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siddhashram -6

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The advanced masters do their meditations in their spiritual body,

but use their subtle body to travel through many places in this

world and outside this world; at super speeds unknown yet to

mankind. Upon reaching their destination, they can use their

physical body to come into physical existence. They can travel

thousands of miles in seconds. One great Indian master, Swami

Vishuddhanandji, who lived in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India in

early 1900's, was a specialist of the sciences of sun, which he

learnt at Siddha Vigyan Ashram of Shangrila Valley under the

guidance of Swami Neemanandji and other great teachers of that

Siddha Vigyan Ashram like Shyamananda Paramhansa, Bhriguram

Paramhansa and Divyanand Paramhansa. After learning from Siddha

Vigyan Ashram, he came and set up a scientific center to teach the

sciences of sun at Varanasi, India, where he taught that any element

could be transformed into another element using this advanced

science. He taught that nothing gets destroyed; it only changes it's

state and that the existence of the whole world is based on energy

and that essence of knowledge is science. The principal head of this

Siddhashram Institute is revered Mahatapa Baba. Some of the

spiritual masters of the Siddha Vigyan Ashram, apart from those

mentioned above, are Kamal Bharati Ji Maharaj, Vijayanand Ji

Maharaj, Datia Guru Ji Maharaj, Yogesh Chandra Ji Maharaj, Ganesh

Lama Ji Maharaj, Nityanand Ji Maharaj, Bhaskaranand Ji Maharaj,

Telang (Trailang) Swami Ji Maharaj, Totapuri Ji Maharaj, Ramakrishna

Paramhans Ji Maharaj, Shri Aurbindo, Raman Maharshi, Kela

Brahamchari Ji Maharaj, Gagangiri Ji Maharaj, Hazrat Tajuddin Aulia

etc. In the Jain monesteries all 24 tirthankaras reside along with

many Jain immortal masters continuing their advance spiritual

practice. In the Tantric monastries, one come across all the

nine "Nathas" such as Gorakh Nath Ji Maharaj, Machendra

(Matseyendra) Nath Ji Maharaj, Sunder Nath Ji Maharaj, Jalandhar

Nath Ji Mahara etc.


In Yoga Siddha Ashram also known as "Siddhashram", students are

trained to stay one with God until they become one with God and do

His work, acting as angels to keep a harmony and balance on our

planet earth and beyond. Yoga means union between soul and GOD and

Yogi means one who has join with GOD. This Ashram is under the

command of 3 supreme masters; Mahaavtar Kriya Babaji , Langooriya

Babaji and Phulheri Babaji. The author has been very lucky to have

met these masters with their grace. Right now, one of the great

grand masters of this Siddhashram , Brahamrishi Barfani Dada Ji

Maharaj, has been sent by other members of Siddhashram to live

amongst us and show the true path of Sanatan Dharma.


In Yoga Siddha Ashram area, all masters have their own little

hermitages containing huts made out of straw where they remain fully

absorbed in their state of Samadhi (meditation). The masters of the

highest level can only be noticed like a condensed bright light with

a body appearance.




It is possible to reach this land of Siddha's, only if one can

raise himself up to a great height spiritually and takes his mind

off the mental and worldly bondages. The teachers of these

universities are constantly looking for rightful students who have

become Yogis by awakening their "Kundalini Shakti" also known

as "Serpent Power" because it stays in coiled form resembling a

serpent and moves upward through various Chakras in a serpent like

motion in an octave & conclave form of energy. Kundalini stays in

every human being in "Mooladhar Chakra" in the mental body around

genital regions and can be risen with the help of a Shri Guru with

his blessings in a very fast and easy process known as 'Shakti Pad"

A person whose Kundalini Shakti has awakened will have great

personality changes in his life as he does not worry about his

physical body or the physical world. He becomes free from the

bondages of Kama ( Desires ), Krodha (Anger), Lobha (Greed), Moha (

Attachment) and Ahankara (Pride). This is the true identity of a

spiritual person and hence he is known as a Yogi in the spiritual

world. To become a Yogi one has to remember the five eternal

principles of life.

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