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Yoga's Bio-Psychological Secrets And The Conquest Of Ignorance

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I found this lecture very eye- and heart-opening so I wanted

to share it with you all. I could not find it anywhere on

the Web so I've sent it along here in whole.





As you know, micropsychic longings may be brought within

four broad categories: psycho-physical longing concerning

inborn instinct; psycho-physical longing concerning

non-inborn instinct; psychic longing for psychic pabulum;

and longings concerned with apexed psychology.


What is the meaning of longing? Longing means "the urge that

pulls forward" -- it does not push. If you hear someone say,

"You little boy, you are a naughty child but I like you very

much," a psychic idea is created, and the urge is pulling

it, not pushing it. The enjoying portion of the mind is

pulled by the urge.



Inborn Instincts



First, take the case of inborn instincts. Suppose a person

enjoys eating food in the form of sweets or rice. The

psycho-physical longings for these two types of food operate

in the same direction -- they have the same lateral movement

-- but different waves. How many such waves are there? There

are innumerable waves.


When a newborn babe hears the sound of its mother, it

thinks, "Oh, my mother is coming. I will get breast milk."

It smells fragrances, feels the sensation of touch and

reacts to the environment: "Ooooh, it's extremely cold." It

kicks and urinates. These are all inborn instincts in the

case of animate creatures, but not in the case of inanimate



Inborn instincts develop in human beings a few minutes after

birth. In reptiles and birds they develop when these

creatures come in contact with the physical world, and in

dogs and cats they develop after a few days.


In the case of non-living entities, their inborn instincts

are to contract and inflate. As they cannot express

themselves through nerves, we say that they are inanimate.

They express themselves by increasing or decreasing their

inter-atomic or inter-molecular spaces. Iron, sand, earth,

water, etc., are all inanimate.


In living entities, longings such as the longings for

carbonic pabulum and mother's milk are longings for physical

and not psychic pabulum.


Suppose a man is drinking and drinking -- he knows when to

stop because he has a self-controlling faculty. He knows

when he should not drink any more, and he knows when his

thirst has been quenched. On the other hand, suppose he

tries to check his thirst. He may try to control his thirst

up to a certain degree, but beyond that point his vital

force will not cooperate with his self-controlling faculty.

After two or three days he will not be able to check his

thirst any longer, and if he continues to control it he will

damage his health. The glands and plexi and the protoplasmic

cells will disintegrate because he went against the

characteristics of the vital force.


Take another example. Suppose your collective body does not

want perspiration to come out through the pores of the skin,

but only in the form of urine through the bladder. Gradually

this thinking will change your bio-structure. The pores will

no longer be required, and the bladder and kidney will have

to become more active. Or suppose, by your mental force, you

want to totally check urination. What will be the result?

There will be complete disintegration and dissociation of

various parts of the body -- pancreas, liver, spleen, etc.

Such changes can only be brought about if the idea of the

collective body is supported by the Macrocosm -- that is, if

the Macrocosm approves your demand.



Non-Inborn Instincts



Next come non-inborn instincts. The inner portions and skin

of the human body vary according to climatic conditions. In

the human body there are many glands which are controlled by

plexi. When a human child is born, not all the plexi

function. Generally, the plexi do not function within the

mother's womb because the babe does not breathe directly.

Although the plexi are there, they become developed after

birth only when the child starts to use its own respiratory

system. So after birth, when the plexi become developed,

changes occur in the physical body, in the secretion of

hormones and in the hormonal structures. Over-secretion and

under-secretion of hormones affect nerve cells, and thus

change thoughts. Instincts also change. In the human body

these changes take place slowly in cold climates and more

quickly in hot climates.


Immediately after birth only the faculties of inborn

instincts are expressed. Around the age of five several more

faculties develop, and accordingly more hormones are

secreted and different types of thoughts arise. Certain

changes also take place in the skin. The skin becomes a bit

thick at the age of six in cold climates and at the age of

four in hot climates. With this development a child's love

for his or her brothers and sisters increases, and a

tendency to want to play arises. As a result thoughts




Some Important Glands



(1) Testes and ovaries: At around the age of thirteen in hot

countries and fifteen in cold countries, the testes and

ovaries develop due to the secretion of a special type of



In males the testes are the glands which convert lymph into

semen. As soon as lymph is converted into semen, the nerves

are affected and there is a corresponding change in one's

thoughts. It is the pituitary gland which tells the testes

to convert lymph into semen [that is, testosterone and

spermatic fluid]. When the production of lymph goes beyond

the capacity of the body to utilize it, it is converted into

semen and comes out of the body. Thus, sex desire is created

in the mind.


