 'Cham', 'Chham', 'Jam', 'J

ham', 'Yyam', 'Tam', 'Tham'.


These are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:


1. Control over the air element.

2. Ability to see anyone's past, present and future.

3. Ability to read anyone's mind.

4. Ability to control anyone's thoughts.

5. Elimination of heart and blood pressure related diseases.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.


The fifth chakra of the Kundalini is Vishuddha Chakra. This chakra

is located in the vertebral column opposite the throat region and it

is visualized as a smoky lotus with sixteen petals. It represents

the space element.


There are sixteen beej mantras, one for each of the sixteen petals,

for activating this chakra. The beej mantras

are 'Am', 'Aam', 'Im', 'Eem', 'Um', 'Oom', 'Rim', 'Reem', 'Lrum', 'Lr

oom', 'Em', 'Ayeim', 'Oam', 'Aum', 'Am', 'Ah'.


These are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:


1. Control over the space element.

2. Control over all five elements.

3. Freedom from all diseases and tensions.

4. Knowledge on all subjects.

5. Ability to bless or curse.

6. Ability to control death.

7. Total material success.

8. Elimination of Thyroid, lunge and eye related diseases.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.


The sixth chakra of the Kundalini is Agya Chakra. This chakra is

located opposite the mid point of the two eyebrows and it is

visualized as a white lotus with two petals.


There are two beej mantras, one for each of the two petals, for

activating this chakra. The beej mantras are 'Ham' and 'Ksham'.


Also known as the third eye, this chakra, when activated, results in

many super-natural powers like telepathy, extra sensory perception

and ability to control the nature.


These are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:


1. Knowledge of anyone's past, present and future.

2. Ability to control anyone's present and future.

3. Ability to create and destroy.

4. Ability to control all powers of this universe.

5. Ability to control life and death.


The seventh chakra of the Kundalini is Sahastrar Chakra. This chakra

is located at the crown of our head and it is visualized as a lotus

with thousand petals. Without blessings of an able Guru, this chakra

can not be awakened.


Feel free to email me if you wish...



Moderator, Tantra Sadhana Group


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Guest guest

I have read in many places that during Kundalini Awakening many people committed

suicide others went mad etc. Can you please let us know the procedure (when and

how to use the mnantras) to awake Kundalini and the precautions in detail.


- Prakash



Friday, May 23, 2003 11:22 PM

Kundalini Awakening

>From the base of our spinal cord to the crown of our head, there are seven

energy points or chakras, connected to each other, which are collectively known

as the Kundalini. Every chakra of Kundalini appears like a lotus. The number of

petals of these lotuses represent the kind of power a perticular chakra

contains.The first of these chakras is the Muladhar Chakra. Muladhar literally

means 'main base'. This chakra is located in the basal region of the vertebral

column at the mid spot between anus and reproductive organ and it is visualized

as a red lotus with four petals. It represents the earth element.Most of our

powers and energies are concentrated in this chakra. Usually, these powers

remain in a less active or dormant state.Mainly, there are four beej mantras,

each representing one of the four petals, for activating this chakra. First is

'Vam' which activates the first petal resulting in a better nervous system.

Second is 'Sham' which activates the second petal resulting in physical and

spiritual beauty. Third is 'Sham' (written differently in sanskrit) which

activates the third petal resulting in increased muscle mass and strength. The

fourth is 'Sam' which activates the fourth petal resulting in a magnetic

personality.These are some of the many benefits of activating this chakra:1.

Control over the earth element.2. Rejuvenated tissues and muscles, powerful

immune system and increased strength.3. Elimination of skin diseases, backache,

anemia and kidney related diseases.4. Magnetic personality, joyful life without

any kind of fears.After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help

others have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The

second chakra of the Kundalini is the Swadhishthan Chakra. This chakra is

located in the vertebral column opposite the reproductive organ and it is

visualized as a vermilion lotus with six petals. It represents the water

element.This chakra is the origin of our sexual abilities and materialistic

thoughts.There are six beej mantras, one for each of the six petals, for

activating this chakra. First is 'Bam' which activates the first petal

resulting in better reproductive capabilities. Second is 'Bham' which activates

the second petal resulting in the power to determine sex and nature of babies

before their birth. Third is 'Mam' which activates the third petal resulting in

braveness. Fourth is 'Yam' which activates the fourth petal resulting in the

power to control sexual desires. Fifth is 'Ram' which activates the fifth petal

resulting in better physical appearence. Sixth is 'Lam' which activates the

sixth petal resulting in the capability to acquire success in every field of

the material world.These are some of the many benefits of activating this

chakra:1. Control over the water element.2. Improved sexual abilities.3.

