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|| Shri Gurubhyo Namah ||

|| namah parama RshiBhyO namah parama RshiBhyah ||

(Forwarded original message:)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Nikaame Nikaame Ha Vai Tatra Parjanyo Varshati…Phalinyo Ha Vai Tatra Oashadhayah

Pachyanthey…Kalpathey Ha Vai Prajaabhyo YogakshemahaYatraitheyna Yajneyna

Yajanthey- Taittiriya Brahmanam, 3:8:13"It will rain abundantly whenever we

desire; plants and trees willbear fruits and grains profusely; People will

attain Yogakshema - welfare,security and prosperity… Where yajna is

performed."A group of lovers of Vedic culture in Kerala have come together to

tryand organize the Yajna described below. The Chief Patron will be Swami

Ranganathananda Maharaj.Please circulate this information as widely as possible

to help inthis great effort.Regards,Michel Danino***********************

|| Yajney Sarvam Prathishtitham || ||

Saagnichitya Sarvaprushta Sarvasthoama ||

Vedic Yajna Prathishtaan,Prabha SadanPoonkunnamTrichur - 680 002.KeralaTel: 0487

- 2381854.OM SHANTI DHAMA,3371, 13th Cross, K.R. Road,Second Main, Shastri

Nagar,Bangalore - 560 028.Tel : 080 - 676 1057 / 676 8866

APTHOARYAAMA YAAGAMYagnesaachyuta govinda maadhavaanantha kesava |Krishno

vishnoh hrisheekesa vaasudeva namoasthuthey ||

- Vishnu Puranam, 2:13:9Respected Mahaasayas and Mahilaamanis,We have great

pleasure to inform you that by the grace of God,blessings of Mahatmas, and

goodwill and affection of the people, it is proposed to organize the

performance of Saagnichitya Sarvaprushta Sarvasthoama Apthoaryaama Yaagam at

Mulakunnanthukavu, Thrissur district, Kerala in April 2004.


The performance of this great Vedic ritual is being promoted jointlyby the VEDIC

YAGNA PRATHISTHAAN, Mulakunnathukavu and OM SHANTI DHAM,Bangalore with the


objectives are:1. To scientifically evaluate the effects of Vedic rituals on

Nature,human beings, animals and plants with the help of eminent scientistsand

modern, sophisticated equipment.2. To revive, rehabilitate, rejuvenate and

restore to deservingheights our Vedic and Srouthic traditions. (Sroutha is the

branch of knowledge dealing with yajna).3. To propagate the lofty principles

and Universality of Vedicculture;and to bring Veda to the people and the people

to Veda.4. To organize exhibitions, seminars, and assembly of scholars

fromallparts of India for exchange of thought and information; andenlightening

the people about Veda, Sroutha, and related subjects.


Apthoaryama is a gigantic Vedic ritual. it is the seventh and thebiggest of the

seven important Soma Yaagas known as SAPTHA SOMASAMSTHAS; the others being,


ATHIRAATHRA.Apthoaryaama encompasses performance of an enormous number of

rituals and recitation of thousands of Rig Veda and Yajur Veda mantras and

chanting of innumerable Sama Veda mantras. Mantras from Atharva Veda are also


This yajna has another important component, namely,MAHAAGNI CHAYANA or GARUDA

CHAYANA. The main FIRE-ALTAR (HAVANA-VEDI) for the yajna is constructed with

one thousand baked clay bricks of different shapes and dimensions. They are

piled in five layers; one over the other, each layer consisting of two hundred

bricks. When completed,the altar assumes the shape of an Eagle with

outstretched wings. Many rituals and the recitation and chanting of Veda

mantras accompany. the construction and consecration of this main altar. Each

brick or group of bricks is piled reciting Veda mantras. About one-third of

KrishnaYajur Veda Taittiriya Samhita is utilized for these rituals. The

glorious Sri Rudra and Chamaka are among the mantras utilized.SOMAYAAGAS:

Somayaagas are elaborate and complex Vedic rituals. The rituals of Aptoaryaama

spread over 10-12 days and around the clock onsome days. The Vedic texts and

manuals relating to yajna arevoluminous.A large chunk of Rig Veda, Yajur Veda,

and Sama Veda is associatedwith yajna; as mantras to be utilized and their

interpretation, and ascommandments, precepts, rules and procedural details.The

performer of the yajna (Yajamaana), Aacharyas, Ruthviks(officiating priests)

