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Lazziness is curable!!!

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> I dont agree with the notion that god

> cannot help in overcoming laziness...god

> is the only source of energy required to

> fight with this evil habit.


I agree with you totally. God will certainly help us fight anything

bad. But, what if we do not want to fight? What if we want to just

sit back, relax and ask god to do everything? Gurudev

Nikhileshwaranand has always said, "Take one step towards me and

I'll take 10 steps towards you; but, if you won't move, you won't

get me". He has also said that those who don't jump into the ocean,

never get the pearls.

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> I dont agree with the notion that god> cannot help in overcoming

laziness...god> is the only source of energy required to> fight with this evil

habit.I agree with you totally. God will certainly help us fight anything bad.

But, what if we do not want to fight? What if we want to just sit back, relax

and ask god to do everything? Gurudev Nikhileshwaranand has always said, "Take

one step towards me and I'll take 10 steps towards you; but, if you won't move,

you won't get me". He has also said that those who don't jump into the ocean,

never get the pearls.making a humble request for a solution to a problem is a

first step!

Jay Gurudev/

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Dear Friends,


Just my 2 cents

It is just the very thought that the person realised that he/she

needs to overcome out of laziness is a step with zeal to overcome

out of the laziness. Now it is a matter of sadhana and devotion

towards god makes the person more concentrate with inner peace and

mind control with steady thoughts


So believe in faith and persistence, god does help

all the best




, "tantra_shakti"

<tantra_shakti> wrote:

> > I dont agree with the notion that god

> > cannot help in overcoming laziness...god

> > is the only source of energy required to

> > fight with this evil habit.


> I agree with you totally. God will certainly help us fight


> bad. But, what if we do not want to fight? What if we want to just

> sit back, relax and ask god to do everything? Gurudev

> Nikhileshwaranand has always said, "Take one step towards me and

> I'll take 10 steps towards you; but, if you won't move, you won't

> get me". He has also said that those who don't jump into the


> never get the pearls.

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Dear Members of the group,


my guru had asked me to practise shyamala dandakam

created by the great poet kaalidasa once to overcome

my laziness. I believe it is quite effective. One must

understand its meaning before practising it though. It

can be found at



all the best.






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--- Thank you, Prakash for your comments.


Although the tone may be faulty, there is a measure of truth there.

I must work harder to conquer my own flaws. And yes laziness is one

of them. also, not being able to keep my word beacuase I promised

the divine mother I will stay away from discussions as I end up

flashing me ego, and it doesnt help me in anyway. i hope this will

be my last mail in a long time. So, yes I have weak will power too.

And I must work harder to rectify that.


It was in 1997, on Anant chaturdashi that I performed my

first sadhana. It was called Narayanakshi and was to be done on an

Anant Chaturdashi. I had to draw an eye on a cloth which I spent an

hour making first with a pencil and then witha needle dipped in

sindoor -spent an hour, was pleased with the results. But did not

ahve in me the capacity to chant the 21 mala required. So I chanted

I think 15 and then dispersed the samagri in the river. The result

was supposed to be anant punya.


Next year, I was unwittingly and halfheartedly dragged to take Guru

Diksha by Shirivastav Uncle exactly on Anant chataurdashi day.

Since then, my sadhana moved in bursts and sprouts. I took an oath

before Gurudev's photo for personal reasons,

in 2001 that he will have to guide me himself, under no

circumstance will I contact Gurudham for help or any other Guru in

this life. I have come a long way. I am able to sit and chant a few

hours without any problem now. I have progressed as a human being.

The problem with most people including me is that they are so

preoccupied with finding what is wrong with the world, that they

totally forget to look inwards. It has been humbling to see so much

dirt within me. And still a lot of flaws remain.

I dont know if I can rid myself of it all in this life.


I wish to digress and answer a comment by someone that if i am

changing my ista I will end up empty handed. I think I need to share

this because there will be other like me who are somewhat greedy and

get lost in the maze os sadhanas and deites.


Maybe a good starting point is to quote from Vivvekanada's

commentary on fanacticism and how difficult it is to cure it. I am

only writing by memeory. There was once a very devoted Shaiva who

used to worship Lord shiva with all his devotion. He was meticulous

and regular. however, he bore in his heart a hatred for Lord Vishnu.

ANd was spending his life proclaining superiority of Shiva. Once

the Lord decided to appear before him as half Vishnu and half Shiva

to open his eyes while he was lighting an incense before GOD.

Instinclty, he covered the the nostril on the Vishnu half of the

LOrd because he did not want Vishnu to smell the sweet fragnanace!


I had once pealed into laugher narrating this juicily to a friend.