Elimination of acidity, constipation, digestion problems and diseases related

to urinary system.After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help

others have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The

third chakra of the Kundalini is the Manipurak Chakra. This chakra is located

in the vertebral column opposite the naval region and it is visualized as a

blue lotus with ten petals. It represents the fire element.There are ten beej

mantras, one for each of the ten petals, for activating this chakra. The beej

mantras are 'Dam', 'Dham', 'Nnam', 'Tam', 'Tham', 'Dam' (written differently in

sanskrit), 'Dham' (written differently in sanskrit), 'Nam', 'Pam', 'Pham'.These

are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:1. Control over the fire

element.2. Control over breathing, hunger and pain.3. Improved ability to

meditate.4. Ability to walk on air and in water.5. Power to become invisible at

will.6. Power to control weather.7. Elimination of stomach and heart related

diseases.After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The fourth

chakra of the Kundalini is Anahat Chakra. This chakra is located in the

vertebral column opposite the heart and it is visualized as a red lotus with

twelve petals. It represents the air element.There are twelve beej mantras, one

for each of the twelve petals, for activating this chakra. The beej mantras are

'Kam', 'Kham', 'Gam', 'Gham', 'Angam', 'Cham', 'Chham', 'Jam', 'Jham', 'Yyam',

'Tam', 'Tham'.These are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:1.

Control over the air element.2. Ability to see anyone's past, present and

future.3. Ability to read anyone's mind.4. Ability to control anyone's

thoughts.5. Elimination of heart and blood pressure related diseases.After the

activation of this chakra, a person can also help others have all the

above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The fifth chakra of the

Kundalini is Vishuddha Chakra. This chakra is located in the vertebral column

opposite the throat region and it is visualized as a smoky lotus with sixteen

petals. It represents the space element.There are sixteen beej mantras, one for

each of the sixteen petals, for activating this chakra. The beej mantras are

'Am', 'Aam', 'Im', 'Eem', 'Um', 'Oom', 'Rim', 'Reem', 'Lrum', 'Lroom', 'Em',

'Ayeim', 'Oam', 'Aum', 'Am', 'Ah'.These are some of the benefits of activating

this chakra:1. Control over the space element.2. Control over all five

elements.3. Freedom from all diseases and tensions.4. Knowledge on all

subjects.5. Ability to bless or curse.6. Ability to control death.7. Total

material success.8. Elimination of Thyroid, lunge and eye related

diseases.After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The sixth

chakra of the Kundalini is Agya Chakra. This chakra is located opposite the mid

point of the two eyebrows and it is visualized as a white lotus with two

petals.There are two beej mantras, one for each of the two petals, for

activating this chakra. The beej mantras are 'Ham' and 'Ksham'.Also known as

the third eye, this chakra, when activated, results in many super-natural

powers like telepathy, extra sensory perception and ability to control the

nature.These are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:1. Knowledge of

anyone's past, present and future.2. Ability to control anyone's present and

future.3. Ability to create and destroy.4. Ability to control all powers of

this universe.5. Ability to control life and death.The seventh chakra of the

Kundalini is Sahastrar Chakra. This chakra is located at the crown of our head

and it is visualized as a lotus with thousand petals. Without blessings of an

able Guru, this chakra can not be awakened.Feel free to email me if you

wish...Tantra_Is_ScienceModerator, Tantra Sadhana

GroupJay GurudevYour use of

Groups is subject to the

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Guest guest

my good freind this is very good and can be usefull

very usefull but how to awaken this chakras is there

any mantra for each of them?