If the secretion of the testes glands is normal, a sense of

dutifulness will be created in the mind. A boy will be proud

of the fact that he obeyed his father. But if the boy was

only three years old, he would not be able to feel a sense

of dutifulness.


If the testes are over-active [highly active] and there is

over-secretion [high secretion] of hormones, a youth

develops the spirit of rationality. The pubic hair grows due

to the activity of the testes. This is the physical effect.

The development of rationality is the psychic effect. The

nervous system will also be affected. If not hindered by the

natural flow of the lymphatic glands, over-secretion [high

secretion] leads to the development of hair in the arm pits

at the age of fifteen to seventeen in hot countries and

seventeen to eighteen in cold countries. Along with this the

feeling of rationality grows. For example, a boy may say,

"No, father, do not ask me to do that. It is not good."


If there is under-secretion of the testes glands, there will

be less hair; and if, at the same time, the sex glands do

not develop at the specified stage, the boy will become very

cruel. He may, for example, take a grasshopper and cut off

its legs. You may have seen such a boy at the age of

thirteen, fourteen or fifteen: he may be unsocial, he may

not mix with others. This is due to the under-secretion of

hormones from the testes glands.


In the case of ordinary secretion, sex longing is created.

If there is over-secretion [high secretion], a youth

acquires the power to transform that longing into

universalism. In those of you who have a longing for Parama

Purus'a [supreme Consciousness], an over-secretion [high

secretion] took place in your hormones between the ages of

fifteen and seventeen. At that stage the idea to become

great comes into the mind.


If there is under-secretion of the hormones of the testes

glands, a youth will develop less kindness, and less hair

will grow in the armpits and pubic region. If you see a man

with these physical characteristics, then and there you can

come to a conclusion about the extent of his kindness.

Moreover, such a person will most likely support dogma. He

will not have the moral strength to protest against dogma

(including scriptural dogma), and he will not support a new



If the testes function properly and if there is no hindrance

from the lymphatic glands, intelligence will develop.

Without the testes, the solar plexus will not be developed

and intelligence will decrease.


In the past many slaves were converted into eunuchs -- known

as khojas in Persian. If the ovaries of a female or the

testes of a male are dissociated from the body, the person

will become a eunuch. In a male, if the testes are separated

from the body, there will be physical and psychological

changes. The man will not die but he will lose the sense of

dutifulness and responsibility. All the qualities associated

with the testes, such as the sense of dutifulness and

responsibility, will be wanting. A eunuch will not be able

to grow any pubic hair or the pubic hairs will be few.


Should the testes be cut off and a man made into a eunuch?

Can it be considered civilized? In some countries men were

changed into eunuchs, and as they did not have any sex

feeling, they were posted as security guards in the harems

of the rulers. This is a barbarous system and goes against

fundamental human rights. It is extremely bad.


If the sex organ is cut off from the male body, what will be

the result? The man will not die, but the testes and kidneys

will not be able to function properly. There will,

therefore, also be psychological changes and no sex feeling.


(2) Prostate gland: The prostate gland gives rise to the

feeling of shyness or shamefulness in the mind. At the age

of three to five a child does not feel any shyness. At this

age a child can walk on the street without any clothes on.

Adults experience shyness due to the development of this

gland and imposed sam'ska'ras [mental reactive momenta].


As a result of over-secretion of hormones from the prostate

gland, a sort of melancholia may develop. One may think:

"What is the necessity of this creation? Why did Parama

Purus'a create this universe? I am alone, I have no friend.

Where is the charm in life? Nobody cares for me." There are

certain philosophies which propound this sort of

melancholia. It is also apparent that the propounders

themselves suffered from melancholia.


If there is under-secretion of the hormones from the

prostate gland, a person will develop a fearful nature and

suffer from psychic hallucinations. One may even see a ghost

in broad daylight. Under-secretion, or low secretion, from

the prostate gland creates this psychology.