Yet, it is easy to see things clearly when you are not in a given

situation. I had only known the word "Ma" all my childhood. There

was no difference between her forms to me. When I worshipped I did

not worry whether I was worshipping durga, or kali or lakshmi or


Yet, in a difficult time when i was chanting Gouri mantra, my head

was filled with confusion. And my advisors were more confused than

me:) so, i thought that may be I needed to chant a mahavidya mantra

as gouri mantra was not good enough, and that too of an Ugra

mahavidya.... Now which one do i choose? Bagla, Dhoomavati na, na

may be chinnamasta. It was during that time I had one of my very

very few anubhutis. I was lying on the floor to sleep - i perceived

a very huge black dog come and bark at my face "woof". God, was i

scared! Black dog -kaal bhairav? kaal bhairav - mahakali? but, i was

chanting Gouri mantra. Vivekanda said perhaps jokingly, that a

fanatic was hopeless and cannot be changed. And yes, i was one such

confused person even after that. And it is only recently that I am

finding a correct path. I am paranoid about loosing it.


So, once again my ista is my Ma. And i dont care which form and

which mantra she wants me to chant. Whether it is the same all my

life, or changes is irrelevant. Yet i cannot call myself a Shakta as

it feels that i I am somehow insulting shiva or vishnu when i say


To close my long post, I will type a bhajan I have heard in this

life from some one spiritually accomplished, and sang more than once.

Sorry for no melody.


Jagmag Jagmag tribhuvan me Ma jyoti hai Tihari.

Navlakh tare wari jayen charano pe balihari.


and yet, i still worry about my horoscope. this planet mantra and

that mantra


Tu hi rama hai, tu hi uma hai tu hi shiv mahamaya hai

tu hi shiv mahamaya hai

chand mund danav galne ko, Ma, chandi roop banaya hai

chandi roop banaya hai

(rama is lakshmi. All forms of the divine mother are one. This has

been drilled and hammered into my head repeatedly.

And i hope i never forget it)


tere in nav roopon ki Ma ghar ghar jai jai kari


Asha aur vishwaas tumhi se Ma, tera ek sahara hai

tera ek sahara hai

Jab jab aayee maiya jatil samasya tune aan ubara hai

tune hamen ubara hai


( why should we ,then, have any fears any confusions, and any flaws)


tribhuvan ka bhandaar bharo Ma, sukhi karo sansaari



Bhav sagar me main baha jaat hoon , kar dhar maat ubaar lo

kar dhar maat ubaar lo

teri daya ka hai maiya bharosa, ab to palak ubar lo

ab to palak ubaar lo.


daya mayi Ma nish din teri karta rahoon main feri



Best wishes, happy new year!

And may the divine mother guide us all to the supreme goal. She is

everyone's mother. These differences which we perceive among

ourselves ---i am richer, more intelligent, prettier, a better

sadhak mean nothing to Her. After all she created us as well as our

differences. Material accomplishments are no big deal, spiritual

enlightenment will also come. And so let us walk our respective path.

If someone's path or desire is to acquire siddhis first - let them

persue it.


I am sorry for a long and again incoherent post.

More not soon enough!


ANd may GURUDEV bless us all with what we week in the coming year.

Obviously mukti will not be anyone's list of high priority. Atleast

it is not mine:)


Jai gurudev



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i dont believe that god alone can give help u fight laziness.

god maybe can guide you but u should take the first step.

there is a well known urdu saying regarding this

"Himmatey Marda to Madatey Khuda"

god wont come to u to feed u in your house.he will show you the way and then the

rest you have to do yourself.

there is also a humourous marathi saying

"Asel mazha hari tar deyil khatlya wari"

which roughly translates to

if the lord hari is mine he will give me everything even if i laze on the cot the whole day.

apart from spiritual things u can try this

exercise or play some sport regularly sports take away your laziness.(not indoor)

take good diet,eat sleep and work on time.



dhiraj sharma <dhiraj4uonly > wrote:

Although it is right that the individual with his own efforts can fight away

with his laziness but as per astrology it is due to afflicted Rahu so daan and

japa of rahu will overcome laziness and lethargy. I dont agree with the notion

that god cannot help in overcoming laziness...god is the only source of energy

required to fight with this evil habit.

jai maa.

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dear all,


..This "I" thing is a neccessary evil and knowledge usually comes in

a from a of preaching.gurudev has said many times that"shishya

truthiyon ki khaan hai"(meaning =disciple is a treasure spot of

mistakes) and "mai prahaar karne waala guru hoon".so there is really

not neccessary to analyze ourself as egoistic or not to a confusing

exent if we are gurudev will surely put us on the right path.we

should not be worrying on that and try to be meek.there is a very

thin and subtle line in between being egoistic and saying the right

thing with the right words.


