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1.does heaven or hell really exist?

2.we have heard good people go to heaven and bad people to hell to suffer or

enjoy the good or bad they have done. if that is the case what is this concept

of karma,we have to pay for our past karma in this life etc.if a hell or heaven

exists there should be no question of paying for our past misdeeds in this

life,as we would have already paid for itafter we were dead by suffering some

punishment in hell.

3.in the light of this and the amazing case of the needle girl from UP,does

heaven or hell really existent on earth itself.(in the way of suffering for

some,and happiness,enjoyment for others)

4.if we have to suffer for our past in the next live's then is helping some one

in deep distress,suffering wrong. as in this case we would be working against

gods natural justice?

5.if there is a hell and we also have to pay on earth for our past karma,when

is it that we go to hell or to put this straight are we given some

chances(say within 5 births we have to clear our karma past misdeeds etc)and

after this time is over we are evaluatedand sent to hell or heaven.and while

this time is not upwe dont go to heaven or hell and just the laws of karma hold

on uson earth itself(i.e suffering for some,good days for some etc)

in our group,there are many accomplished and learned people some of whom who

even have some siddhis,so i think they will definitelybe able to throw some

light on these topics.regards,lasersuper-siddhesh


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Dear Friend,

Kindly see my response below

LASER SUPER [lasersuper ]Sent:

Wednesday, June 18, 2003 1:05 PMmantra_tantraCc:

Subject: some questions

dear members here are some queries that came to my mind, plz thow some light on them

1.does heaven or hell really exist?

[Goel, Anurag (CORP, GEITC)]

Don't know. But some people whom i had known very closely could go to some of

the lokas which are mentioned in divine scriptures.

2.we have heard good people go to heaven and bad people to hell to suffer or

enjoy the good or bad they have done. if that is the case what is this concept

of karma,we have to pay for our past karma in this life etc.if a hell or heaven

exists there should be no question of paying for our past misdeeds in this

life,as we would have already paid for itafter we were dead by suffering some

punishment in hell.

[Goel, Anurag (CORP, GEITC)]

Depending on the kind of karma we have done we might get its fruit in this

birth, in hell/ heaven or any other loka or in next birth.

Effects of different karmas are distributed among all these stages of life i.e.

This Birth

Intermediate Stage ( Heaven/ Hell / Any other Loka)

Next Birth

3.in the light of this and the amazing case of the needle girl from UP,does

heaven or hell really existent on earth itself.(in the way of suffering for

some,and happiness,enjoyment for others)

[Goel, Anurag (CORP, GEITC)]

You can just say that for some of the karmas you get fruits in this life itself.

And this neither denies nor supports the existence of Heaven / Hell.

4.if we have to suffer for our past in the next live's then is helping some one

in deep distress,suffering wrong. as in this case we would be working against

gods natural justice?

[Goel, Anurag (CORP, GEITC)]

You have to understand soul (Atma Gyan) here. Its humane to help. but I guess i

should avoid over helping. A distress or suffering works in two ways. Suffering

will give you a chance to exercise your humanity and in turn that will take you

closer to reality and the one who is suffering is reaping what he/she sowed.

5.if there is a hell and we also have to pay on earth for our past karma,when

is it that we go to hell or to put this straight are we given some

chances(say within 5 births we have to clear our karma past misdeeds etc)and

after this time is over we are evaluatedand sent to hell or heaven.and while

this time is not upwe dont go to heaven or hell and just the laws of karma hold

on uson earth itself(i.e suffering for some,good days for some etc)

[Goel, Anurag (CORP, GEITC)]

To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Whatever you do, leaves

a imprint on your soul (which according to biology will reflect in DNA / Gene/

your biological system(mental state etc.) ). When we die these imprints go with

us. These imprints constrain our future life. Are the imprints bad enough to

cause biological deformity, if yes, one will get that. If u ask me who decides

it i will say its automatic. Its the effect which your body takes. Have you

heard about "Butterfly Effect" (Chaos Theory). It says that a flap of a

Butterfly can lead to a storm in other part of the world. You can relate karmas

and their effects to it.

in our group,there are many accomplished and learned people some of whom who

even have some siddhis,so i think they will definitelybe able to throw some

light on these topics.regards,lasersuper-siddhesh

I try to fit scientific theories to explain and understand these kind of

questions, not sure if they are right or wrong but yes they do provide me with

some insight.

Jai Gurudev,


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