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GoddessDurga, "Srinath Ram"

<srinath_atreya> wrote:

mantra_tantra, "Srinath Ram"

<srinath_atreya> wrote:

|| Jai Sadguru Dutta ||



In my knowledge, the animals that are depicted as vehicles of Hindu

dieties represent the different aspects of human mind and intellect.

Normally, we associate worldly desires [worldliness - "BhavarOgam"]

and nonvirtuous behaviour ["anArya"] of humans to animals and call it

as "animal instinct". The diety riding/sitting over a particular

animal signifies the control of senses and mind and shunning the low

instincts that the particular animal stands for. For example,


1. Lord MahaagaNapathy's vehicle "mooShika" (mouse) stands for

undeveloped/narrow mind/intellect. Hence by worshipping Ganesh, one's

intellect would be sharpened.


2. Lord Shiva's vehicle "nandi" (bull) signifies the wavering mind

and thoughts. Hence by worshipping Shiva, the devotee becomes a yogi

who has a balanced mind.


3. Mother Durga's vehicle "vyAGhra" (tiger) and "sinha" (lion)

signifies "karma" ["karma PhalEShu juStAm" --- durgaa sooktham] and

anger/arrogance. Hence by worshipping the Mother, we would be able to

burn our karma and remain polite and humble.


4. Goddess MahaalakShmi's vehicle "gaja" (elephant) stands for greed

and dissatisfaction. Hence by worshipping Mother Lakshmi, one can

overcome greed, sorrow and dissatisfaction.


5. Lord SubrahmaNya's vehicle "chiki" (peacock) stands for egoism and

proudness. Hence by worshipping Subrahmanya, the devotee can shed his

ego and "hail-the-soul" attitude and thus becomes elgible to

secure "brahma jnaana".



6. Vedamatha Gaayathri's vehicle "hansa" (swan) signifies the ability

to make the distinction between the good and the bad and knowledge

and ignorance. Hence the worship of Mother Gaayathri reveals to us

the secret knowledge of the Vedas.



Often, the Goddesses are depicted as sitting in a lotus. Here the

lotus signifies the "heart lotus" which stands for "Bhakthi" -

devotion and "vairaagya" - detachment. This conveys to us that by

worshipping the goddesses, we gain devotion and detachment.


I'am sure, the other learned members of the group can provide still

better explanation.




mantra_tantra, "spiritual68"

<spiritual68> wrote:

> DEar Friends


> i would like to know what is the significance of animals that god &

> goddess use?


> spirit

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On Sat, 21 Feb 2004 17:53:07 -0000, Srinath Ram <srinath_atreya>




> || Jai Sadguru Dutta ||



> Garuda is the son of sage couple Kashyapa and Vinutha. Kashyapa had

> a second wife by name Kadru who was always jealous of Vinutha's

> virtuousness and wanted to spoil her reputation. Since Garuda and


> brothers were son of Vinutha, they are called as "vainatheya"s and

> the sons of Kadru are the snake gods. To cut the story short, once,

> Garuda besiezed the Moon God and relented to spare him upon request

> from the gods. He defeated all gods but himself got defeated by Lord

> Mahavishnu. When Garuda unconditionally surrendered and begged the

> Lord for mercy, Vishnu forgave him and also gave him the honour of

> carrying Him. This is how Garuda became the "vahan" of Vishnu.


> The symbolism/message here is that one has to surrender to the God,

> however strong he is. No one is above God. Whenever we act in

> arrogance, without any regard to the Lord's wish, we are sure to

> fail. Still, the Lord's compassion knows no bounds. When we


> at His holy feet, he will for sure, forgive us and lead us from

> darkness to enlightenment.


> Later, Garuda was given the task of carrying the pot of "amrth"

> (ambrosia). He is responsible for the "kumbh mel". Since then, he is

> associated with immortality. A devout Hindoo should chant the

> following shloka while going to bed so that he doesn't get bad



> "raamam skandam hanoomantham vainatheyam vrkodaram |

> shayanena smarennithyam duswapnam thasya nashyathi ||"


> [ I contemplate upon the great divine personalities like Lord Ram,

> Skanda, Hanuman, Vainatheya (Garuda) and Vrkodara (Bheemasen) so


> bad dreams don't bother me ]


> There is bitter enmity between the Garudas and the Naagas. Always


> Garudas have an upper hand over the Naagas and the nagas get killed

> by the Garudas. But when the Lord is sitting over Garuda, there is


> trace of enmity in him. Vishnu is the very epitome of compassion and

> calmness - "shaanthaakaaram....". This means, if we shed our


> of enmity towards one and all, we become nearer and dearer to the

> Lord.


> Garuda is a "pakshi" - bird. The word has two words "pa"

> and "kshi". "pa" is paramaathma - Supreme Being and "kshi" is the

> Athman. Hence Garuda is the noble symbolism of unification of the

> soul with the Supreme Being through the medium of "Bhakthi"

> and "sharanaagathi".


> || vishNOh padhE parama maDhwa uThsauv... ||



> mantra_tantra, Shivaram <conte@i...> wrote:

>> Namaste, Srinath.


>> Thank you for this illuminating contribution to our list.


>> I am quite intrigued by this information and am also wondering what

> is the

>> significance of Garuda, vehicle of mighty Lord Vishnu the



>> Thank you.


>> Shivaram



Om! Sthapakaya Ca Dharmasya



Ramakrishnaya Te Namaha!

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