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|| Jai Sadguru Dutta ||


Dear GurubhaiyiyO and behenO,


bhArath mAta is the best manifestation of Shakthi. She is mA

jagadambA mahAkAli, mahAlakshmi and mahAsaraswathi. She is bhArathi

(saraswathi - goddess of learning and knowledge):


"bha tE shu sarvEshu vEdEshu"


("bha" means the highest knowledge; bhArath is the home for all



All our rishis and seers worshipped and adored her. A seer in the

atharvaNa vEda declares:


" mAtA prthvIh | putrOham prthvyAh || "


(the earth is my mother, I am her son)


Sri Adi shankara, the greatest philosopher of the recent times



" swadEshO Bhuvanatrayam"


(my country is greater than the 3 heavens)


If one carefully observes the landscape of our bhArath (the map) it


with the "bindu" being kanyAkumari-the southern most tip and the

northern part being the base (peeth). Words are not enough to praise

our bhArath mAta. Following is the EkAtmatA stOtra by which a true

sAdhak should begin his day. The audio file of this stOtra is also

uploaded to make learning the stOtra easier.


One can hardly find any Hindu ritual in which there is no salutations

to mother earth. As soon as a devot Hindu, gets up from bed,

after "kara darshan", he chants:



" samudra vasanE dEvI parvata stana manditE |

vishNu patni namastuBhyam pAdasparsham kshamaswamE ||"


(O mother earth ! the great oceans are your clothes. Sacred mountains

like the HimAlaya, Vindhya, Malaya, Sahyadri etc are your breasts

which feed us with the divine nectar like waters in the form of

GangA, YamunA, Sindhu, Saraswathi, KAvEri, NarmadA, GOdAvari, KrshnA

etc. I am your son and I am walking over you; O mother, kindly

forgive my sin !!!!)


BhArath is the place where not just the "Messengers of God" are born,

but God himself is born. Every soul born in this land is divine:

"chandan hai is dEsh ki mAti, tapObhoomi har grAm hai |

har bAlAh dEvI ki pratimA, bachchA bachchA rAm hai || "


Words are not enough to praise Her glory. Following is a humble

effort by an UNKNOWN POET, which is popular across the country. It is

called EkAtmatA stOtR (hymn for National Integration) An mp3 audio

file has also been uploaded to help learn the stOtR. I am giving this

complete stOtR in 2 parts.


brahma rAjrshi ratnADhyAm vandE bhAratha mAtAram !!!!!!!!!




EKAtmAtA stOtR



Om namah sacchidaananda

roopaaya paramaatmanE |

jotirmaya Swaroopaaya,

vishwa maangalya moortaye || 1 ||




Om. I bow to the supreme Lord who is the very embodiment of truth,

Knowledge and Happiness,the one who is enlightened, and who is the

very incarnate of universal good



prakritih pancha Bhootaani,

grahaa lOkaa Swaraastathaa |

dishah Kaalashcha Sarveshaam,

Sadaa Kurvantu Mangalam || 2 ||




May all these cause perpetual good to us: Nature composed of three

qualities i.e., Satva, Rajas and Tamas Gunas; the five elements

namely fire, water, air, earth and space; The seven notes of Music;

The ten quarters and time - past, present and future.




Ratnaakaraadhauta padaam,

Himaalaya Kireetineem |

BrahmaRaajarshi Ratnaadyaam,

VandE Bhaarata Maataram || 3 ||




Bhaarat Maataa (the mother land), I bow to thee, whose feet are being

washed by the ocean waves, whose crown is the snowy himalayas, whose

illustrious sons have distinguished themselves as Brahmarshis and as




mahEndrO malayah sahyO

dEvataatmaa Himaalayah |

Dhyeyo raivatako vindhyO

girishchaaravalistathaa || 4 ||




These mountains of our country should always be remembered - Mahendra

(In Orissa), Malaya Giri (in Mysore), Sahyadri (Western Coast),

Himalaya, the abode of gods, Raivataka (Girnar in Gujarat),

Vindhyachal (Central India) and Aravali (in Rajasthan).




Gangaa Saraswatee Sindhur

Brahma Putrashcha Gandakee |

KaavEree Yamunaa Revaa

KRshnaa Godaa Mahaanadee || 5 ||




Seven important rivers of our motherland: Ganga, Sarasvati

(invisible), Sindhu, Brahmaputra, Gandaki, Kaveri, Yamuna, Reva

(Narmada), Krishna, Godavari and Mahanadi.




Ayodhyaa Mathuraa Maayaa

Kaashee Kaanchee Avantika |

Vaishaalee Dwaarikaadhyeya

Puree Takshashilaa Gayaa || 6 ||




Important holy places - Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya (Haridwar), Kashi,

Kanchi, Avanthika (Ujjain), Vaishali, Dwaarika, Puri, Takshashila,




Prayaagah Paataleeputram

Vijayaanagaram Mahat |

Indraprastham Somanaathah

Tathaa Amrutasara Priyam || 7 ||




....Prayaga, Pataliputra (Patna), Vijayanagara, IndraPrastha (Delhi),

Somanath, the famous and Amritsar.



