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siddhashram -5

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Rest of the seven great knowledges, play a secondary role in our

life on earth, being supportive of the first three. For

example, "Kamla" gives a helping hand to divine energy "Sodhasi"

and "Bhairavi" gives a helping hand to "Tara". All these seven great

knowledges are usually understood by the advanced spiritual masters

who utilize them individually for the benefit of the mankind. For

common humans, only the first three great knowledges are sufficient

for their existence.


All humans possess a physical body called "Annamay Kosh" , which is

supported through food matter. Inside this food body is another

similar body known as "Pran Maya Kosh" or Ethereal Body , and inside

that is the mental body "Mano Maya Kosh" , and inside that is the

intellect body "Gyan Maya Kosh" , and finally the last body is the

body of bliss called "Anand Maya Kosh". All the five bodies are

connected at the navel in the same way we are connected with our

mother through navel at the time of birth. Similarly, all the five

bodies detach from the navel at the time of death in all humans.

This phenomenon, however, does not affect advanced masters of

spiritual yoga. Though the life force itself leaves the body through

its various parts depending on that person's level of spirituality

during his stay. People who have done nothing but wrong actions and

have never nurtured God's creation and were instrumental in

destroying it by living a self centered life are not deemed as

spiritual souls and these people's life force exits through their

genital areas at the time of death. The life force of people who

have done both good and bad actions during their stay on this planet

earth , leave their body through their mouth or nasal area. The life

force of people who have done more good than bad by nurturing and

advancing God's creation without any selfish motive leave their body

through their eyes. In case of Yogis, whether householder or

aestics, who have uplifted the codes of Dharma ( Religion ) by

staying fully devoted to God, their life force exits the body

through the center of the skull ("Brahamrandha"). These above

mentioned five bodies are only available to human beings and the

animals posses only food body as their other bodies remain

undeveloped just like a seed of a tree.




Basically, all the spirits in the soul form known as "Jivatma" (soul

of the living being) come on this planet earth by dissecting itself

into two parts and take birth in the form of a male and female body

in all living beings. After birth, their main objective becomes to

reunite with each other. At times, it could take a short time and in

many cases it may involve many life cycles and that is the main

reason of unhappiness of all human beings. When the two parts of the

soul meet each other, they become one or "Purnatma" which is known

as fulfillment of the soul. When this happens, the soul gets

liberated from the bondages of the birth cycles and is known

as "Jivan Mukta". Yogis may choose to come to this planet without

the phenomenon of soul dissection as they have to fulfill their

respective duties by living a celibate life.

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