Does the prostate gland depend on the lymphatic glands or

vice versa, or are they interdependent? These glands are

interdependent; rather, all plexi and all glands are

interdependent. All glands depend greatly on the lymphatic

glands for their supply of lymph -- the raw material. The

dependence of the other glands on the lymphatic glands is

greater than the dependence of the lymphatic glands on the

other glands. Similarly, the upper plexi are less dependent

on the lower plexi, and the lower plexi are more dependent

on the upper plexi. The surplus supply of lymph goes to the

brain [via the bloodstream] and nourishes the nerve cells of

the cranium.


(3) Solar plexus [located at the midpoint of the chest]:

When the solar plexus is developed, love for children is

aroused. This is common to all animals, birds, mammals and

human beings. But creatures which have self-dividing bodies

have no love for children as they have no solar plexus.


Just after the lymphatic glands begin to function normally,

the testes develop in males, and in the case of females, the

ovaries develop and glands start functioning to make human

milk. Love for children also increases.


When the solar plexus develops, the beard grows in males. If

there is low secretion of the hormones from the solar

plexus, less beard grows. Also, due to low secretion in

sterile men and women -- those who are viewed as eunuchs --

love for children is lacking. In the case of over-secretion

[high secretion], what will happen? In males the beard will

grow more. It is a good sign if men have a thick beard.


Human love will be transformed into universal love if there

is over-secretion [high secretion] of the hormones from the

solar plexus. In the case of males with love for Parama

Purus'a, they will either have a thick beard or developed

breasts, or both. Before they were sa'dhakas [spiritual

aspirants], they would have either thinner beards or less

developed breasts.


What happens if the solar plexus becomes dissociated from

the body? All higher human wonts have their base in the

solar plexus. If the solar plexus or any plexus becomes

separated from the human body, the person will die then and

there. The corporal structure will not survive even for a

second. (In Latin there are two adjectives for "corpus".

"Corpus" means "the indispensable portion of a structure".

"Corporal" concerns something relating to the physical body,

and "corporeal" refers to some physical material.

"Incorporeal" concerns something which does not come within

the scope of tactuality. Suppose a voice comes from the

invisible world. Is it a physical voice? No, it is an

incorporeal voice.)


(4) Thyroid and parathyroid glands: Due to the secretion of

hormones from the thyroid gland in the male body, the voice

becomes deep and the moustache grows. Along with this, the

quality of self-reliance increases. In the case of men, if

this gland is not developed they will have a quarrelsome

nature. Women will have the same defect and will also become

a bit irrational. Vanity, too, will develop if there is

under-secretion of the parathyroid gland. These are all

non-inborn instincts.


For a male from a hot country, all the glands develop fully

by the age of twenty-four. In cold countries this full

development is reached approximately two years later. After

the age of thirty-nine there is a slight deterioration in

the physical body, but advancement in the psychic sphere.

After the age of fifty in hot countries and fifty-one in

cold countries, there is more physical deterioration and

slight mental deterioration. After the age of sixty in hot

countries and sixty-one in cold countries, the thinking

power will slowly deteriorate.


The human body is a biological machine. This is the story of

the human body and human plexi.


I have discussed only a small portion of this knowledge

because there is the possibility that it may be misused.

Much research needs to be done on this subject for the

all-round welfare of living beings.


(5) Pituitary and pineal glands: As a result of the

sa'dhana' [spiritual practices] performed in previous lives,

at the age of thirteen, after the sex glands are developed,

the pituitary gland starts to function tremendously and

one's thirst for spirituality is aroused. If such a person

gets proper guidance from a preceptor, one achieves

spiritual progress. If one falls into bad company, one's

downfall is rapid.


After getting proper spiritual guidance, one's mind rises

upwards from the pituitary gland to the pineal gland, and

with one's mind concentrated on the controlling point of the

pineal gland, one attains salvation within a short span of



Parama Purus'a applies microvita to different glands and

sub-glands. He renders this help to spiritual aspirants in

the last phase of the third stratum [dimension of

psychology] and in the fourth stratum. Most of the glands

function within the first and second dimensions of

psychology. The pituitary gland concerns the third

dimension, and the pineal gland concerns the third and

fourth dimensions. [There are four dimensions of Yoga

psychology -- from the mu'la'dha'ra cakra to the man'ipura

cakra; from the man'ipura cakra to the vishuddha cakra; from

the vishuddha cakra to the a'jina' cakra; and above the

a'jina' cakra. These dimensions of psychology correspond to

the four phases of meditation.]