--- tantra_is_science <tantra_is_science


>From the base of our spinal cord to the crown of our

head, there are

seven energy points or chakras, connected to each

other, which are

collectively known as the Kundalini. Every chakra of


appears like a lotus. The number of petals of these


represent the kind of power a perticular chakra



The first of these chakras is the Muladhar Chakra.


literally means 'main base'. This chakra is located in

the basal

region of the vertebral column at the mid spot between

anus and

reproductive organ and it is visualized as a red lotus

with four

petals. It represents the earth element.


Most of our powers and energies are concentrated in

this chakra.

Usually, these powers remain in a less active or

dormant state.


Mainly, there are four beej mantras, each representing

one of the

four petals, for activating this chakra. First is

'Vam' which

activates the first petal resulting in a better

nervous system.

Second is 'Sham' which activates the second petal

resulting in

physical and spiritual beauty. Third is 'Sham'

(written differently

in sanskrit) which activates the third petal resulting

in increased

muscle mass and strength. The fourth is 'Sam' which

activates the

fourth petal resulting in a magnetic personality.


These are some of the many benefits of activating this



1. Control over the earth element.

2. Rejuvenated tissues and muscles, powerful immune

system and

increased strength.

3. Elimination of skin diseases, backache, anemia and

kidney related


4. Magnetic personality, joyful life without any kind

of fears.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also

help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer

of energy.


The second chakra of the Kundalini is the Swadhishthan

Chakra. This

chakra is located in the vertebral column opposite the


organ and it is visualized as a vermilion lotus with

six petals. It

represents the water element.


This chakra is the origin of our sexual abilities and




There are six beej mantras, one for each of the six

petals, for

activating this chakra. First is 'Bam' which activates

the first

petal resulting in better reproductive capabilities.


is 'Bham' which activates the second petal resulting

in the power to

determine sex and nature of babies before their birth.


is 'Mam' which activates the third petal resulting in


Fourth is 'Yam' which activates the fourth petal

resulting in the

power to control sexual desires. Fifth is 'Ram' which

activates the

fifth petal resulting in better physical appearence.

Sixth is 'Lam'

which activates the sixth petal resulting in the

capability to

acquire success in every field of the material world.


These are some of the many benefits of activating this



1. Control over the water element.

2. Improved sexual abilities.

3. Elimination of acidity, constipation, digestion

problems and

diseases related to urinary system.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also

help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer

of energy.


The third chakra of the Kundalini is the Manipurak

Chakra. This

chakra is located in the vertebral column opposite the

naval region

and it is visualized as a blue lotus with ten petals.

It represents

the fire element.


There are ten beej mantras, one for each of the ten

petals, for

activating this chakra. The beej mantras

are 'Dam', 'Dham', 'Nnam', 'Tam', 'Tham', 'Dam'

(written differently

in sanskrit), 'Dham' (written differently in

sanskrit), 'Nam', 'Pam', 'Pham'.


These are some of the benefits of activating this



1. Control over the fire element.

2. Control over breathing, hunger and pain.

3. Improved ability to meditate.

4. Ability to walk on air and in water.

5. Power to become invisible at will.

6. Power to control weather.

7. Elimination of stomach and heart related diseases.


After the activation of this chakra, a person can also

help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer

of energy.


The fourth chakra of the Kundalini is Anahat Chakra.

This chakra is

located in the vertebral column opposite the heart and

it is

visualized as a red lotus with twelve petals. It

represents the air



There are twelve beej mantras, one for each of the

twelve petals,

for activating this chakra. The beej mantras

are 'Kam', 'Kham', 'Gam', 'Gham', 'Angam', 'Cham',

'Chham', 'Jam', 'J

ham', 'Yyam', 'Tam', 'Tham'.


These are some of the benefits of activating this



1. Control over the air element.

2. Ability to see anyone's past, present and future.

3. Ability to read anyone's mind.

4. Ability to control anyone's thoughts.

5. Elimination of heart and blood pressure related



After the activation of this chakra, a person can also

help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer

of energy.


The fifth chakra of the Kundalini is Vishuddha Chakra.

