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guru diksha -- HELP

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i need help with regards to guru diksha:


1. How much does it cost ?

2. What does it include ?

3. What does it entail ?

4. More info on getting guru diksha using a photo ?


Thank u


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Dear Sivaomzn,

Depends on what you are seeking. There are different kinds of vidysa and each has specific guru. You want to become a sanyasi then you have to go to a sanyasa guru if you need to get initiated too veda you need to get initiated to gayatri. If you need your kundalini raised you need a yogic or tantric guru. If you want power of seeing future knowing the secrets of people you need yakshni mantra to be initiated. Each power has a different vidya associated with it and different gurus having siddhi on the vidya are needed.

Pwerhaps if you could be more explicit and sp[ecific on what you want out of the guru deksha the forum members could guide you. ( you are not getting responses because your message is very criptic)



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  • 1 month later...


Dear Sivaomzn,

Depends on what you are seeking. There are different kinds of vidysa and each has specific guru. You want to become a sanyasi then you have to go to a sanyasa guru if you need to get initiated too veda you need to get initiated to gayatri. If you need your kundalini raised you need a yogic or tantric guru. If you want power of seeing future knowing the secrets of people you need yakshni mantra to be initiated. Each power has a different vidya associated with it and different gurus having siddhi on the vidya are needed.

Pwerhaps if you could be more explicit and sp[ecific on what you want out of the guru deksha the forum members could guide you. ( you are not getting responses because your message is very criptic)







what about a Single Guru with all the knowledge ???


sure it is there but hard to find........

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  • 2 years later...


i need help with regards to guru diksha:


1. How much does it cost ?

2. What does it include ?

3. What does it entail ?

4. More info on getting guru diksha using a photo ?


Thank u



Dear Friend:

In this 21st Century I am wating for True Guru for past 55 years and I have seen nothing without cost. In the world of these Guru and Diksha there are no free lunch anywhere. That is why the other Religion defies Hindu religion. To pray to one GOD and receive blessing you have to pay Guru who quantifies everythin in monetary value.


There may be many saints in India with extremely deep knowlege of all the Vidya. It is just simple common sense that if this commercial Gurus had all this powers why they have to come out and sell diksa for money. Doesn't this diksa biz defies Saint like Adi Snkarachara othe other great saints. I have contacted many famous 21st century Saints but they will only comunicate via their Sadhaks and the Sadhak will drag you thru the wall to by particular product that Guru have energized and Gurus are soyam Bhagwan and they don't come out of theri Sadhnas. Poor class and women are the victims of these commercial gurus. Also the illiterate filthy rich are also part of this game.


Pleas anyonesend me a list of good guru saints to complete my 55 years quest for GURU Diksa.

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