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Respected Maharajas, Prabhus and Didis,Please accept my humble obeisances and

please forgive me for the recentdelay in sending Srila Maharaja's hari-katha

lectures and darsanas. I havebeen on a marathon to complete some drawings for

him, but still I shouldnot have neglected the hari-katha service. Srila

Maraharaja had ordered meto drop everything to do those pictures but I should

not have consideredthe hari-katha as part of "everything". From now on I will

be moreconsistant. Please forgive me and bless me that I can serve you

better.The following darsana excerpt tells about the drawing marathon.

Vaisnavasevabhilasi, Syamarani dasi]Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta

Narayana MaharajaGITA-GOVINDA PICTURESDe Glind, Holland: June 8, 2003[Two

months prior to the above date, Srila Narayana Maharaja had askedSyamarani dasi

to make some drawings for his soon-to-be-published

Hinditranslation of Sri Jayadeva Gosvami's Gita-Govinda, a book about

theseparation pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. Then, While Srila

Maharajawas in Holland for the week-long hari-katha festival there, she showed

himsome of the drawings in progress and he commented on them:][syamarani dasi:]

They're not finished yet.[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Not finished? After your

life they will befinished?[syamarani dasi:] This one only has a couple of

details to finish. (Seeattachment 1)[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Here Krsna is

taking the feet dust of Radhika.What is He doing?[syamarani dasi:] He is trying

to break Her mana (transcendental lovingjealous anger)?[srila Narayana

Maharaja:] She is crying, but why did you show Him crying?[syamarani dasi]:

What should He be doing? What should His expression be?[srila Narayana

Maharaja:] In this world, it is the general fact that thejealous

(heroine) beloved girl will weep but the beloved man who isbegging pardon will

laugh?[syamarani dasi:] No. If she is so upset that she won't speak to him,

hewould be worried.[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Yes, Krsna will weep, begging,

"Please excuseme." He weeps so that Radhika will have some pity on Him. If He

willlaugh, then she will totally reject Him. Here She is in a mood ofexternally

sending Him away, and Her hand is showing this by its gesture.Any more

pictures?[syamarani dasi:] In this picture the sakhi is telling Radharani

thatKrsna is feeling separation from Her.[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Yes, and

saying, "He may die."[syamarani dasi:] Srimati Radharani looks sad there. Is

this ok?[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Its okay that She looks sad. All the

scenesare in separation.[syamarani dasi:] (Showing the next picture) I tried to

make it similar tothe Hindi picture you gave

me.[srila Narayana Maharaja:] The face should always be the same in all

thepictures. That is, if She is Radhika, and if she is a sakhi then make itlook

different.[syamarani dasi:] What is happening here? (See attachment 2)[srila

Narayana Maharaja:] This sakhi is telling Krsna, "O Hari, how manymore days...

how much more time should Srimati Radhika weep? She islooking here and there.

She is searching Your path and weeping. Her lipsare always drinking the rasa

(juice or mellow) coming from Her two eyes.[syamarani dasi:] She's drinking Her

own tears?[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Not literally drinking the tears, but the

sakhiis telling Krsna that Srimati Radhika's lips are drinking only the rasa

oftears. She is saying, "How can they continue to remain alive, if they arenot

taking food and only taking water? Oh Hari, sometimes You are verynear, and

sometimes very far away. We cannot decide where You are and

whatYou are doing, and thus Srimati Radhika is feeling grievous

suffering.Sometimes she falls down and again tries to stand up, and again

sometimesbecomes unconscious. Oh Hari, how much longer will You give Her

sufferinglike this? Sometimes She is laughing and sometimes dancing as She

thinks,'Oh, Madhava is here.' When She sees any tamal tree, She thinks

Herselfvery fortunate and exclaims, 'I am so fortunate.' But then, when She

goesto embrace that tree, She again faints, thinking, "Oh, where is Hari?

Thisis a tree!'"So this sakhi is Ok.[syamarani dasi:] This is a sakhi or

Radha?[srila Narayana Maharaja:] A sakhi.[syamarani dasi:] It wouldn't be Radha

who the sakhi is talking about?[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Radha is in this

position weeping. Or, thatfigure is a sakhi. That sakhi is telling about Radha.

(See attachment 3)[syamarani dasi:] In this next picture the sakhi is trying

to encourageRadha to come with her to Krsna, and in this next one this sakhi

isspeaking to Krsna.[srila Narayana Maharaja:] Krsna should have a turban, as

in your previouspicture of Him.[syamarani dasi:] Here in this next picture

Krsna is telling a sakhi thatHe is lamenting because He offended Radha. Am I

correct that this is whatis happening here?[srila Narayana Maharaja:] That

sakhi should be Radha. Krsna wanted to stop Her, and She pretended to ignore

Him. He was asking Her, "May I helpYou? You have two waterpots. I can help You

with one of them."You should complete all the pictures before we reach India.

When I reachIndia I want to publish the book at once.If you have just recently

d to this mailing list and would liketo download or just read past

lectures, please log on to www.gaudiya.net. The front page of that website also

has a search function, if you arelooking for lectures on

specific topics.To order Srila Maharaja's lectures on MP3 CD please visit

www.sbnmcd.orgTo , send a blank email to

bvnmharikatha-Editorial advisors: Pujyapad Madhava

Maharaja and Sripad Brajanatha dasaEditor: Syamarani dasiTrancriber and typist:

Vasanti dasi


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