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The Power of Sound:

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Summary:In this very provocative and inspiring article, Christan Hummel shows

the transformational power of sound for our body and our environment.

om shivaya om namah shivaya om namah shivaya om namah shivaya om Sound: The Key

to the End of War and Pollution? by Christan Hummel It’s all around us, no

matter what we do, or where we go. Sound. The vibrations of the molecules that

generate the effects on our ears we call sound. But what about the aspect of

sound that goes beyond what we can hear. As the ancient Buddhist koan asks “if

a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a

sound?” What about the inaudible sonic vibrations which make up the hidden

matrix of our manifested world? Sound is the Primordial substance from which

our whole Reality is made, and from which our Universe originated. Whether you

consult the Sanskrit Vedas, or the Bible, it is still Sound which is considered

the heart of all existence. “In the beginning was the Word,” and only afterwards

was proclaimed, “Let there be light.” Sound preceded all that we see. So

powerful and all-pervasive, and yet we pay very little attention to it, and so

often confuse it with noise. There is an intimate connection between sound and

light, like twin flames of each other, wherever there is one, the other exists

as well. Sound is the underlaying fabric of vibration which creates the light

patterns we see around us. In the Cymatics research of Dr. Hans Jenny, he

demonstrates on videotape the different patterns formed when varying sound

frequencies are introduced into a plate with sand crystals. As the sound

frequencies shift, immediately the sand patterns reflect that shift as well.

Stan Tenen of the Meru Foundation reveals another correlation between sound and

form, by looking at the letters of the Hebrew alphabet whose shape corresponds

with their wave form shape when the sound of the same letter is analyzed. In

another experiment, Tibetian monks were recorded chanting the OM. This was then

played through a resonator plate, with sand crystals on top. Within seconds, the

sand began to vibrate and form a pattern called the Sri Yantra, which is

considered in the Hindu belief to be a Creation pattern of the Universe. The

implication is that for every sound there is a corresponding shape or pattern

that we can see. Tapping into the sound vibrations beneath these patterns is a

key to shaping our external world. Once we do this, we can reshape the world

from within. Once we do this, we can reshape the world from within.

Transformational use of sound goes back to our ancient roots with the

ceremonial use of sound to heal bring about balance and harmony tot he Earth.

Currently sound is being used to heal Earth stresses known as geopathic stress,

known to have a 92% correlation to cancer and other illnesses. These stresses

have been shown to be remediated through the use of sound patterns introduced

into the area. By applying certain sound frequencies to the area, the geopathic

stress is entrained to resonate to the vibration of the new frequency. It is

interesting to notice how many indigenous groups have utilized some form of

sound for ceremonial and sacred purposes. The Aboriginal people play the

digeridoo along the Song lines of the Earth. Numerous Native American tribes

use ceremonial singing, drumming, and music, to create healing vibrations

offered to the shift the distorted patterns held within the Earth. Today

scientists are uncovering the hidden power of sound, and especially of

resonance as a possible solution to many of our environmental problems. In a

recent study done by the Air Force, a sound pattern was applied to one of two

test tubes of nitrogen dioxide, a pollutant found in the atmosphere. To the

other tube, nothing was done. When the sound was applied to the one tube, it

instantly changed its chemical composition, while the other remained the same.

In another experiment by the University of Brisbane in Australia a sample of

polluted water was analysed and found to have 1440 parts of e-coli bacteria.

