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New Member.pls guide.

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Dear Members,

I found this group by chance as I was searching for some

help on a topic.I am thrilled to be a part and I know I will learn alot here.

Please guide me on the following:

1.What kind of a havan can be done to erradicate all forms of tantra done on

anyone? I believe Kaali puja is the best for this.I am still learning so please

throw some light.

2.For such a puja how many havans should be performed? Is it a good idea to

perform one havan every night during Kali gayatri through out Krishna paksh?

Please do guide me as I am facing some problems.Incase you need details please

email me personally.I do appreciate this.

Best Wishes,



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Dear Friend,


The good news is that none of the shishyas of Sada Gurudev are

capable enough to find him or his website! It's the divine maya of

Sada Gurudev that he himself finds and pulls his shishyas of previous

janamas (previous lives!) by finding them at the appropriate time for

their salvation. This fact can be vouched by almost all of his

shishyas, as I have personally experienced and also heard from most

others that I know. So, it is no surprise that you have stumbled onto

this website/. Sometime, in your previous lives, you must

have been a shishya of Pujya Gurudev! He alone is the cause of your

being here. Now its the result of your good karmas that you have the

opportunity to get guidance and ultimate release from all your

worries and attain new levels of consciousness. Your present troubles

are not the real issue; you have to just catch hold of Sada Gurudev's

Lotus feet and pray to him for salvation. Rest will be done by him

without you worrying about the outcome. He is the divine "Maya

Purush", the cause and the protector and destroyer of this whole

Universe! Lord Mahadev - Shiva! Have faith and follow his path and

achieve success! Do not be disheartened by any obstacles as once you

completely surrender your belief and faith in his Lotus feet, not

even Devata Yamaraj can trouble you! What to say about others?

As you are new to sadhana, my suggestion is that you download a

copy of the English Translation of Shree Guru Paduka-Panchakam and

Guru Gita posted at this . You will find it in the

messages section posted on Feb 2, 2004. Guru Gita has been mentioned

in Skanda Purana as a Divya Granth in which each shloka is not just a

collection of Sanskrit alphabets but they are mantras with divine

effect! It is a solution to your search for divine guidance.

Some relevant translated shlokas from 'Guru Gita- Spoken by Lord

Shiva to Mata Bhagwati Parvati!': -


"The Vedas, Shastras, Puranas,

historical accounts and others,

And the science of mantra, yantra, and so on,

smrutis, the uccatana and other incantations,

Shaiva, Shakta treatises and so on,

and others variously,

In this world cause the downfall,

of those beings with deluded minds.

Yajnas, vows, tapa, charity,

japa, pilgrimage, and so on,

The Guru principle not knowing,

fools they are those wandering people.

The Guru is the enlightened Self, no other,

this is true, this is true, no doubt.

In order to attain that, effort however

should surely be done by wise ones.

The hidden knowledge, the world's maya,

and in the body born of ignorance,

Arising by whose light,

by the word Guru it is called.

Having purified the Self of all sins,

through seva at shree Guru's feet,

An embodied one can become Brahman by this.

In order to give you grace I am speaking to you.

The lotus of the Guru's feet having remembered,

water on the head one should support,

Of bathing in all the places of pilgrimage,

he obtains this fruit, a person.

Drying up the muddy quagmire of sins,

kindling the fire of knowledge,

The water of the Guru's feet properly

is a crossing over the ocean of samsara.

Destroying the root of ignorance,

ending karmas and birth,

In order to attain detachment and knowledge,

the water of the Guru's feet one should drink.

The water of the Guru's feet having drunk,

there is the Guru's left over food.

Of the Guru's form there is always meditation,

the Guru's mantra one should always repeat.

The land of Kashi is his dwelling,

Jahnavi is the water of his feet.

The Guru is Vishveshvara incarnate,

crossing over Brahman, certainly.

But the water of the Guru's feet which is

Gaya, that is the Akshaya banyan tree.

And the king of places of pilgrimage, Prayag.

to the Guru's form, salutations, salutations.

The Guru's form one should remember continually.

The Guru's name one should always repeat.

The Guru's command one should go forth and do.

Different from the Guru one should not be.

Abiding in the Guru's mouth is Brahman,

it is obtained from his prasad.

The Guru's meditation one should always do,

like the woman of noble family on her husband.

Whose pair of lotus feet,

the remover of the pair of miseries,

A rescuer always from calamities,

to shree Guru I bow.

