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, ganapathy = = vijaya

<srividya101> wrote:



Sub : Nyasa and Pranayama


Nyasa is an act to engage or a pledge in which the initiated Manthra is

united with the body and limbs. The purpose is to begin to distant

oneself from perception of the senses Viz I -ness and My ness -- to

begin to identify with the Mantra one has been initiated into. In the

process which is repeated on a daily basis one completely surrenders

one's individuality in all parts of one's being and with the effect of

mantra becomes united with the deity of the manthra.


first the parts of the mantra are assigned to the thumb, index finger,

middle finger, the fourth and the little fingers of both hands and end by

touching the front and back of the palms. -- This is Known as Karanyasa.


the devotee further places fingers of his both the hands on various parts

of the body, heart, head, shika, armour, eyes reciting the appropriate

mantras of the parts. This is known as Anganyasa.


Depending on the types of puja one does, there are many other nyasas -

- Like in the Srividya Navavarana puja there are 16 Nyasas ( Shodasa

Nyasa ) starting with Mathruka Nyasa.


In case of Devi Sapthasathi Parayana generally 11 nyasas are prescribed

and known as ekadasha nyasa. The number of Nyasas also depend on

the Padathi.


Similarly the Pranayama is done before a puja . Pranayama is the act of

taking the bredth from the left nostril and after retaining it for few

seconds is exhaled through the right nostril reciting the Moola manthra.

Time for inhale, retention and exhalation also exists. Depending on the

Guru there exisits many varieties of exercises to suit different

constitutions and temperaments.


As per Ananda Gita -- By Swami Sivanandaji Of rishikesh pranayama

removes all diseaes, even incurable ones, awakens Kundalini Shakthi

and bestows good health and longevitiy.


It is also said by the medical specialists that on an average a man uses

only 60 % of his lung capacity ,to the extent of 40 % the lung is unused

and if one tries to utilize it completely, this would bring immense health









Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagath "





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