2>>>>----->.gurudev has acheived siddhi in das mahavidya he did

sadhanas of 10 forms can it be called as "left empty handed".u will

get the answer in ur very first thought.there is nothing wrong in

doing sadhana of various dieties.bahumukhi paratibha is essential to

win completely in life(as said by gurudev).but has to be done one

after another succession and not at the same time or else one will be

a person who has his left and right legs in two different boats going

towards different directions(wait a minute...... did i just describe




>And yes laziness is one

>of them. also, not being able to keep my word beacuase I promised

>the divine mother I will stay away from discussions as I end up

>flashing me ego, and it doesnt help me in anyway. i hope this will

>be my last mail in a long time. So, yes I have weak will power too.

>And I must work harder to rectify that.


3>>>>----->.anu i request u not to promise such things again to maa

because each time u do maa will be thinking and worrying "what about

my neglected kid(s) who logs in every time to issiplist hoping that

his query will be answered by a experienced sadhaks/sadhikaas who

are much closer to guru and his mission" (ahem.....sounds like a poor

joke to me).i have roamed like a stray dog to find a guru for many

years and guru came to me through my computer when one fine day i

typed the name www.siddhashram.org just for fun in my browser and

pressed enter..to the creator of siddhashram.org>> "i owe u a big

favour".see i was not lucky enough to be dragged by srivastavji for

guru diksha.u are lying that u have done naarayanakshi sadhana only

once .............u ,ashish, anurag and any other gurubhai does it

each time when they answer a query here.and the result of this

sadhana ...........well u know it.


jai gurudev


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thank you very much srinivas. can i find the meaning somehwere?






In , Shrinivas Khate <srinivaskhet>


> Dear Members of the group,


> my guru had asked me to practise shyamala dandakam

> created by the great poet kaalidasa once to overcome

> my laziness. I believe it is quite effective. One must

> understand its meaning before practising it though. It

> can be found at

> http://sanskrit.gde.to/doc_devii/doc_devii.html


> all the best.


> Shrinivas




> New Photos - easier uploading and sharing.


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I have a very powerful Rahu in the first, it gave me all sorts of material


but it still makes me lazy. I'm not so sure Rahu is afflicted in my chart so

much as he

is afflicting me. If I strengthen Rahu rather than getting less lazy I would

expect to get

more material benefits by unexpected and lazy means.

If anyone knows where I can get an english translation (not transliteration)of

Shyamala Dandakam for this problem please let me know.


, dhiraj sharma <dhiraj4uonly> wrote:

> Although it is right that the individual with his own efforts can fight away

with his

laziness but as per astrology it is due to afflicted Rahu so daan and japa of

rahu will

overcome laziness and lethargy. I dont agree with the notion that god cannot

help in

overcoming laziness...god is the only source of energy required to fight with

this evil


> jai maa.





> Photos - Get your photo on the big screen in Times Square

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Your mail is quite right in pointing out an important point, which is very

relevant for all sadhaks, also for those who are beginners or fence sitters

thinking of entering this greatest realm of human knowledge- Sadhanas.



Dont' worry is we are not able to purchase sadhana articles or able to take

shaktipaat diksha in initial stages. Start with any thing. Atleast we have the

magazines which have various stotras, kavach mantras etc. which do not require

any sadhana articles. Recite as much as possible every day. We should always

keep a resolve in our heart that some day we are going to take shaktipaat

dikshas and do all sadhnas we want to do. We should not not allows logic and

reasons to cloud your resolve. We should just begin with wahtever we have at



Results are sure to come like the sun rising in the east. And when the

opportunity comes for taking sahktipat diksha and doing sadhanas, just grab it.

We should not think that we can go on our own. When initial sadhanas produce

results, in whatever way we have done, there is a tendency in us to be filled

with pride and dreams of making it big with our own strengths without the help

of Guru. This is the most unfortunate thing which happens to any one of us who

could have become an sadhak of great caliber with the help of guru.


Dear brothers we should not allow this to happen in our life.

We have probelms in taking diksha and buying articles..ok Accepted... but keep

resolve in heart.....and when the opportunity comes we should not allow our

reasoning to get away from resolve.....chances are very much there that we may

start thinking that we have reached that stage(abilty to take shaktipat diksha

or buy sadhana articles) on your own strength and we can go further on our


This will never happen my dear brothers...this will never happen to us .....we

wont be able to go on our own very far.... if we miss the importnace of guru,

if we do not take shaktipaat diksha, if we do not use proper sadhna articles.