Spiritual aspirants should take care to purify their

pituitary gland because this helps in spiritual sa'dhana'.

The secretion of hormones in the upper glands maintains a

balance in all the other glands. The pituitary gland is

psycho-spiritual in nature, and the pineal gland is

spiritual in nature.


As far as plexi are concerned, they are the

bio-psychological secrets of living. In inanimate objects

there is no secretion of hormones from [glands or] plexi.

Expression takes place through the expansion and contraction

of their inter-atomic and inter-molecular spaces.


The grace of Parama Purus'a influences all plexi. The

atonemental provisions of Parama Purus'a are through all

plexi -- not only the pituitary and pineal. Negative

microvita do not function in the pituitary and pineal

glands. Positive microvita function through all plexi.


As a general rule the grace of Parama Purus'a is expressed

through positive microvita in different plexi. Noticeably or

conceivably a sweet aroma comes from the concerned plexus.

When a spiritual aspirant attains mental concentration or

composure, as in madhura sa'dhana' [a particular type of

meditation], he or she experiences a sweet aroma and the

mind feels peaceful or composed. Parama Purus'a gives the

bliss of tactuality through different plexi.



The Importance of Lymph



The lymphatic glands supply raw material -- lymph -- to the

factories -- the glands -- and the surplus lymph goes to the

brain and provides food for the nerve cells in the cranium.

When lymph comes in contact with an activated gland,

hormones are created.


The lymphatic glands associated with the testes start

functioning at the same time as the testes begin to work in

a proper manner. The raw material for the testes is the

[lymph] hormone generated by the [regional] lymphatic

glands. That lymph is converted into semen by the testes.

When lymph comes to the solar plexus, the spirit of love and

affection for children develops. In the female body ova are

created in the ovaries. Some other lymph helps to maintain

proper energy in the body and physical glamour, and in the

case of females a certain portion is converted into milk.


The solar plexus cannot function properly if the supply of

lymph is not perennial or regular. In the case of spiritual

aspirants, there is high secretion of lymph in the solar

plexus, consequently love for children is converted into

love for the Supreme. That is, love for unit beings is

transformed into love for Supreme Consciousness. Lymph is

thus a cause of psychic change.


In the female body the lymph glands become very active at

certain points, and in the male body at other points. In the

case of adolescent girls and boys, a special type of nerve

sensation occurs in the genitals. This sensation increases

vigour in the person and creates the feeling in the mind, "I

have to do something." At that age one decides or tries to

decide one's future. If the selection is defective, one will

not progress. For example, if one wants to learn medicine

but is forced to learn engineering by one's parents, one may

not be successful. But if the selection is proper, one will

be successful. Generally in hot climates this occurs in boys

at the age of seventeen and in girls at the age of sixteen,

and in cold climates at nineteen in the case of boys and

eighteen in the case of girls.


The lymphatic glands supply the raw material to the

factories. All glands are factories. If hot static food or

excessive animal protein is eaten by males, the quantity of

lymph will decrease and the conversion of lymph into semen

will increase. This will lead to intellectual backwardness.

It may be observed that people who eat much animal protein

tend to produce many children. This has its own sociological



Men should have proper control over the conversion of lymph

into semen. This is part of Brahmacarya sa'dhana'

[meditation on the Supreme Entity]. Men should have proper

control over their bodies. Human beings should be sentient

in food, mind and intellect.


Although carnivores may be more clever or cunning than

granivores, they are generally less intellectual. It will be

very difficult for a tiger, a cat or a dog to perform

spiritual practices. A monkey or a cow may perform spiritual

practices because they get much chlorophyll from grass and

other green vegetation. Granivorous animals produce more

lymph than carnivores, and that is why their brains are more



The lymphatic glands of monkeys are highly developed,

although they utilize very little of their lymph. This is

why they can jump so much. Human beings cannot jump as much

as monkeys because they use more lymph in the functioning of

the brain. Human qualities develop along with the increase

of lymph.