The root of meditation is the Guru's form,

the root of worship is the Guru's foot,

The root of mantra is the Guru's speech,

the root of liberation is the Guru's grace.

The Guru is the beginning and beginningless,

the Guru is the supreme deity,

Higher than the Guru nothing is,

to that shree Guru salutations."


Also, I will suggest that you send your photograph to the addresses

given below to receive guru diksha. But it will be advisable to

personally receive gurudiksha from Gurudev! His schedule of various

sadhana camps is available on the website mentioned. You may also

contact Gurudev's Disciples for his schedule for diksha/meeting him

at the following addresses, phones, email: -

Jodhpur Gurudham at Jodhpur, India:Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan,Dr.

Shrimali Marg,High Court Colony,Jodhpur 342001, Rajasthan, India

Telephone: If dialling from International: 91-291-2432209/2433623

(Please prefix with your International Access code eg. 011 from USA)

Within India : (0291)-2432209/2433623 (0291 is STD code for Jodhpur)


Delhi Gurudham at New Delhi, India : Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan,306,

Kohat Enclave, Pitampura, New Delhi 110034, India Telephone: If

dialling from International: 91-11-27182248 (Please prefix with your

International Access code eg. 011 from USA)

Within India : (011)-27182248 (011 is STD code for New Delhi)

You may also contact on email at mtyv


By meeting/contacting him you can avail of Gurudev's divine blessings

and guidance regarding the appropriate sadhana or any other aspect of

your life! In fact after having got diksha you will feel energized,

full of new vigour and hope and any goal you set for yourself will

seem achievable to you. Such is the effect of becoming a sadhak!


What actually is Diksha?

It is a subtle transfer of the divine energy of a Guru into the

heart, soul and body of a disciple. This pure energy initiates a

process of change in the person which ultimately leads to destruction

of all evil and negative tendencies, and spurt of creative and

positive powers which encourage him to strive for the highest and

best in both the spiritual and material fields.

When the Guru gives Diksha a flow of energy takes place from Him to

the disciple, which can be in any form - spoken words in the form of

Mantras, subtle radiation emitted from the eyes or gentle warmth from

a touch on the forehead with the thumb. But the Sadguru is not

limited to these means. Instead He can transfer His energy across

continents and give Diksha through the medium of a photograph as


But Diksha cannot be had so easily as it seems. Firstly only when

one's good luck is running does one have the inclination to go in for

spiritual initiation. Then secondly one has to find or come across a

real Guru who can transform one's life. And even if one does one has

to devote oneself fully to benefit from the Diksha.

Diksha is Important

Diksha Moolo Japah,Sarvah Diksha Moolam Param Tapah.

Diksha Mashoitey Nirset Yatra Kutrashrame Vasan.

(Kularnav Tantra)

Diksha is the foundation of every kind of worship and penance,

therefore a Sadhak must always avoid long methods and adopt the easy

way. Receiving Diksha is such a way. A Guru who cannot grant Diksha

is not fit to be a Guru, he is a fraud. An Ashram without the

tradition of Diksha is just like a desert. Unless there is

arrangement of transferring spiritual energy, it cannot be called an

Ashram. A real Guru is the one who knows the methods of Diksha,

because it is the only power which transfers knowledge and wisdom

into the disciple. Even though he is sinful, he is freed from all


Dikshya Moksha Deepen Chandalopi Vimuchayate

-Kularnav Tantra

In fact Diksha is the greatest treasure, boon of life, basis of the

fusion with Shiva and a system by which a human being transforms into

Maheshwar. The Sadhak not only achieves divinity, but also gets

Gurudev's power.



, kanu priya <kanupriya003> wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah

> Dear Members,

> I found this group by chance as I was

searching for some help on a topic.I am thrilled to be a part and I

know I will learn alot here.

> Please guide me on the following:

> 1.What kind of a havan can be done to erradicate all forms of

tantra done on anyone? I believe Kaali puja is the best for this.I am

still learning so please throw some light.

> 2.For such a puja how many havans should be performed? Is it a good

idea to perform one havan every night during Kali gayatri through out

Krishna paksh?

> Please do guide me as I am facing some problems.Incase you need

details please email me personally.I do appreciate this.

> Best Wishes,

> Kanupriya.





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Dear Raj,

Thankyou for sending me this mail.


