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shrouta, "Srinath Ram" <srinath_atreya>


|| Jai Sadguru Dutta ||


If my memory is correct, "yaajnavalkya smrthi" and "bODhaayana

smrthi" both mention "Praayaschitta gaNa homam" as atonement for the

sins committed in the present and previous births. In my experience,

if this homam is conducted for persons suffering from long term

diseases, due to "praarabDha karma", along with other homams

like "sudharshana", "mrthyunjaya" etc homams, there will be maximum



Now, I have a question: Who is the chief diety for this homam ? (is

it "varuNa"?). I request the highly learned members of the group to

throw light on this and also elaborate on the other aspects of gaNa



|| endharO mahAnuBhAvulu andhariiki vandhanaalu ||

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"ramki61" <ramki61>

Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:33 pm

Praayaschitta gaNa homam






The performance of Gana Homam has been described in the Bodhayana

Gruhya Sutra, Abasthamba Sutra etc.,The Gana Homam can be performed

by persons who intents to do some Adana Karma or Kamya Karma or

wants to get rid of Papas done by him. As Athreya has mentioned 'Yes'

it can be done prior to performing of Homams such as Sudarshana

Homam, Mahaganapati, Navagraha homam etc., which will defently yield

better results.This can be done in one day or 3 days or 7 days etc.,

The Ahuti is to be given with Ajya Mishrita Annam. After performing

the same the Brahmanas should be fed with Payasam. Since there are

several Devatas in it to whom the Havirbhagas are given the

Puronuvakya for this homam will be Gayatri Mantra and the

Udeshathyagam for this will be Devaya Savitre Edam Namama. The Ahutis

are given to Agni, Purushaya Narayana, Agnaye Agumhomuche,

Mitravaruna etc.,Further addition well come.



Ganesh Prasad <bjganeshprasad>

Tue Mar 23, 2004 12:08 am

Re: [shrouta] Praayaschitta gaNa homam








A bit of a teething problem should be fine by month

end. Thanks to all those who joined the list, I hope

that we can all benefit from each other's learning.


Now with regard to Gana Homa. Many people confuse Gana

Homa with Ganapathi Homa which is totally different.


Gana Homa is mentioned by Bodhayana Dharma Sutra,

Saptama khanda.


Gana homa has been prescribed for sarva papa kshaya

and for shudhhi as Sri. Ramakrishnan rightly pointed



Ghrutoudanena taa juhvatsaptaaham savanatrayam

mounavrati havishyaashi nigruhitendriya kriyaha


Gana homa refers to a set of eight homas to be done

over seven days typically following akshara lavana

ahara or following a diet of saltless and spiceless

food. The performer has to observe mouna and bathe 3

times a day and do homa with charu 3 times a day for

seven days (The mantras are spread across).


The eight homas are:


Kshapavitram sahasraksho Mrugarohamruchau ganau

paavamaanyascha kushmando vaishvanarya ruchascha yaa


1. Kshapavitra Sukta beginning with 'Kshaam

vishvebihi' found in Taittareya Brahmana 2.8.2.


2. Purusha sookta.


3. Agnermanve prathamasya prachetaso..yatha ha tad

vasavo anuvakas totalling to 22 from Taittareya

Samhita 4.7.15.


4 and 5. Amhomucha ganas i.e.; Yaa vaamindra varuna to

Yo vaamindra varuna vanaspatishu total of 12 mantras

from Taittareya Samhita 2.11


6. Pavamana Sukta from Rig Veda,


7. Kushmanda Sukta from Yajur veda,


8. Vaishvani rucha or mantras totalling 8 from

Taittreya Samhita 1.5.11


After performing the homa every day after each savana

one is required to see a pot of water saying the

mantra "Simhe me manyuhu..". Some say that this is to

be done at a place where 4 roads meet and after the

mantra is said one is required to wash one's feet and

legs with the same water and return home.


After the Gana homa is completed, one needs to feed

brahmanasa and give danas.


Becasue of the efficacy of the mantras Bodhayana says

that whoever performs this for any person other than

guru and parents incurs sins.


If the entire Gana Homa cannot be performed by any

person, then performing homa of any part of the 8

homas is considered to confer merits.


All the above mentioned homas are used extensively in

shrouta karmas for shuddhi. Pavama sukta is used as a

part of soma yaga.


If one performs any of these to whatever extent

possible, it tantamounts to karmakshaya. Any

corrections are welcome.

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