We can make a beginninng with modest means...but if we want to reach the

destination , then is no other way... We have to come to the lotus feet of


We should always stress on this very important point, again and again , in the

hope that there may be many sadhaks among us doing hard work as per our own

knowledge and convictions.We have the potential to become accomplished sadhaks

and achieve exemplary success in the chosen field of our lives...We should come

to the feet of Guru at any opportunity we get


there is no other way...

there is no other way..

Please do not let the opportunity, of reaching out to the lotus feet of gurudev,

go by...because if that happens then there will be certain and disaterous down

fall one day.

All of us want to be adventrous and ambitious, we can be and we will be when we

take the blessing of the Guru.

If our ego, our logic and resaoning, prevent us from taking proper path...then

result will be disappointing and heartbreaking. We should not wait for this bad

experience to come to our lives......


Start now with whatever means...

With the resolve to reach to the lotus feet of gurudev....

Do not worry that how much time we are able to spend in the beginning. If it is

five minutes only...no problem , it will be 10 minutes after a week, half an

hour after a month...Whatever time we spend in activities of sadhana, it should

be quality time.. duration is immaterial to begin with.

The most important point is whether we have started in that direction or not.

Just start, and stay there...that is most important. Experience and various

"sadhana anubhuties" will come automatically, even if there is delay or there

are obstructions, there is no reason to stop and undo the whole hardwork done.

Only thing we should strive for is to go ahead.. and not be pulled back by

various circumstances of life.


Pranam Gurudev devi_bhagat <devi_bhagat > wrote:

--- Thank you, Prakash for your comments.Although the tone may be faulty, there

is a measure of truth there. I must work harder to conquer my own flaws. And

yes laziness is one of them. also, not being able to keep my word beacuase I

promised the divine mother I will stay away from discussions as I end up

flashing me ego, and it doesnt help me in anyway. i hope this will be my last

mail in a long time. So, yes I have weak will power too. And I must work harder

to rectify that. It was in 1997, on Anant chaturdashi that I performed my

first sadhana. It was called Narayanakshi and was to be done on an Anant

Chaturdashi. I had to draw an eye on a cloth which I spent an hour making

first with a pencil and then witha needle dipped in sindoor -spent an hour, was

pleased with the results. But did

not ahve in me the capacity to chant the 21 mala required. So I chanted I think

15 and then dispersed the samagri in the river. The result was supposed to be

anant punya.Next year, I was unwittingly and halfheartedly dragged to take

Guru Diksha by Shirivastav Uncle exactly on Anant chataurdashi day. Since then,

my sadhana moved in bursts and sprouts. I took an oath before Gurudev's photo

for personal reasons, in 2001 that he will have to guide me himself, under no

circumstance will I contact Gurudham for help or any other Guru in this life.

I have come a long way. I am able to sit and chant a few hours without any

problem now. I have progressed as a human being. The problem with most people

including me is that they are so preoccupied with finding what is wrong with

the world, that they totally forget to look inwards. It has been humbling to

see so much dirt within me. And still a lot of flaws

remain.I dont know if I can rid myself of it all in this life.I wish to digress

and answer a comment by someone that if i am changing my ista I will end up

empty handed. I think I need to share this because there will be other like me

who are somewhat greedy and get lost in the maze os sadhanas and deites.Maybe a

good starting point is to quote from Vivvekanada's commentary on fanacticism and

how difficult it is to cure it. I am only writing by memeory. There was once a

very devoted Shaiva who used to worship Lord shiva with all his devotion. He

was meticulous and regular. however, he bore in his heart a hatred for Lord

Vishnu. ANd was spending his life proclaining superiority of Shiva. Once the

Lord decided to appear before him as half Vishnu and half Shiva to open his

eyes while he was lighting an incense before GOD. Instinclty, he covered the

the nostril on the Vishnu half of the LOrd because he did

not want Vishnu to smell the sweet fragnanace!I had once pealed into laugher

narrating this juicily to a friend. Yet, it is easy to see things clearly when

you are not in a given situation. I had only known the word "Ma" all my

childhood. There was no difference between her forms to me. When I worshipped I

did not worry whether I was worshipping durga, or kali or lakshmi or saraswati.