Best Wishes,


rgnikhil <raj414 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Friend, The good news is that none of the shishyas of Sada Gurudev are

capable enough to find him or his website! It's the divine maya of Sada Gurudev

that he himself finds and pulls his shishyas of previous janamas (previous

lives!) by finding them at the appropriate time for their salvation. This fact

can be vouched by almost all of his shishyas, as I have personally experienced

and also heard from most others that I know. So, it is no surprise that you

have stumbled onto this website/. Sometime, in your previous lives,

you must have been a shishya of Pujya Gurudev! He alone is the cause of your

being here. Now its the result of your good karmas that you have the

opportunity to get guidance and ultimate release from all your worries and

attain new levels of consciousness. Your present troubles are not

the real issue; you have to just catch hold of Sada Gurudev's Lotus feet and

pray to him for salvation. Rest will be done by him without you worrying about

the outcome. He is the divine "Maya Purush", the cause and the protector and

destroyer of this whole Universe! Lord Mahadev - Shiva! Have faith and follow

his path and achieve success! Do not be disheartened by any obstacles as once

you completely surrender your belief and faith in his Lotus feet, not even

Devata Yamaraj can trouble you! What to say about others? As you are new to

sadhana, my suggestion is that you download a copy of the English Translation

of Shree Guru Paduka-Panchakam and Guru Gita posted at this . You

will find it in the messages section posted on Feb 2, 2004. Guru Gita has been

mentioned in Skanda Purana as a Divya Granth in which each shloka is not just a

collection of Sanskrit alphabets but they are mantras with divine effect!

It is a solution to your search for divine guidance.Some relevant translated

shlokas from 'Guru Gita- Spoken by Lord Shiva to Mata Bhagwati Parvati!': -

"The Vedas, Shastras, Puranas, historical accounts and others,And the science

of mantra, yantra, and so on, smrutis, the uccatana and other

incantations,Shaiva, Shakta treatises and so on, and others variously,In this

world cause the downfall, of those beings with deluded minds.Yajnas, vows,

tapa, charity, japa, pilgrimage, and so on,The Guru principle not knowing,

fools they are those wandering people.The Guru is the enlightened Self, no

other, this is true, this is true, no doubt.In order to attain that, effort

however should surely be done by wise ones.The hidden knowledge, the world's

maya, and in the body born of ignorance,Arising by

whose light, by the word Guru it is called.Having purified the Self of all

sins, through seva at shree Guru's feet,An embodied one can become Brahman by

this. In order to give you grace I am speaking to you.The lotus of the Guru's

feet having remembered, water on the head one should support,Of bathing in

all the places of pilgrimage, he obtains this fruit, a person.Drying up the

muddy quagmire of sins, kindling the fire of knowledge,The water of the

Guru's feet properly is a crossing over the ocean of samsara.Destroying the

root of ignorance, ending karmas and birth,In order to attain detachment and

knowledge, the water of the Guru's feet one should drink.The water of the

Guru's feet having drunk, there is the Guru's left over food.Of the Guru's

form there is always

meditation, the Guru's mantra one should always repeat.The land of Kashi is

his dwelling, Jahnavi is the water of his feet.The Guru is Vishveshvara

incarnate, crossing over Brahman, certainly.But the water of the Guru's feet

which is Gaya, that is the Akshaya banyan tree.And the king of places of

pilgrimage, Prayag. to the Guru's form, salutations, salutations.The Guru's

form one should remember continually. The Guru's name one should always

repeat.The Guru's command one should go forth and do. Different from the Guru

one should not be.Abiding in the Guru's mouth is Brahman, it is obtained from

his prasad.The Guru's meditation one should always do, like the woman of

noble family on her husband.Whose pair of lotus feet, the remover of the

pair of miseries,A rescuer always from

calamities, to shree Guru I bow.The root of meditation is the Guru's form,

the root of worship is the Guru's foot,The root of mantra is the Guru's speech,

the root of liberation is the Guru's grace.The Guru is the beginning and

beginningless, the Guru is the supreme deity,Higher than the Guru nothing is,

to that shree Guru salutations."Also, I will suggest that you send your

photograph to the addresses given below to receive guru diksha. But it will be

advisable to personally receive gurudiksha from Gurudev! His schedule of

various sadhana camps is available on the website mentioned. You may also

contact Gurudev's Disciples for his schedule for diksha/meeting him at the

following addresses, phones, email: -Jodhpur Gurudham at Jodhpur, India:Mantra

Tantra Yantra Vigyan,Dr. Shrimali Marg,High Court Colony,Jodhpur 342001,

Rajasthan, IndiaTelephone: If

dialling from International: 91-291-2432209/2433623 (Please prefix with your

International Access code eg. 011 from USA) Within India :