Lymph is required for the production of milk. Most women can

move fast until they give birth to children, but after

childbirth they generally cannot move as fast. Deer are

granivorous and can move fast, but they give little milk

because they use their lymphatic glands a lot. As cows

produce excessive milk, they cannot move fast.


Vegetarians produce more lymph because they get chlorophyll

from grass and other green vegetation, and that is why their

brains are more developed than those of non-vegetarians.

Those who consume animal protein [neglecting green

vegetation] suffer from want of lymph because animal protein

contains very little chlorophyll. Tigers and cats are

carnivores, which is why they produce less milk. Cows and

buffaloes produce much more milk because they take

chlorophyll from green grass and green vegetation.


Maximum lymph is produced from food which contains a lot of

chlorophyll, such as green vegetables and especially the

tips of the stems of creepers. Granivorous animals produce

much milk, while carnivorous animals, such as dogs, give

very little milk.


Lymph is produced from animal protein also, but because

animal protein produces a lot of heat in the human body, the

lymph is quickly converted into semen. Monkeys and deer

produce much lymph, but it is not converted into semen

because it is utilized in running and jumping.


What is the initial stuff in the manufacture of lymph? Lymph

is produced from the energy and vitality acquired from the

different quinquelemental factors of this universe, such as

water, air and light. They are the initial stuff. The final

stuff is shukra [which has three stages: lymph, spermatozoa

and seminal fluid]. It is the most developed stuff -- the

cream of all creams. Chlorophyll accelerates the speed of

the production of lymph, but it does not act as the initial



In certain people the major portion of lymph is eroded away

and that is why they are intellectually deficient. But for

spiritual aspirants, as the major portion of their lymph

remains in their bodies, they should not suffer from any

intellectual deficiency. This is why the intellectual

standard of spiritual aspirants is higher than that of

common people.


Positive or negative catalytic agents have an important

effect on the manufacture of lymph. Positive psychic and

positive physical environments are positive catalytic

agents, and negative psychic and negative physical

environments are negative catalytic agents. Even if the food

one eats is sentient, but the environment is negative, it is

detrimental to mental progress. Cinema halls, prostitute

quarters and busy commercial places are negative physical

environments. Bad discussions, bad books, and bad thoughts

prevailing among the population are negative psychic

environments -- negative catalytic agents. If the

environment is good, such as at Anandanagar, it is a

positive physical environment -- a positive catalytic agent.

If there are many spiritual aspirants and elevating

discussions, a positive psychic environment will be created.

This will help in the manufacture of lymph.


Lymph itself is a hormone, and is converted into other

hormones by different glands. Lymph is the initial hormone.

The creation of hormones in the other glands depends upon

these positive and negative catalytic agents. This is the

reason why in olden times even Shiva placed much importance

on satsaunga [associating with good people]. Satsaunga

provides a positive psychic environment. Good company leads

to liberation whereas bad company is the cause of bondages.



Psychic Longing for Psychic Pabulum



Pabulum is a Latin word. Its meaning is not comprehensive.

A'bhoga in Sanskrit is the proper term. A'bhoga: a' - bhuinj

+ ghain. A' means "towards"; bhuinj means "to enjoy"; and

ghain makes it a verbal noun. So a'bhoga means "an object of

enjoyment". Few people are acquainted with the term a'bhoga,

therefore people use "pabulum".


Objects of enjoyment may be physical or psychic. Suppose an

object of enjoyment is a sweet. This is physical pabulum. A

noble idea is psychic pabulum. If the psychic object is a

sweet, psychic movement is towards something crude; if it is

something subtle, the mind moves towards the subtle and will

become subtle. Even if the starting point of emanation is

crude but the mind continuously thinks of something subtle,

the mind will become subtle -- the culminating point, the

end point, is subtle. So, if the culminating point is crude

the mind gets crudified, and if the culminating point is

subtle the mind becomes subtle.