Yet, in a difficult time when i was chanting Gouri mantra, my head was filled

with confusion. And my advisors were more confused than me:) so, i thought that

may be I needed to chant a mahavidya mantra as gouri mantra was not good enough,

and that too of an Ugra mahavidya.... Now which one do i choose? Bagla,

Dhoomavati na, na may be chinnamasta. It was during that time I had one of my

very very few anubhutis. I was lying on the floor to sleep - i perceived a very

huge black dog come and bark at my face "woof". God, was i

scared! Black dog -kaal bhairav? kaal bhairav - mahakali? but, i was chanting

Gouri mantra. Vivekanda said perhaps jokingly, that a fanatic was hopeless and

cannot be changed. And yes, i was one such confused person even after that. And

it is only recently that I am finding a correct path. I am paranoid about

loosing it.So, once again my ista is my Ma. And i dont care which form and

which mantra she wants me to chant. Whether it is the same all my life, or

changes is irrelevant. Yet i cannot call myself a Shakta as it feels that i I

am somehow insulting shiva or vishnu when i say that. To close my long post, I

will type a bhajan I have heard in this life from some one spiritually

accomplished, and sang more than once.Sorry for no melody.Jagmag Jagmag

tribhuvan me Ma jyoti hai Tihari.Navlakh tare wari jayen charano pe

balihari.and yet, i still worry about my horoscope. this planet mantra and that

mantraTu hi rama hai, tu hi uma hai tu hi shiv mahamaya hai tu hi shiv mahamaya

haichand mund danav galne ko, Ma, chandi roop banaya haichandi roop banaya

hai(rama is lakshmi. All forms of the divine mother are one. This has been

drilled and hammered into my head repeatedly. And i hope i never forget it)tere

in nav roopon ki Ma ghar ghar jai jai kariAsha aur vishwaas tumhi se Ma, tera ek

sahara haitera ek sahara haiJab jab aayee maiya jatil samasya tune aan ubara

haitune hamen ubara hai( why should we ,then, have any fears any confusions,

and any flaws)tribhuvan ka bhandaar bharo Ma, sukhi karo sansaariBhav sagar me

main baha jaat hoon , kar dhar maat ubaar lokar dhar maat ubaar loteri daya ka

hai maiya bharosa, ab to palak ubar loab to palak ubaar lo.daya mayi Ma nish

din teri karta rahoon main feriBest wishes, happy new year!And may the divine

mother guide us

all to the supreme goal. She is everyone's mother. These differences which we

perceive among ourselves ---i am richer, more intelligent, prettier, a better

sadhak mean nothing to Her. After all she created us as well as our

differences. Material accomplishments are no big deal, spiritual enlightenment

will also come. And so let us walk our respective path.If someone's path or

desire is to acquire siddhis first - let them persue it. I am sorry for a long

and again incoherent post. More not soon enough! ANd may GURUDEV bless us all

with what we week in the coming year. Obviously mukti will not be anyone's list

of high priority. Atleast it is not mine:)Jai gurudevanuJay Gurudev/

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Very enlightening narrative :) cheers !




, "devi_bhagat" <devi_bhagat>


> --- Thank you, Prakash for your comments.


> Although the tone may be faulty, there is a measure of truth there.

> I must work harder to conquer my own flaws. And yes laziness is one

> of them. also, not being able to keep my word beacuase I promised

> the divine mother I will stay away from discussions as I end up

> flashing me ego, and it doesnt help me in anyway. i hope this will

> be my last mail in a long time. So, yes I have weak will power too.

> And I must work harder to rectify that.


> It was in 1997, on Anant chaturdashi that I performed my

> first sadhana. It was called Narayanakshi and was to be done on an

> Anant Chaturdashi. I had to draw an eye on a cloth which I spent


> hour making first with a pencil and then witha needle dipped in

> sindoor -spent an hour, was pleased with the results. But did not

> ahve in me the capacity to chant the 21 mala required. So I chanted

> I think 15 and then dispersed the samagri in the river. The result

> was supposed to be anant punya.


> Next year, I was unwittingly and halfheartedly dragged to take


> Diksha by Shirivastav Uncle exactly on Anant chataurdashi day.

> Since then, my sadhana moved in bursts and sprouts. I took an oath

> before Gurudev's photo for personal reasons,

> in 2001 that he will have to guide me himself, under no

> circumstance will I contact Gurudham for help or any other Guru in

> this life. I have come a long way. I am able to sit and chant a


> hours without any problem now. I have progressed as a human being.

> The problem with most people including me is that they are so

> preoccupied with finding what is wrong with the world, that they

> totally forget to look inwards. It has been humbling to see so much

> dirt within me. And still a lot of flaws remain.

> I dont know if I can rid myself of it all in this life.


> I wish to digress and answer a comment by someone that if i am

> changing my ista I will end up empty handed. I think I need to


> this because there will be other like me who are somewhat greedy


> get lost in the maze os sadhanas and deites.


> Maybe a good starting point is to quote from Vivvekanada's

> commentary on fanacticism and how difficult it is to cure it. I am

> only writing by memeory. There was once a very devoted Shaiva who

> used to worship Lord shiva with all his devotion. He was meticulous

> and regular. however, he bore in his heart a hatred for Lord


> ANd was spending his life proclaining superiority of Shiva. Once

> the Lord decided to appear before him as half Vishnu and half Shiva

> to open his eyes while he was lighting an incense before GOD.