(0291)-2432209/2433623 (0291 is STD code for Jodhpur)Delhi Gurudham at New

Delhi, India : Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan,306, Kohat Enclave, Pitampura, New

Delhi 110034, India Telephone: If dialling from International: 91-11-27182248

(Please prefix with your International Access code eg. 011 from USA) Within

India : (011)-27182248 (011 is STD code for New Delhi) You may also contact on

email at mtyv (AT) siddhashram (DOT) org By meeting/contacting him you can avail of

Gurudev's divine blessings and guidance regarding the appropriate sadhana or

any other aspect of your life! In fact after having got diksha you will feel

energized, full of new vigour and hope and any goal you set for yourself will

seem achievable to you. Such is the effect of becoming a sadhak!What actually

is Diksha?It is a

subtle transfer of the divine energy of a Guru into the heart, soul and body of

a disciple. This pure energy initiates a process of change in the person which

ultimately leads to destruction of all evil and negative tendencies, and spurt

of creative and positive powers which encourage him to strive for the highest

and best in both the spiritual and material fields. When the Guru gives Diksha

a flow of energy takes place from Him to the disciple, which can be in any form

- spoken words in the form of Mantras, subtle radiation emitted from the eyes or

gentle warmth from a touch on the forehead with the thumb. But the Sadguru is

not limited to these means. Instead He can transfer His energy across

continents and give Diksha through the medium of a photograph as well. But

Diksha cannot be had so easily as it seems. Firstly only when one's good luck

is running does one have the inclination to go in for spiritual initiation.


secondly one has to find or come across a real Guru who can transform one's

life. And even if one does one has to devote oneself fully to benefit from the

Diksha. Diksha is Important Diksha Moolo Japah,Sarvah Diksha Moolam Param

Tapah.Diksha Mashoitey Nirset Yatra Kutrashrame Vasan.(Kularnav Tantra)Diksha

is the foundation of every kind of worship and penance, therefore a Sadhak must

always avoid long methods and adopt the easy way. Receiving Diksha is such a

way. A Guru who cannot grant Diksha is not fit to be a Guru, he is a fraud. An

Ashram without the tradition of Diksha is just like a desert. Unless there is

arrangement of transferring spiritual energy, it cannot be called an Ashram. A

real Guru is the one who knows the methods of Diksha, because it is the only

power which transfers knowledge and wisdom into the disciple. Even though he is

sinful, he is freed from all bondages. Dikshya Moksha Deepen Chandalopi

Vimuchayate-Kularnav Tantra In fact Diksha is the greatest treasure, boon of

life, basis of the fusion with Shiva and a system by which a human being

transforms into Maheshwar. The Sadhak not only achieves divinity, but also gets

Gurudev's power., kanu priya <kanupriya003>

wrote:> Om Gurave Namah> Dear

Members,> I found this group by chance as I was

searching for some help on a topic.I am thrilled to be a part and I know I will

learn alot

here.> Please guide me on the following:> 1.What kind of

a havan can be done to erradicate all forms of tantra done on anyone? I believe

Kaali puja is the best for this.I am still learning so please throw some light.>

2.For such a puja how many havans should be performed? Is it a good idea to

perform one havan every night during Kali gayatri through out Krishna paksh?>

Please do guide me as I am facing some problems.Incase you need details please

email me personally.I do appreciate this.> Best Wishes,> Kanupriya.> > >

> > New Photos - easier

uploading and sharingJay Gurudev


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base of the tantra is only & only guru.so first u should perform gurusadhana first.

rthanking u

Gaurav shrimalikanu priya <kanupriya003 > wrote:

Om Gurave Namah

Dear Members,

I found this group by chance as I was searching for some

help on a topic.I am thrilled to be a part and I know I will learn alot here.

Please guide me on the following:

1.What kind of a havan can be done to erradicate all forms of tantra done on

anyone? I believe Kaali puja is the best for this.I am still learning so please

throw some light.

2.For such a puja how many havans should be performed? Is it a good idea to

perform one havan every night during Kali gayatri through out Krishna paksh?

Please do guide me as I am facing some problems.Incase you need details please

email me personally.I do appreciate this.

Best Wishes,


New Photos - easier uploading and sharing Jay Gurudev

India Education Special: Study in the UK now.