The mind will have to maintain parallelism with the physical

structure while moving towards a certain object. Association

by proper adjustment and parallelism between the psychic and

physical bodies causes life, and dissociation under adverse

conditions results in death. If there are severe hindrances

in the process of emanation [of psycho-physical waves], the

parallelism is lost. If parallelism is lost, there is death

-- the body and the mind will dissociate.


There are two causes of death: physical and psychic.

Physical death occurs when the waves of the physical

structure become crudified due to old age or any other

physical deficiency. Psychic death occurs when psychic clash

with either subtler or cruder thought-waves results in

increasing or decreasing the wavelength of the mental waves

respectively. In this case, also, loss of parallelism will

occur, and the physical and psychic bodies shall dissociate.


Thus, if, on a particular avenue of progress, one's longing

for a particular object is hindered, the parallelism between

mind and body will be lost. In this case psychic diversion

is essential because one must maintain parallelism with the

vital characteristics.


The psychology of humans is goaded by certain principles,

that of cows by other principles, and that of vultures by

still other principles. Each follows a particular path.

Suppose a human being dies of smallpox or cholera. A vulture

will not die if it eats a human body which is infected with

either disease. If, on the other hand, a man eats the flesh

of a person who has died of cholera, he will almost

certainly die. This is because the plexi of human beings and

those of vultures are different.


Human beings should move forward with a thorough knowledge

of propriety and impropriety. They must maintain a balance

between social propriety, political propriety and psychic

propriety. One's relations with one's brother, sister,

mother, wife, etc., are all different. One's behaviour with

one's sister should not be the same as it is with one's

wife. Maintaining proper relations with different sorts of

people is part of propriety. Human beings must not go beyond

the limits of psychic propriety. If balance is maintained

and propriety is properly measured, then the world will be

an abode of prama' [dynamic adjustment] -- heaven will be

established on the earth.



Apexed Psychology



When the movement of the human mind is not in many lateral

directions -- north, south, east and west -- but towards the

Supreme Entity, then the mind becomes apexed, pinnacled.

This pointed mind either merges in the Macrocosm, or gives

up its individual existence in the Supreme Cognitive



In the time of Shiva yogis and bio-psychologists preferred

cold climates. In those days they did all kinds of

parapsychological research. Even now yogis run to the

Himalayas for this purpose. Our sa'dhana', your sa'dhana' is

a bio-psychological practice.


If, in a particular life, one performs sa'dhana' but does

not attain salvation, one will have to come back again.

Under such circumstances one may or may not remember one's

past life -- it depends on the pituitary gland. Then, in the

latter part of one's present life, say at the age of forty

or later, if one's mind reaches the pineal gland, one will

attain salvation.


Preferably, one should start bio-psycho-spiritual practice

as early as possible after the age of five. If that is not

possible, one should definitely start sa'dhana' by the age

of thirteen after the sex glands develop and the sense of

responsibility and dutifulness arises in the mind.


The pituitary plexus is very important in spiritual

progress, especially the left side [from the viewpoint of

the sa'dhaka]. If the left side of this plexus is developed

and the right side is not, after death one is reborn with a

human body and continues practising sa'dhana'. When a

spiritual aspirant strikes the pineal gland, salvation is

achieved. If both sides of the pituitary plexus are fully

developed, one becomes self-knowing, if not all-knowing. (In

Latin "all-knowing" is "omniscient", and in Sanskrit it is



In the case of Shiva, the pituitary gland is called Shiva's

third eye, but it is actually His omniscience through which

He sees the three ages -- past, present and future.


If one is unable to attain salvation in a particular life,

one gets a human body in the next life and is guided by

parapsychology. In the next life one remembers, up to the

age of thirteen or fourteen, everything concerned with the

past life, but as soon as the testes glands [or ovaries]

start to function, one generally forgets the past. This is

because as soon as the sex glands start functioning, one

develops a special attraction for this earth. If one does

not forget the past, one dies, usually at the age of

thirteen, fourteen or fifteen, because one will not be able

to adjust the past life with the present life. If one

forgets the past, one will not die. Those who have attained

salvation may or may not remember their past lives according

to their own sweet will. This comes within the scope of



So if one does not attain salvation in a particular life, in

the next life, after the testes glands [or ovaries] start to

function, one will have to become a spiritual aspirant,

leaving one's hearth and home to become successful in

spiritual life.