> Instinclty, he covered the the nostril on the Vishnu half of the

> LOrd because he did not want Vishnu to smell the sweet fragnanace!


> I had once pealed into laugher narrating this juicily to a friend.

> Yet, it is easy to see things clearly when you are not in a given

> situation. I had only known the word "Ma" all my childhood. There

> was no difference between her forms to me. When I worshipped I did

> not worry whether I was worshipping durga, or kali or lakshmi or

> saraswati.

> Yet, in a difficult time when i was chanting Gouri mantra, my head

> was filled with confusion. And my advisors were more confused than

> me:) so, i thought that may be I needed to chant a mahavidya mantra

> as gouri mantra was not good enough, and that too of an Ugra

> mahavidya.... Now which one do i choose? Bagla, Dhoomavati na, na

> may be chinnamasta. It was during that time I had one of my very

> very few anubhutis. I was lying on the floor to sleep - i perceived

> a very huge black dog come and bark at my face "woof". God, was i

> scared! Black dog -kaal bhairav? kaal bhairav - mahakali? but, i


> chanting Gouri mantra. Vivekanda said perhaps jokingly, that a

> fanatic was hopeless and cannot be changed. And yes, i was one such

> confused person even after that. And it is only recently that I am

> finding a correct path. I am paranoid about loosing it.


> So, once again my ista is my Ma. And i dont care which form and

> which mantra she wants me to chant. Whether it is the same all my

> life, or changes is irrelevant. Yet i cannot call myself a Shakta


> it feels that i I am somehow insulting shiva or vishnu when i say

> that.

> To close my long post, I will type a bhajan I have heard in this

> life from some one spiritually accomplished, and sang more than


> Sorry for no melody.


> Jagmag Jagmag tribhuvan me Ma jyoti hai Tihari.

> Navlakh tare wari jayen charano pe balihari.


> and yet, i still worry about my horoscope. this planet mantra and

> that mantra


> Tu hi rama hai, tu hi uma hai tu hi shiv mahamaya hai

> tu hi shiv mahamaya hai

> chand mund danav galne ko, Ma, chandi roop banaya hai

> chandi roop banaya hai

> (rama is lakshmi. All forms of the divine mother are one. This has

> been drilled and hammered into my head repeatedly.

> And i hope i never forget it)


> tere in nav roopon ki Ma ghar ghar jai jai kari


> Asha aur vishwaas tumhi se Ma, tera ek sahara hai

> tera ek sahara hai

> Jab jab aayee maiya jatil samasya tune aan ubara hai

> tune hamen ubara hai


> ( why should we ,then, have any fears any confusions, and any flaws)


> tribhuvan ka bhandaar bharo Ma, sukhi karo sansaari



> Bhav sagar me main baha jaat hoon , kar dhar maat ubaar lo

> kar dhar maat ubaar lo

> teri daya ka hai maiya bharosa, ab to palak ubar lo

> ab to palak ubaar lo.


> daya mayi Ma nish din teri karta rahoon main feri



> Best wishes, happy new year!

> And may the divine mother guide us all to the supreme goal. She is

> everyone's mother. These differences which we perceive among

> ourselves ---i am richer, more intelligent, prettier, a better

> sadhak mean nothing to Her. After all she created us as well as our

> differences. Material accomplishments are no big deal, spiritual

> enlightenment will also come. And so let us walk our respective


> If someone's path or desire is to acquire siddhis first - let them

> persue it.


> I am sorry for a long and again incoherent post.

> More not soon enough!


> ANd may GURUDEV bless us all with what we week in the coming year.

> Obviously mukti will not be anyone's list of high priority. Atleast

> it is not mine:)


> Jai gurudev


> anu

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, "rv_nath" <rv_nath> wrote:

> Very enlightening narrative :) cheers !


> rv


thank you very much. i hope and pray your sister is doing fine now.


jai gurudev


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thank you ajay for your inspiring post

jai gurudev


- In , ajay sharma <a_sh_r> wrote:

> Dear brother,



> Your mail is quite right in pointing out an important point, which

is very relevant for all sadhaks, also for those who are beginners

or fence sitters thinking of entering this greatest realm of human

knowledge- Sadhanas.



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Dear Anu ji,


It is nice of you to have recollected the posting that I made more

than a year ago.


Well, I can only say that I am on the right path regarding my sister,

I am continuing what I was doing :). It has given me more confidence

and inner strength.





, "devi_bhagat" <devi_bhagat>


> , "rv_nath" <rv_nath> wrote:

> > Very enlightening narrative :) cheers !