This chakra

is located in the vertebral column opposite the throat

region and it

is visualized as a smoky lotus with sixteen petals. It


the space element.


There are sixteen beej mantras, one for each of the

sixteen petals,

for activating this chakra. The beej mantras

are 'Am', 'Aam', 'Im', 'Eem', 'Um', 'Oom', 'Rim',

'Reem', 'Lrum', 'Lr

oom', 'Em', 'Ayeim', 'Oam', 'Aum', 'Am', 'Ah'.


These are some of the benefits of activating this



1. Control over the space element.

2. Control over all five elements.

3. Freedom from all diseases and tensions.

4. Knowledge on all subjects.

5. Ability to bless or curse.

6. Ability to control death.

7. Total material success.

8. Elimination of Thyroid, lunge and eye related



After the activation of this chakra, a person can also

help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer

of energy.


The sixth chakra of the Kundalini is Agya Chakra. This

chakra is

located opposite the mid point of the two eyebrows and

it is

visualized as a white lotus with two petals.


There are two beej mantras, one for each of the two

petals, for

activating this chakra. The beej mantras are 'Ham' and



Also known as the third eye, this chakra, when

activated, results in

many super-natural powers like telepathy, extra

sensory perception

and ability to control the nature.


These are some of the benefits of activating this



1. Knowledge of anyone's past, present and future.

2. Ability to control anyone's present and future.

3. Ability to create and destroy.

4. Ability to control all powers of this universe.

5. Ability to control life and death.


The seventh chakra of the Kundalini is Sahastrar

Chakra. This chakra

is located at the crown of our head and it is

visualized as a lotus

with thousand petals. Without blessings of an able

Guru, this chakra

can not be awakened.


Feel free to email me if you wish...



Moderator, Tantra Sadhana Group





Jay Gurudev







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Guest guest

Thanks ,it gives good information on kundalini

May be you can tell more on the methods of activating each of these chakras


Jay Gurudevtantra_is_science <tantra_is_science > wrote:

>From the base of our spinal cord to the crown of our head, there are seven

energy points or chakras, connected to each other, which are collectively known

as the Kundalini. Every chakra of Kundalini appears like a lotus. The number of

petals of these lotuses represent the kind of power a perticular chakra

contains.The first of these chakras is the Muladhar Chakra. Muladhar literally

means 'main base'. This chakra is located in the basal region of the vertebral

column at the mid spot between anus and reproductive organ and it is visualized

as a red lotus with four petals. It represents the earth element.Most of our

powers and energies are concentrated in this chakra. Usually, these powers

remain in a less active or dormant state.Mainly, there are four beej mantras,

each representing one of the four petals, for activating this chakra. First is

'Vam' which activates the first petal resulting in a better nervous system.

Second is 'Sham' which activates the second petal resulting in physical and

spiritual beauty. Third is 'Sham' (written differently in sanskrit) which

activates the third petal resulting in increased muscle mass and strength. The

fourth is 'Sam' which activates the fourth petal resulting in a magnetic

personality.These are some of the many benefits of activating this chakra:1.

Control over the earth element.2. Rejuvenated tissues and muscles, powerful

immune system and increased strength.3. Elimination of skin diseases, backache,

anemia and kidney related diseases.4. Magnetic personality, joyful life without

any kind of fears.After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help

others have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The

second chakra of the Kundalini is the Swadhishthan Chakra. This chakra is

located in the vertebral column opposite the reproductive organ and it is

visualized as a vermilion lotus with six petals. It represents the water

element.This chakra is the origin of our sexual abilities and materialistic

thoughts.There are six beej mantras, one for each of the six petals, for

activating this chakra. First is 'Bam' which activates the first petal

resulting in better reproductive capabilities. Second is 'Bham' which activates

the second petal resulting in the power to determine sex and nature of babies

before their birth. Third is 'Mam' which activates the third petal resulting in

braveness. Fourth is 'Yam' which activates the fourth petal resulting in the

power to control sexual desires. Fifth is 'Ram' which activates the fifth petal

resulting in better physical appearence. Sixth is 'Lam' which activates the

sixth petal resulting in the capability to acquire success in every field of

the material world.These are some of the many benefits of activating this

chakra:1. Control over the water element.2. Improved sexual abilities.3.