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Dear All

10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Thanks for such a nice mail. I am new user

just joined the group and found it extremely informative. I am Niren Kumar Anand

and got diksha 6years ago and till today my life

has turned by the grace of Gurudev. I feel very

delighted to join this group as I can get some information about him because

now I shifted to


color:navy"> one year ago and find myself alone to share these things here.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Jai gurudev,






kanu priya

[kanupriya003 ]

Saturday, February 07, 2004

2:51 PM


Re: Re: New

Member.pls guide.


Om Gurave Namah

Dear Raj,

Thankyou for sending me this mail.


Best Wishes,



<raj414 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:


12.0pt;margin-left:.5in">Dear Friend,

The good news is that none of the shishyas

of Sada Gurudev are

capable enough to find him or his website! It's

the divine maya of

Sada Gurudev that he himself finds and pulls his

shishyas of previous

janamas (previous lives!) by finding them at the

appropriate time for

their salvation. This fact can be vouched by

almost all of his

shishyas, as I have personally experienced and

also heard from most

others that I know. So, it is no surprise that you

have stumbled onto

this website/. Sometime, in your

previous lives, you must

have been a shishya of Pujya Gurudev! He alone is

the cause of your

being here. Now its the result of your good karmas

that you have the

opportunity to get guidance and ultimate release

from all your

worries and attain new levels of consciousness.

Your present troubles

are not the real issue; you have to just catch

hold of Sada Gurudev's

Lotus feet and pray to him for salvation. Rest

will be done by him

without you worrying about the outcome. He is the

divine "Maya

Purush", the cause and the protector and

destroyer of this whole

Universe! Lord Mahadev - Shiva! Have faith and

follow his path and

achieve success! Do not be disheartened by any

obstacles as once you

completely surrender your belief and faith in his

Lotus feet, not

even Devata Yamaraj can trouble you! What to say

about others?

As you are new to sadhana, my suggestion is

that you download a

copy of the English Translation of Shree Guru

Paduka-Panchakam and

Guru Gita posted at this . You will

find it in the

messages section posted on Feb 2, 2004. Guru

Gita has been mentioned

in Skanda Purana as a Divya Granth in which each

shloka is not just a

collection of Sanskrit alphabets but they are

mantras with divine

effect! It is a solution to your search for divine


Some relevant translated shlokas from 'Guru Gita-

Spoken by Lord

Shiva to Mata Bhagwati Parvati!': -

"The Vedas, Shastras, Puranas,

historical accounts and others,

And the science of mantra, yantra, and so on,

smrutis, the uccatana and other


Shaiva, Shakta treatises and so on,

and others variously,

In this world cause the downfall,

of those beings with deluded minds.

Yajnas, vows, tapa, charity,

japa, pilgrimage, and so on,

The Guru principle not knowing,

fools they are those wandering


The Guru is the enlightened Self, no other,

this is true, this is true, no doubt.

In order to attain that, effort however

should surely be done by wise ones.

The hidden knowledge, the world's maya,

and in the body born of ignorance,

Arising by whose light,

by the word Guru it is called.

Having purified the Self of all sins,

through seva at shree Guru's feet,

An embodied one can become Brahman by this.

In order to give you grace I am

speaking to you.

The lotus of the Guru's feet having remembered,

water on the head one should support,

Of bathing in all the places of pilgrimage,

he obtains this fruit, a person.

Drying up the muddy quagmire of sins,

kindling the fire of knowledge,

The water of the Guru's feet properly

is a crossing over the ocean of


Destroying the root of ignorance,

ending karmas and birth,

In order to attain detachment and knowledge,

the water of the Guru's feet one

should drink.

The water of the Guru's feet having drunk,

there is the Guru's left over food.

Of the Guru's form there is always meditation,

the Guru's mantra one should always


The land of Kashi is his dwelling,

Jahnavi is the water of his feet.

The Guru is Vishveshvara incarnate,

crossing over Brahman, certainly.

But the water of the Guru's feet which is

Gaya, that is the Akshaya banyan


And the king of places of pilgrimage, Prayag.

to the Guru's form, salutations,


The Guru's form one should remember continually.

The Guru's name one should always


The Guru's command one should go forth and do.

Different from the Guru one should

not be.

Abiding in the Guru's mouth is Brahman,

it is obtained from his prasad.

The Guru's meditation one should always do,

like the woman of noble family on her


Whose pair of lotus feet,

the remover of the pair of miseries,

A rescuer always from calamities,

to shree Guru I bow.