> >

> > rv

> >

> thank you very much. i hope and pray your sister is doing fine now.


> jai gurudev

> anu

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brother, please do not ji me.

i have mentioned this before also here. i am very impressed with the

work of Dr Irene Hickman in this direction using hypnosis -they also

do remote depossesion. They hypnotise a subject if the address is

known Infact, at some stage in my later life I may like to learn it




here is a chapter from her book remote depossion


and her book

mind probe hypnosis can be found here




if the problem has persisted for so long why not give it a try?

Also i have come across the meditation of covering oneself with

awhite light reaching up to an arms length right from yogananda to

the western perspective

whatever little she does herself will help her tremendously.


I am not suggesting this as asubstitue to what you are doing, only

as a minor addition.





In , "rv_nath" <rv_nath> wrote:

> Dear Anu ji,


> It is nice of you to have recollected the posting that I made more

> than a year ago.


> Well, I can only say that I am on the right path regarding my


> I am continuing what I was doing :). It has given me more


> and inner strength.


> regards,

> rv


> , "devi_bhagat" <devi_bhagat>

> wrote:

> > , "rv_nath" <rv_nath> wrote:

> > > Very enlightening narrative :) cheers !

> > >

> > > rv

> > >

> > thank you very much. i hope and pray your sister is doing fine


> >

> > jai gurudev

> > anu

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I agree and specifically like the statement

"If there is a problem then there will be a solution to it"


I think its worth understanding Laziness.


Here is a dictionary definition of Lazy

disinclined to work or exertion; "too lazy to wash the dishes"; Inactive; slothful; slow; sluggish;

Disinclined to action or exertion; averse to labor; idle; shirking work. an idle drifter;

Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.

Slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy river. Conducive to idleness or indolence: a lazy summer day.

Important Questions that one should ask are

Why are we resistant to work?

Why is someone disposed to idleness?

Why is someone slow moving (in the context of laziness)?

A person might be lazy in some work but he may not be in some other work. Or

person may be lazy in doing everything.

Laziness is in thoughts and Mind.


Someone can show behaviour of laziness owing to lack of vision and mission for one's life.

For some people lack of vision and mission is not a problem for they just keep

on doing something but they might not know where

are they heading too. But some can't work without a vision / mission and such

people can show up an attitude of carelesness/

Lack of Interest and Laziness.


Laziness can also show up when we are working in some field without proper

knowledge. If we are working in some field without

sufficient knowledge then insufficient knowledge can be one of the causes for

lack of Interest. And Lack of interest can be cause

for laziness. Lack of interest can also be termed as laziness.


example (Laziness due to Lack of Interest)

I am lazy in washing dishes. Why ? I don't like washing dishes. This is an Lack

of Interest attitude. Why do i don't like

washing dishes ? Its a waste of time. I think I will not learn anything new when

i wash dishes. I can instead put that time

to more useful use.


example (Laziness due to loss of energy)

Sambhog. one looses a great deal of energy and there is a great tendency of that

one might be lazy for a short while.


A Behaviour will get defined as lazy depending on what stage we give up a certain task.

I think we can call laziness as when do we give up. Solution to giving up

attitude is knowledge, energy and will power.


Laziness doesn't exist in the presence of will power. But how to develop will

power ? Yoga, Traatak, Vashikaran/ Sammohan yein, Mantra Japa.


So solution should be one which tackles thougths and mind. What one needs are

enlightening words and procedures which affect mind.

Solution should be Dhyaan, Dharanaa and Samadhi.


And as Dhiraj says it could be due to certain planetary combination and as

someone has said it could be due to past karmas/ shraap etc.


Laziness is a disease of mind and what better then awakening thoughts,

knowledge, meditation and mantra japa.


"Psychology and Laziness"


During writting the above i realised that psychologists would have thought on

this topic and did an internet search on "Laziness"



Read the reviews of the book at amazon. It says quite a deal about Laziness.




I can think that i was lazy before entering world of spirituality.

But after i progressed on the path of sadhana. My life has been a lot different.


Its not that i was lazy but that i used to spend my energy is useless things and

in a disorganised way.

Will Power increased a great deal, gained knowledge, gained a lot of confidence.


dhiraj sharma

[dhiraj4uonly ]Wednesday, December 24, 2003 12:44 PMTo:

Subject: Lazziness is curable!!!

Although it is right that the individual with his own efforts can fight away

with his laziness but as per astrology it is due to afflicted Rahu so daan and

japa of rahu will overcome laziness and lethargy. I dont agree with the notion

that god cannot help in overcoming laziness...god is the only source of energy

required to fight with this evil habit.

jai maa.