Elimination of acidity, constipation, digestion problems and diseases related

to urinary system.After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help

others have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The

third chakra of the Kundalini is the Manipurak Chakra. This chakra is located

in the vertebral column opposite the naval region and it is visualized as a

blue lotus with ten petals. It represents the fire element.There are ten beej

mantras, one for each of the ten petals, for activating this chakra. The beej

mantras are 'Dam', 'Dham', 'Nnam', 'Tam', 'Tham', 'Dam' (written differently in

sanskrit), 'Dham' (written differently in sanskrit), 'Nam', 'Pam', 'Pham'.These

are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:1. Control over the fire

element.2. Control over breathing, hunger and pain.3. Improved ability to

meditate.4. Ability to walk on air and in water.5. Power to become invisible at

will.6. Power to control weather.7. Elimination of stomach and heart related

diseases.After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The fourth

chakra of the Kundalini is Anahat Chakra. This chakra is located in the

vertebral column opposite the heart and it is visualized as a red lotus with

twelve petals. It represents the air element.There are twelve beej mantras, one

for each of the twelve petals, for activating this chakra. The beej mantras are

'Kam', 'Kham', 'Gam', 'Gham', 'Angam', 'Cham', 'Chham', 'Jam', 'Jham', 'Yyam',

'Tam', 'Tham'.These are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:1.

Control over the air element.2. Ability to see anyone's past, present and

future.3. Ability to read anyone's mind.4. Ability to control anyone's

thoughts.5. Elimination of heart and blood pressure related diseases.After the

activation of this chakra, a person can also help others have all the

above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The fifth chakra of the

Kundalini is Vishuddha Chakra. This chakra is located in the vertebral column

opposite the throat region and it is visualized as a smoky lotus with sixteen

petals. It represents the space element.There are sixteen beej mantras, one for

each of the sixteen petals, for activating this chakra. The beej mantras are

'Am', 'Aam', 'Im', 'Eem', 'Um', 'Oom', 'Rim', 'Reem', 'Lrum', 'Lroom', 'Em',

'Ayeim', 'Oam', 'Aum', 'Am', 'Ah'.These are some of the benefits of activating

this chakra:1. Control over the space element.2. Control over all five

elements.3. Freedom from all diseases and tensions.4. Knowledge on all

subjects.5. Ability to bless or curse.6. Ability to control death.7. Total

material success.8. Elimination of Thyroid, lunge and eye related

diseases.After the activation of this chakra, a person can also help others

have all the above-mentioned benefits with a transfer of energy.The sixth

chakra of the Kundalini is Agya Chakra. This chakra is located opposite the mid

point of the two eyebrows and it is visualized as a white lotus with two

petals.There are two beej mantras, one for each of the two petals, for

activating this chakra. The beej mantras are 'Ham' and 'Ksham'.Also known as

the third eye, this chakra, when activated, results in many super-natural

powers like telepathy, extra sensory perception and ability to control the

nature.These are some of the benefits of activating this chakra:1. Knowledge of

anyone's past, present and future.2. Ability to control anyone's present and

future.3. Ability to create and destroy.4. Ability to control all powers of

this universe.5. Ability to control life and death.The seventh chakra of the

Kundalini is Sahastrar Chakra. This chakra is located at the crown of our head

and it is visualized as a lotus with thousand petals. Without blessings of an

able Guru, this chakra can not be awakened.Feel free to email me if you

wish...Tantra_Is_ScienceModerator, Tantra Sadhana

GroupJay GurudevYour use of

Groups is subject to the


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it was nice to receive the tantra mail and it was informative ..inline with wat

i knew .r there any tantra groups in discussion lemme know


bless urself to bless this world


regds n peace

santaIf life becomes love you are on the path and if love becomes your light you

have reached .



The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

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Guest guest

> it was nice to receive the tantra mail and

> it was informative



> r there any tantra groups in discussion

> lemme know



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