The root of meditation is the Guru's form,

the root of worship is the Guru's


The root of mantra is the Guru's speech,

the root of liberation is the Guru's


The Guru is the beginning and beginningless,

the Guru is the supreme deity,

Higher than the Guru nothing is,

to that shree Guru salutations."

Also, I will suggest that you send your photograph

to the addresses

given below to receive guru diksha. But it will be

advisable to

personally receive gurudiksha from Gurudev! His

schedule of various

sadhana camps is available on the website

mentioned. You may also

contact Gurudev's Disciples for his schedule for

diksha/meeting him

at the following addresses, phones, email: -

Jodhpur Gurudham at Jodhpur, India:Mantra Tantra

Yantra Vigyan,Dr.

Shrimali Marg,High Court Colony,Jodhpur 342001,

Rajasthan, India

Telephone: If dialling from International:


(Please prefix with your International Access code

eg. 011 from USA)

Within India : (0291)-2432209/2433623 (0291 is STD

code for Jodhpur)

Delhi Gurudham at New Delhi, India : Mantra Tantra

Yantra Vigyan,306,

Kohat Enclave, Pitampura, New Delhi 110034, India

Telephone: If

dialling from International: 91-11-27182248

(Please prefix with your

International Access code eg. 011 from USA)

Within India : (011)-27182248 (011 is STD code for

New Delhi)

You may also contact on email at

mtyv (AT) siddhashram (DOT) org

By meeting/contacting him you can avail of

Gurudev's divine blessings

and guidance regarding the appropriate sadhana or

any other aspect of

your life! In fact after having got diksha you

will feel energized,

full of new vigour and hope and any goal you set

for yourself will

seem achievable to you. Such is the effect of

becoming a sadhak!

What actually is Diksha?

It is a subtle transfer of the divine energy of a

Guru into the

heart, soul and body of a disciple. This pure

energy initiates a

process of change in the person which ultimately

leads to destruction

of all evil and negative tendencies, and spurt of

creative and

positive powers which encourage him to strive for

the highest and

best in both the spiritual and material fields.

When the Guru gives Diksha a flow of energy takes

place from Him to

the disciple, which can be in any form - spoken

words in the form of

Mantras, subtle radiation emitted from the eyes or

gentle warmth from

a touch on the forehead with the thumb. But the

Sadguru is not

limited to these means. Instead He can transfer

His energy across

continents and give Diksha through the medium of a

photograph as


But Diksha cannot be had so easily as it seems.

Firstly only when

one's good luck is running does one have the

inclination to go in for

spiritual initiation. Then secondly one has to

find or come across a

real Guru who can transform one's life. And even

if one does one has

to devote oneself fully to benefit from the


Diksha is Important

Diksha Moolo Japah,Sarvah Diksha Moolam Param


Diksha Mashoitey Nirset Yatra Kutrashrame Vasan.

(Kularnav Tantra)

Diksha is the foundation of every kind of worship

and penance,

therefore a Sadhak must always avoid long methods

and adopt the easy

way. Receiving Diksha is such a way. A Guru who

cannot grant Diksha

is not fit to be a Guru, he is a fraud. An Ashram

without the

tradition of Diksha is just like a desert. Unless

there is

arrangement of transferring spiritual energy, it

cannot be called an

Ashram. A real Guru is the one who knows the

methods of Diksha,

because it is the only power which transfers

knowledge and wisdom

into the disciple. Even though he is sinful, he is

freed from all


Dikshya Moksha Deepen Chandalopi Vimuchayate

-Kularnav Tantra

In fact Diksha is the greatest treasure, boon of

life, basis of the

fusion with Shiva and a system by which a human

being transforms into

Maheshwar. The Sadhak not only achieves divinity,

but also gets

Gurudev's power.

, kanu priya

<kanupriya003> wrote:


Om Gurave Namah

> Dear Members,


I found this group by chance as I was

searching for some help on a topic.I am thrilled

to be a part and I

know I will learn alot here.


Please guide me on the following:

> 1.What kind of a havan can be done to

erradicate all forms of

tantra done on anyone? I believe Kaali puja is the

best for this.I am

still learning so please throw some light.

> 2.For such a puja how many havans should be

performed? Is it a good

idea to perform one havan every night during Kali

gayatri through out

Krishna paksh?

> Please do guide me as I am facing some

problems.Incase you need

details please email me personally.I do appreciate


> Best Wishes,

> Kanupriya.





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Jay Gurudev



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