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siddhashram -3

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In our solar system , as the star sun was an object of very intense

heat, nothing could be created on it. To keep the creation going on,

the second energy changed its form to a third form of oscillating

energy called "Sodhasi" (Sodhasi means controller of 16 sciences) ,

also known as "Maha Tripur Sunadri" causing the sun to spin at a

very high speed separating certain mass from it which created earth

and its moon and other planets of our solar system. The creation of

moon was very important to sustain the life forces on earth as

moon's gravity keeps the earth tilted on its axis casing to have

sustained weather patterns. This particular energy ( " Sodhasi

Shakti" ) was instrumental in the cooling of our planet earth , this

in turn formed the water through rain starting the phenomenon of

life as we know on this planet. This is the third great knowledge of

the "Das Maha Vidyas" of the Sanatan Dharma. This is taught under

the syllabus of science of sun & moon in Siddha Vigyan Ashram.


As the creation was moving forward, after the earth's surface cooled

down, a need arose to create various forms of life including grass,

trees & vegetables on the surface of the earth, for which solar

energy was required. The phenomenon which caused a portion of solar

energy to separate from the sun in the form of sun rays, came into

play due to the role of the next great knowledge, known

as "Chinnamasta" ( "Chinna" means to separate, "masta" means head).

Later on this same energy became responsible for the separation of

life force ("Pranik" Energy) from one's body at the time of physical

death. This is the fourth great knowledge of the "Das Maha Vidyas".

This is taught under the syllabus of solar sciences as well as

science of air & water at Siddha Vigyan Ashram.


Now finally, life force was represented in various physical forms on

this earth and it was necessary to have a continuous flow of life

force into these various physical bodies for their longetivity. This

phenomenon which was created due to flowing energy is known

as "Bhairavi" (Dancing energy) as it came into existence out of

other formed energies. This is the fifth great knowledge of the "Das

Maha Vidyas" of the Sanatan Dharma. This is taught under the

syllabus of science of movement at Siddha Vigyan Ashram.


On this ever changing earth, the newly formed creatures started

movements using their working organs which created actions and

reactions. These in turn were perceived by their sensory organs as

feelings of pain and sorrows, happiness and sadness etc. This was

mostly due to unclear understanding of situations arising due to

continuous changing patterns of behavior among themselves. This

energy working through their minds was "Dhoomavati" (Smoky Energy)

which is the sixth great knowledge of the "Das Maha Vidyas". This is

taught under the syllabus of science of mental forces.


The process of expansion in our solar system was needed to be

stopped after all the planets were finally created and were moving

around in their own circular patterns around the sun. Then the

phenomenon of the great knowledge "Bagla Mukhi" ( Crane faced

energy) came into play to stop the further separation of new masses

from the sun. This is the seventh great knowledge of the Sanatan

Dharma and is taught under the syllabus of sciences related to



Now all the planets were needed to stay in their respective

patterns of movement around the sun without colliding with one

another. This was done through the gravitational forces of energy ,

the next great knowledge known as "Matangi". Further more , it was

required for the continuation of life on earth to have stable life

for all. For that it was necessary to bind all creatures to one

another through feelings of attachment and "Matangi" played that

role also. This is the eighth great knowledge and is taught under

the syllabus of science of gravitational forces at Siddha Vigyan



Every living creature now required to have an easy pattern of life

style to guarantee its longetivity and prosperity. The creative

energy which came into play to provide all what was needed to have a

comfortable life style for each and everyone, was known as "Kamla" (

One who sits on Lotus). This is the ninth great knowledge and is

taught under the syllabus of science of mental forces at Siddha

Vigyan Ashram

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