and others doing priestly duties are to be well versed in Veda and should

possess mastery and the on-the-job experience in Sroutha.Such persons are few

in number at present.Even in Tamilnadu, Andhra and Maharashtra, where varieties

ofSomayaagas are performed every year; the performance of Apthoaryaama takes

place only once in a few years. This may be due to the profundity and

complexity of this yajna.IV. THE KERALA SCENARIO.Nampoothiris in Kerala have

been performing only two varieties ofSomayaaga; AGNISHTOMA and SAAGNICHITHYA

ATHIRAATHRA; but there is evidence to establish that Apthoaryaama also used to

be performed in earlier days. The great scholar and outstanding Sroutha

maestro, ERKARA RAMAN NAMPOOTHIRI has stated in his book "SROUTHA KARMA

VIVEKAM', on page 176 (Anadi Books, Kunnamkulam); that more than 200 years ago,

KAIMUKKU VAIDIKAN; an eminent expert in Veda and Sroutha has written a palm-leaf

grantha in Samskrit titled "PRAYOGA VRITTI". Erkara states that the details of

yajnas now being performed in Kerala (AGNISHTOMA and ATHIRAATHRA ) as well as

those which were being performed earlier,viz., SHODASI, APTHOARYAAMA,

SOUTHRAMANI etc. are given in the grantha. In his book, EKAAHAA HEENA

SATHRAMGAL (Preeti Books, Trichur), through pages 133-143, Erkara has quoted

extensively the portions relating to the procedure of Aptoaryaama from Prayoga

Vritti. It is therefore quite certain that

Aptoaryaama was performed in Kerala in earlier days. It is thus evident that the

proposal to perform Aptoaryaama is also an attempt to revive a lost tradition.


V. VENUEThe lush green paddy fields adjoining the Sree Narayana temple

inMulakunnathukavu has been selected as the venue for the yajna. Thetemple

surroundings and the general rustic ambience provide anappropriate setting for

an event of this kind. It has all thefacilities required for the smooth and

efficient conduct of the yajna. The venue is located slightly away from the din

and bustle of Trichur city, towards the North; and the road to the venue takes

off from the Trichur-Shomur highway.VI. PERSONNELThe yajarnaana for this yajna

will be Shri DEEPAK APTE and hisDharmapatni, Smt. DEEKSHITHA APTE; from Goa.

They have alreadyperformed two Somayaagas. The main Ruthviks will be Adhwaryu



Sadasya;Shri VASUDEVA PARANJYPE, all of whom belong to Karnataka.Shri Vasudeva

Paranjype from Mysore, an erudite scholar and expert inPoorva Meemansa and the

members of the Joglekar family from Gokarnam, who are reputed for their Sroutha

expertise, will provide theleadership.The other ruthviks will also be from

Gokarnam, Mysore and other partsof Karnataka. It is assured that the caliber of

the ruthviks will behigh.To ensure that they are thorough and their standard of

performance is high; rehearsals have started.In conformity with the lofty

principles of Veda, and as envisaged bygreat souls like Erkara Raman

Nampoothiri, people from all sections ofthe society will be involved in various

activities and functions ofthe yajna.VII. EQUIPMENTMost of the equipment and

vessels required for the yajna are made ofwood or baked clay. These will be got

made and brought by theyaajnikaas. The bricks required for the main altar will

be manufacturedin Thrissur district.VIII. OTHER

ACTIVITIESI . Scientific evaluation: A team of eminent scientists will

beconstituted to conceive, plan and execute scientific studies of theyajna's

effect on Nature, human beings, animals and plants.Studies of the effect on

environment will include study of atmospherictemperature, pressure, humidity,

rainfall and study of electromagneticfields and nuclear radiation.Studies on

human beings will include measurement of brain waves andcardiological

analyses.Studies on animals will include, besides others, behavioral

patterns.2. Vedic exhibition: An elaborate Vedic exhibition will be arranged

toenlighten the public about the various streams of knowledge enshrinedin Veda.

There will be models of the yajnasaala including the eagleshapedaltar,

implements and vessels used in the yajna etc. With the help of charts,

paintings and models, attention of the general public will be drawn to the

insights in

Veda.3. Assembly of Scholars: Seminars and assembly of scholars and experts in

Veda and Sroutha from all parts of India will be organized.4. Contact with

Public:a. Ratha Yaatra: A ratha yaatra from Amritsar to Kanyakumari and

fromthere to the venue of the yajna is planned to take the message of Vedaand

yajna to the common man.b. Cultural and social organizations and the public:

All efforts willbe made to enlist the association, support and co-operation of

culturaland social organizations and the general public. Our aim, we would like

to re-emphasise; is to bring Veda to the common people and the common people to

Veda and to inculcate the lofty principles and Universality of Vedic culture in

the minds of the people.c. Blessings of Mahatmas: We shall seek the blessings of

Saints andspiritual leaders for the auspicious fulfilment of this great

ritual.IX: BUDGETThe provisional estimates of the outlay for

the yajna are given below:(Rupees in LAKHS)

RITUALDakshina, clothes, implements, bricks, yaagasala, Offering materialslike



3.00FOOD EXPENSES 5.00CONTINGENCIES 2.00------------------TOTAL 40.00

LAKHS-------------------We appeal to all to associate, involve and co-operate

with this greatand noble effort and benignly, liberally and magnanimously

contributefor this great and glorious yajna; the aim and objective of which

isthe welfare, well being, prosperity and security of all men, animals,plants

and everything in the Universe.Yours sincerely,VEDIC YAJNA PRATHISHTAAN &OM


Sadan,Poonkunnam, Trichur - 680 002.KeralaTel: 0487 -

2381854.R.Srinath srinath_atreya Download Messenger now for a

chance to WIN Robbie Williams "Live At Knebworth DVD"

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