Chaturvedaah Puraanaani

Sarvopanishadas Tathaa |

Raamaayanam Bhaaratam Cha

Geetaa Saddarshanaanicha || 8 ||




We must revere these great religious books from the core of our

heart - the four vedas, eighteen puranas, all the Upanishads, the

Ramayana, The Mahabharata, the Gita, the true Philosophies (Six

Darshanas), ...




Jainaagamaas Tripitakaa

Gurugranthah Sataam Girah |

Eshah Jnaana Nidhih Shreshtah

Shraddheyo Hridi Sarvadaa || 9 ||




.... The Agama books of Jainism, the Tripitaka of Buddhism and the

truthful verse (Vani) of Guru Granth Sahib.



Arundhatyanasooya cha

Saavitree Jaanakee Satee

Draupadee Kannagee Gaargee

Meera Durgaavatee Tathaa || 10 ||




These great ladies must be worshipped as mother goddesses -Arundhati

(Wife of Sage Vasista), Anasuya (wife of sage Atri), Savitri, Janaki,

Sati (daughter of Daksha and consort of Lord Shiva), Draupadi,

Kannagi (a chaste women of Tamil Nadu), Gargi (a learned woman of

vedic period), Mira (a famous devotee of Lord Krishna), Durgavati

(the brave

Queen of Gadha mandala in Central India who fought against the

Moghuls), ...


Laxmi Rahalyaa Channamma

Rudramaambaa Suvikramaa

Niveditaa Saaradaa Cha

Pranamya Maatri Devataah ||11||


Translation :


Lakshmibai (the famous Queen of Jhansi), Ahalya Bai Holkar, Channamma

(the brave lady of Karnataka), Rudramaambaa, Sister Nivedita (the

disciple of Vivekananda) and Ma Sharada (the Dharma companion of Sri




Sri Raamo Bharatah Krishno

Bheeshmo Dharmastathaa Arjunah

Markandeyo Harishchandrah

Prahlaado Naarado Dhruvah || 12 ||




These are the great men of our country whose glory has been sung in

the Puranic lore - Lord Rama, King Bharata, Lord Krishna, Bhishma

Pitamah (the great celibate), Dharmaraja Yudhishthir, Arjuna (the

great Archer), Sage Markandeya, Truthful king Harishchandra,

Prahlada, Narada, Dhruva, ...



Hanumaan Janako Vyaaso

Vasishthashcha Shuko Balih

Dadheechi Vishva Karmaanau

Prithu Vaalmeeki Bhaargavaah ||13||




Hanuman, King Janaka, Vyasa (the great editor of the Vedic

Literature) age, Vashishtha, Shukadeva Muni, King Bali, Dadhichi (the

great donor of his bones), Vishwakarma (the great architect), King

Prithu (after whom our earth become known as Prithvi), Sage Valmiki

(the author of Ramayana), Parashurama (the son of Bhrigu).




Bhageerathash chaikalavyo

Manur Dhanvantaristathaa |

Shibishcha Rantidevashcha

Puraanod Geeta Keertayah || 14 ||




King Bhagiratha, Eklavaya (a devoted disciple of Guru Dronacharya),

Manu (the great Hindu law giver), Dhanvantari (the great Indian

Physician), and King Rantideva (who himself starved to feed the




Buddhaa Jinendraa Gorakshah

Paaninishcha Patanjalih |

Shankaro Madhva Nimbaarkau

Shree Raamanuja Vallabhau || 15 ||




May these noble souls distinguished in their chosen field of activity

generously bless us with their divine virtues: Lord Buddha, Lord

Mahavira, the great Yogi Gorakhnath, Panini (the great grammarian),

Patanjali (the author of Mahabhashya), Adi Shankaracharya (the great

Hindu crusader), philosophers and saints like Madhvacharya,

Nimbarkacharya, ...



Jhoolelaalotha Chaitanyah

Tiruvalluvarastathaa |


Kambashcha Basaveshvarah || 16 ||




.... Jhulelal (the great saviour of Sindhi Hindus), Mahaprabhu

Chaitanya, Tiruvalluvar, Nayanmars, Alwars, Kamban (the Ramayana bard

of Tamil), Basaveshwar,




Devalo Ravidaasashcha

Kabeero Guru Naanakah |

Narasis Tulaseedaaso

Dashamesho Drudavratah || 17 ||




Maharishi Devala, Sant Ravidas, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Bhakta Narshi

Mehta, Tulsidas, Guru Gobind Singh,



Shreemat Shankara Devashcha

Bandhoo Saayana Maadhavau |

Jnaaneshwaras Tukaaraamo

Raamadaasah Purandarah || 18 ||




Shankardeva (the vaishnava saint of Assam), the brothers Sayanacharya

and Madhavacharya, Sant Gyaneshwar, Tukaram, Samartha Guru Ramdas,

Purandaradasa, ...




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