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siddhashram -4 i think!

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All the above nine energies stay in stagnant form just before the

creation and just after destruction as they merge back into each

other and become one. And in that contained form, this energy is

known as the great knowledge "Bhuvneshwari" ( The Householder ).

During the time, when all the above nine energies are engaged in

their respective duties, "Bhuvaneshwari" acts as the supreme mother

("Maha Shakti") by giving a helping hand to all of them and playing

the role of a catalyst by making their objective fulfilled at a

faster pace. This is the tenth great knowledge and is taught under

science of space at Siddha Vigyan Ashram.


These ten creative and preserving forms of the mother nature or the

great knowledge of supreme energies , considered as mother Goddesses

by all Hindus due to their unique similarities to our physical

mothers in their respective nature.


The first three great knolwledges, "Kali", "Tara" and "Sodhasi", of

these ten Maha Vidyas, always stay active on earth in everyday life

chores of all living beings. These are present in a holy trinity

form representing all matter in the form of electrons, protons and

neutrons. These three are represented in every form of life

through "Icha Shakti" (desire), "Gyan Shakti" (knowledge)

and "Kriya Shakti" (action) respectively. In the process of creation

or destruction, a strong desire is always required and to perform

such an action, this role is played by the divine energy "Kali" and

hence she is known as mother "Kali". In the universe, all these ten

energies are equal in all respects, though their roles are

different, but on earth, the first energy "Kali" is the sole reason

for our creation or destruction and having such a great power , it

is known as "Maha Kali" (Maha means Great).


Once a great desire to perform has been attained, a good knowledge

is required to carry out that action and this role is played by the

divine energy "Tara". This word originates from Sanskrit

word "Tarak" which means liberator. This great knowledge is also

known as "Neel Saraswati" the blue goddess of knowledge. Being a

great source of knowledge to all living beings, she is called "Maha

Saraswati" (Saraswati means the holder of good) and she is always

present in our mental body in blue color at the base of the spinal

chord or "Mooladhar Chakra" as "Kundalini Shakti". When a person is

able to move his "Kundalini Shakti" upwards towards his brain area

through the yogic "Kriyas" (actions) of "Pranayam" ( "Pran" means

life and "Yam" means control ) and "Dhyan" (meditation). Then this

energy , traveling like a serpent, reaches "Shastrahara Charka"

which exist in the brain area of the mental body ; at that time a

person becomes fully enlightened and becomes a yogi, also known

as "Siddha". All "Chakras" exist in the mental body ("Chakra" means

a condensed circle of energy). Due to the wide spread force

of "Tara" on earth , our planet appears blue from outside and is

known as the "Blue Planet".


Once, a thorough knowledge is gained, it opens the door for the

performance of an action. This action is played through the role

of "Sodhasi" and as such all the actions taken by all living beings

to preserve and safeguard is due to this third great divine energy

also known as "Maha Laksmi" ( "Laksmi" means the goal filler).

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