The reason why these people are reborn is to undergo the

reactive momenta of their past lives. Some of their reactive

momenta remain unquenched. They are reborn just to undergo

the pleasure and pain resulting from their previous reactive

momenta. In this life a man, in the next life a woman; in

this life a boy, in the next life a girl. In the life after

that one may become self-knowing, if not all-knowing.



The Grace of the Guru



To make the mind pinnacled, one should do dhya'na of the

Guru in the Guru cakra. The Guru cakra is slightly below the

pineal gland, though the sahasra'ra cakra and the Guru cakra

are virtually the same. So the mind is to be concentrated on

the Guru cakra, and all the potentialities of the

unconscious mind are also to be concentrated here. The

moment one achieves full concentration, one becomes



Why do spiritual aspirants concentrate on the Guru cakra and

not on the pineal gland for dhya'na? Because the Guru cakra

is the internal side of the sahasra'ra cakra.


A spiritual aspirant should not do spiritual practices to

become omniscient. Rather, a spiritual aspirant is to

perform spiritual practices to satisfy Parama Purus'a in the

form of Parama Guru. That is why it has been rightly said:

Guru krpa'hi kevalam ["The grace of the Guru is



There is no difference between the pineal and pituitary

glands of males and females, but there may be differences in

the other glands. This is why those who say that women are

not entitled to spiritual salvation are wrong. Men and women

are equally entitled to spiritual salvation.


The right wing of the pituitary plexus controls the

qualities, attributions and quanta of the leftistic

propensities, which are a little more than 400 in number.

The left wing of the pituitary plexus controls the

qualities, attributions and quanta of the rightistic

propensities, which are also a little more than 400 in

number. The total is a little less than 850. When both sides

of the pituitary plexus are fully developed and fully

utilized, one attains apexed intellect.


Leftistic propensities are those which have a degenerating

and depraving effect, such as shyness, shamefulness,

melancholia and fear. Rightistic propensities are those

which pave the way to supra-consciousness. As a result of

the normal secretion of hormones of the first sub-gland of

the man'ipura cakra, the propensities of shyness and

shamefulness are created. This creation of shyness is an

imposed sam'ska'ra. It only occurs when the environment

helps in creating this propensity. The combined effect of

the over-secretion of the fifth and of the over-secretion of

the sixth sub-glands of the igneous plexus is melancholia.

Due to the under-secretion of its ninth and tenth

sub-glands, the fear complex is created.


If one commences spiritual practices later in life, and if

the left wing of the pituitary plexus is developed, one can

remember one's past life. When the right wing is developed

but the left wing is not developed, the entity will not get

a human structure with developed nerve cells, but will get

the body of a developed animal such as a dog, cow or monkey.

In such cases the entity will remember its past life until

its sex glands start functioning. When the sex glands start

functioning, it forgets its past life; if it cannot forget,

it dies. When, in rare cases, a person does not forget his

or her past life nor dies, he or she becomes a spiritual

genius, a hermit, or a worker of a missionary organisation.


Good propensities may be enhanced or diminished by microvita

with the help of the Macrocosm. Good propensities may be

enhanced with positive microvita and diminished with

negative microvita. Bad propensities may be enhanced with

negative microvita and diminished with positive microvita.


When the Guru is pleased with the disciples' efforts, the

Guru graces them by encouraging and enhancing their good

propensities and by reducing their bad ones by microvita.

The good propensities are enhanced by positive microvita and

the bad propensities are reduced by positive microvita.

Through microvita the Guru does the needful to increase or

decrease the secretion of the glands.


If Parama Purus'a is pleased with a boy He applies positive

microvita to all his plexi, and as a result the person

enjoys bliss. It is remarkable that after a sa'dhaka has

developed to the third phase of sa'dhana', he attains

salvation within a short period with the help of the Guru.


A human being is just like a machine -- or a mechanical doll

-- in the hands of the Macrocosm. Perform spiritual

practices to satisfy Parama Purus'a, the Supreme Cognitive

Faculty, and He will do everything. If one gets the guidance

of a sadguru at the age of thirteen, fourteen or fifteen,

and diverts one's potentialities towards Parama Purus'a

through spiritual practices, one is sure to be successful in




3 June, 1987, Calcutta




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