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GoddessDurga, "Srinath Ram"

<srinath_atreya> wrote:

, Srinath Ram Atreya

<srinath_atreya> wrote:

, "malladimadhavi" <srims@e...>


> Namaste,my request was to know about the birth of

> mahalakshmi,mahasaraswati,mahagowri.their birth stars and


> mahavishnu's star they say is sravana, lord shiva is


> is krittika,lord rama is punarvasu,lord krishna is rohini, maha

> ganapathi is satabhisha,like that.


I think that it is very difficult to have an authoritative answer

when it

pertains to the Mother since she is the embodiment of everything; you

name anything, and it is in Her and vice-versa. At this point, I

would like

to draw your kind attention to a famous composition of Shree


daasa in Kannada:


" sakala graha bala neene sarasijaaksha"

[ O! sarasijaaksha, you are the power and essence of all planets]


The above is from the Vedantic view point. I think your question is


the occult view point. In Jyothish and other occult practices, the

following is widely accepted:


1. Raahu,Saturn - Aridra, Swati,Satabhisha - Mahaakaali


2. chandra, Shukra - Bharini, PoorvaPhalguni, Poorva Ashada - Mahaa



3. budha, Ketu - Aswini, Maghaa, Moola- Mahaa Saraswathi


>From the "thiThi" perspective,


1. ashtami, navami , chaturdashi, amaavaasyaa - Mahaakaali

2. panchami, dashami, paurnamaasya - Mahaalakshmi

3. dwitheeya, sapthami, thrayodashi - Mahaasaraswathi


In particular, for Mahaagowri, the "trtheeya" thithi is held most


The selection of "panchaanga" [thiThi, vaara, nakshathra, yOga,


depends on which virtue of the Mother is to be propitiated.

I would like to inform you that whatever holds good for the Mother,

holds good for Lord Mahaaganapathy also, since he is the embodiment

of both "shiva" and "shivaa". Still, His power is fully manifested in


Ketu graha. Those who have Ketu in their lagna [ascendent] are


but an "amsha" of Lord Mahaganapathy himself. Such a native would be

blessed with "brahma jnaana" and "moksha".


>and also i want to know that what

> ever i know is right or wrong.


for a "brahma jnaani" or for the believer of "advaitha", there is


like right or wrong. Such doubts arise when a spiritual aspirant is


his/her initial stages. It only indicates that he/she is evolving.

One should

seek and surrender to a Guru in order to overcome such doubts and

ignorance. What the Guru says shall be the ultimate. In due course,


aspirant realizes a lot by the infinite bliss of Guru and ishta

devatha. A

devot deciple gains knowledge and becomes realized just by serving


holy feet of his/her Guru. There is no need for a formal training. If


Guru is pleased and he blesses his desciple whole heartedly, then all

knowledge praised in the Vedas transcends upon the desciple

automatically, naturally. This is called "Guru kataksha". My whole

life is

not enough to explain even a fraction of this "Guru mahima"........



> and secondly i also wanted to know

> about navagrahas and why do they have adhidevatas and

> prathyadhidevathas and why not any body else have them like indra

> varuna etc.


hierarchy is there everywhere in this universe (creation). from

the "dwaitha" point of view ["shrShTi-kramam" in Shrividya] the

supreme "parabrahma" or "paranjyothi" divides itself and multiplies,

creating a new matter each time. You can think of this as a chain

nuclear reaction. Hence what is there in the macrocosm [brahmanda] is

also there in the microcosm [pindaanda]. navagrahas influence upon


human beings indicates one's past good and bad deeds. Planet's


effects reflect our past bad deed or -ve karmic effects:


"poorva janma krtham paapam vyaadhi roopEna peeditham"


Planets by themselves are incapable of causing these effects. Their

powers [shakthi] is said to be "adhi - devatha" and "prathyadhi

devatha". Any substance is "brahma" - it is an inactive one. When it

gains "shakthi", it becomes a fragment of "parabrahma". I think the

terms "adhi devatha" and "prathyadhi devatha" refers to the different

energy levels. Normally, it is a practice to go upto 3 energy levels


devatha, adhi devatha and prathyadhi devatha [ just like

in "bhooh", "bhuvah" & "suvah"]. But still higher energy levels are


there. It is said that the "bhairavas" and the "yogini"s are superior

to the



Indra, varuna etc are "dikpaala"s. they too have adhidevathas. Such

devas reside in the "suvarloka". observe " bhooh, bhuvah, suvah,

mahah, jana, tapah, sathyam". The "brahma-vishnu-maheshwara"

trinity form a higher level next to the dikpalas. The highest is the


loka". Still further is "nirvikalpa parabrahma"



>what are the gayathris of ashhatadikpalas i.e. indra,agni,

> and why only for satyanarayana puja we perform panchdevata,

> navagraha dikpalaka puja ,and why not in any other puja like

> varalakshmi vratam.please do not laugh at my ignorance,because if

> mother is "aakeeta brahma janani" then i am a keetaka in her

> creation.i am slowly trying to know my mother,her love towards me


> her compassion and her beauty through your beautiful

> list.thankyou,malladi

> madhavi.


the gayathrys for indra, agni etc are found in the puranas and some

tantric texts. Please learn them from a scholar.

No puja is complete without pita puja, dwara puja, dik puja, aavarana

puja etc. These are the days where most of the vratas are performed


playing an audio cassete. Even the purohiths don't have either time


patientce to go into the details of the ritual; Often they are

ignorant. So,

don't go by what others do.


Even for gauree-ganesha vratham, every year, I use the sarvatho-

bhadra mandalam, kalasha sthaapana, navagraha, mrthyunjaya etc

along with homam. None of these have been mentioned in any of the

books available. But going by the ritual's rites, these are


For gauree and varamahaalakshmi vratham we do Shri chakra puja. It

depends on "guru upadesham". you can go into all the details and

worship the Mother elaborately, to your heart's content. At the same

time, it is also important to be aware of time, place and

availability of

resources. Often, an inexperienced, immature sadhak gets frustrated


such exhaustive details and gets deviated from the main goal - the

Mother - her grace. Hence "manasika puja" is the best form of worhip.

But a devotee can resort to any kind of ritual that suits his taste


preferences. In any case, it is better to seek the guidance and

supervision of one's guru.


|| vandhE gurOr mandalam||









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