Jay Gurudev

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--- thank you anurag for your mail.


i read somewhere recently that the basis of all that is good in us

is love. i found this statement to be true. By the same analysis an

inference can be drawn that the basis of everything that is

antidivine is fear. It actually came as a surprise because i always

thought i am pretty brave:) But then a person can be brave in one

aspect and fearful in another.

what i was interpreting as laziness was actually fear of facing some

negative emotions in me. its seems like i am running away from them

and they are piling on. the solution then as vivekanda said in a

narrative where he was talking about monekeys attacking him, and a

sanyasi called out to him "face the brutes".

That is why if you notice all Gods and goddesses raise their hands

in abhaya mudra, it is even more preliminary to a varad mudra.


i once again recommend the atmachetana sadhana as was recommended by

our gurubhai chandra. i am performing it these days. what can be

better than something that helps you take correct decisions. after

all everything in life, all our karma even laziness is an

accumulation of decisions taken over a period of time.


so i go back to taking my fears head on, for myself and those i love.

jai gurudev




In , "Goel, Anurag \(CORP, GEITC\)"

<anurag.goel@g...> wrote:


> I agree and specifically like the statement

> "If there is a problem then there will be a solution to it"


> I think its worth understanding Laziness.


> Here is a dictionary definition of Lazy

> disinclined to work or exertion; "too lazy to wash the dishes";

Inactive; slothful; slow; sluggish;

> Disinclined to action or exertion; averse to labor; idle; shirking

work. an idle drifter;


> 1. Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.

> 2. Slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy river.


> 3. Conducive to idleness or indolence: a lazy summer day.


> Important Questions that one should ask are<?xml:namespace prefix

= o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


> Why are we resistant to work?


> Why is someone disposed to idleness?


> Why is someone slow moving (in the context of laziness)?



> A person might be lazy in some work but he may not be in some

other work. Or person may be lazy in doing everything.

> Laziness is in thoughts and Mind.


> Someone can show behaviour of laziness owing to lack of vision and

mission for one's life.

> For some people lack of vision and mission is not a problem for

they just keep on doing something but they might not know where

> are they heading too. But some can't work without a vision /

mission and such people can show up an attitude of carelesness/

> Lack of Interest and Laziness.


> Laziness can also show up when we are working in some field

without proper knowledge. If we are working in some field without

> sufficient knowledge then insufficient knowledge can be one of the

causes for lack of Interest. And Lack of interest can be cause

> for laziness. Lack of interest can also be termed as laziness.


> example (Laziness due to Lack of Interest)

> I am lazy in washing dishes. Why ? I don't like washing dishes.

This is an Lack of Interest attitude. Why do i don't like

> washing dishes ? Its a waste of time. I think I will not learn

anything new when i wash dishes. I can instead put that time

> to more useful use.


> example (Laziness due to loss of energy)

> Sambhog. one looses a great deal of energy and there is a great

tendency of that one might be lazy for a short while.


> A Behaviour will get defined as lazy depending on what stage we

give up a certain task.

> I think we can call laziness as when do we give up. Solution to

giving up attitude is knowledge, energy and will power.


> Laziness doesn't exist in the presence of will power. But how to

develop will power ? Yoga, Traatak, Vashikaran/ Sammohan

yein, Mantra Japa.


> So solution should be one which tackles thougths and mind. What

one needs are enlightening words and procedures which affect mind.

> Solution should be Dhyaan, Dharanaa and Samadhi.


> And as Dhiraj says it could be due to certain planetary

combination and as someone has said it could be due to past karmas/

shraap etc.


> Laziness is a disease of mind and what better then awakening

thoughts, knowledge, meditation and mantra japa.


> "Psychology and Laziness"


> During writting the above i realised that psychologists would have

thought on this topic and did an internet search on "Laziness"

> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000AACV3/102-



9738152-7052154?v=glance&vi=reviews> &vi=reviews


> Read the reviews of the book at amazon. It says quite a deal about







> I can think that i was lazy before entering world of spirituality.

> But after i progressed on the path of sadhana. My life has been a

lot different.


> Its not that i was lazy but that i used to spend my energy is

useless things and in a disorganised way.

> Will Power increased a great deal, gained knowledge, gained a lot

of confidence.




> dhiraj sharma [dhiraj4uonly]

> Wednesday, December 24, 2003 12:44 PM


> Lazziness is curable!!!



> Although it is right that the individual with his own efforts can

fight away with his laziness but as per astrology it is due to

afflicted Rahu so daan and japa of rahu will overcome laziness and

lethargy. I dont agree with the notion that god cannot help in

overcoming laziness...god is the only source of energy required to

fight with this evil habit.

> jai maa.





> Jay Gurudev

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