When a specific sound frequency was applied to the sample it dropped to 10



There is a worldwide grassroots movement underway which utilizes sound to clear

pollution and these earth stresses and is producing amazing results. Using a

metal broadcast unit, called a harmonizer, (a geometrical object made of

caduceus wound copper which acts like an antennae) a sound frequency is applied

which is broadcast throughout the surrounding environment causing the molecules

to dance to a different beat, so to speak, and realign themselves into

non-polluting elements. These experiments have been done in small scale

operations around the world sponsored by local with results as astounding as

40% drop in pollution levels within a month of starting the program. In Cape

Town, South Africa, the pollution of the area called Cape Flats decreased 50%

within hours of doing a ceremony which utilized specific sonic vibrations

through a series of harmonizers in the area. A radio station in Cape Town

started to use this harmonizer and an audio tape of the wave form of the water

molecule. They played this at inaudible levels at their radio station

broadcasting it from their tower, and within a week reported an umprecedented

47% increase in their listening audience. In Sao Paulo, Brazil, just one day

after using the sound vibrations in cooperation with the forces of nature to

heal the geopathic patterns, the pollution cleared up so noticeably that it

made the front page of the newspapers there. In Auckland, Frankfurt, and

Denver, when these sound patterns were applied to the distorted vibrational

patterns of the area using the harmonizers, the crime rate dropped in those

cities from 30%--50% within a few months. In both coasts of Spain within months

of using these sounds dolphins showed up for the first time in over 50 years!

However, using sound in this manner is far from a new discovery. In India,

since ancient times Brahmin priests have performed a ritual called Agni-hotra,

a fire ceremony which involves use of a geometrical copper pyramid pot of very

specific dimensions, sacred fire, and the chanting of certain mantras at

precisely sunrise and sunset. This process is said to produce vibrations in the

ethers which are considered beneficial to the planet’s well-being. It has been

scientifically documented that this process lowers pathenogenic viruses and

bacteria, and pollution levels with a two mile radius of the area where the

ceremony is performed. In fact Nature uses sound as an agent of transformation

as well. Researchers have discovered the existence of what is termed a

“bio-accoustic matrix” or sonic envelope in an ecosystem which is created by

the sounds emitted from the insects and animals of that region. These sonic

emmisions are found to be necessary to sustain the health of an ecosystem. The

research of Dan Carlson revealed that the bird’s song triggers the blooming

mechanisms in plants. Researcher Rodirigo Navarro in Australia has discovered

that the sounds of the frogs, crickets and other insects have a vital

contribution to Gaia’s symphony in that their sounds trigger and may even

produce rain for the area. Off the coast of Australia, marine researchers have

discovered that the sound of the dolphins is responsible for the growth

patterns of the coral in the reefs. Supporting this is the research of Japanese

scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose research with the effects of sound on water

have impressed audiences at Oxfard, Harvard, Stanford, and other universities

around the world. In his book, The Message from Water,” Emoto reveals the

effect that sound has on the geometric structure of water crystals exposed to

different types of music. In one photo the effects of heavy metal music create

a chaotic pattern in the water crystal, whereas Bach and classical music

creates a beautiful symetrical snowflake type pattern. The effects of sound can

be seen in the esoteric realms as well. The dolphins use sound for healing, and

so can we. In his book, Healing Sounds, Jonathan Goldman discusses how toning

(a technique which utilizes a sculpted sound) can shift stuck energy patterns

in our aura to allow our own natural energy to flow more freely. ( In one case,

a woman with Parkinson’s disease was completely asymptomatic within a day of

listening to certain sound patterns (called Living Light/Living Water) which

were a combination of the resonance of the King’s Chamber in Egypt, and the

hydrogen molecule. In another case, a man came out of a coma within hours of

listening to a tape of audio signals which attempted to reproduce the creation

pattern of the universe (King’s Chamber). Stories such as this which document

the power of sound are numerous and astounding. Utilizing the power of his own

voice to produce harmonic vibrational patterns, singing minstral, James Twyman

travels around the world holding peace concerts in war torn areas. There is an

amazing correlation between when the concerts are held, and when the fighting

in these areas cease and peace returns. Perhaps nature has given us an answer

to some of our world’s problems in an area we haven’t even begun to explore.

Perhaps one day we will replace the sounds of B-52 bombers with the sacred

chants to change the course of human events. Om Namah Shivaya Christan Hummel

is an international author, lecturer, and workshop leader. She has taught

thousands around the world how to use sound for personal healing and awakening,

and to activate power points for planetary transformation. For information about

her workshops see their website at: www.earthtransitions.com

Dont forget to visit at: http://rupeshrane.150m.com/


Also you can become member of : brahmacharya-a-need


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