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Fwd: Total Lunar Eclipse today (4th May, 2004)

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GoddessDurga, Srinath Ram Atreya

<srinath_atreya> wrote:

|| Jai Sadguru Dutta ||


The eclipse will be widely visible from Europe, Africa, Asia and

Australia. North America will miss the entire event, but most of

South America will witness the last stages of the eclipse which will

already be in progress at moonrise. Similarly, the Moon sets in

eastern Asia and Australia during various stages of the eclipse

Starts 17:50:53 UT (Universal Time)

Ends 23:09:36 UT = GMT

Greatest Eclipse 20:13:16 UT


India Standard Time (IST) = + 5.5 hours


When the gods and the demons churned the milky ocean in days of

yore, nectar came out of it. Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Mohini,

a charming lady, deluded the demons and distributed the nectar only

among the gods. But Rahu had disguised himself as a god. The sun and

the moon pointed this out to Mohini who immediately slashed off the

demon's head. Since the nectar had by then already reached up to the

neck, he did not die. Thus the head came to be known as Rahu and the

body as Ketu. To avenge this betrayal, Rahu and Ketu periodically

eclipse the sun and the moon.


Astronomically speaking, when the sun, the moon and the earth are all

in line, with the moon or the earth at the centre, a solar or lunar

eclipse takes place respectively.


At the time of the eclipse, people bathe in the sacred rivers. They

do charitable acts. They give cows, money and gold. The day after the

eclipse they feed the poor, the Brahmins and the Sadhus. After the

eclipse they clean their houses, vessels, etc., and take a bath

before they start cooking.


One should not take food during the eclipse. When the eclipse begins

the food should by then have been digested. One should take food only

after seeing the sun or the moon free from the eclipse. When the

clear sun or the moon is not seen before sunset or sunrise, in the

case of the solar and lunar eclipse respectively, food can be taken

only after the sun or the moon is seen the next day.


Pregnant women should not see the sun or the moon during the time of

the eclipse. If they do the child born may have some kind of defect.

He may be born deaf, dumb or blind. Householders are forbidden from

sexual intercourse on the day of the eclipse, for the same reason.


At this time one should take great care in avoiding bleeding,

scorpion stings, etc. These have disastrous results. Even an

earthworm has a poisonous effect when it bites one during an eclipse.


Those who do Japa at the time of the eclipse derive great benefits.

The effect of Japa and Sankirtan during the eclipse contributes

towards relieving the suffering of humanity and also of the planets.

These people receive the blessings of the gods. They attain

perfection quickly. Those who wish to tap the subtle force locked in

the Mantra that will cure scorpion stings should stand in water and

repeat the appropriate Mantra.


The little intellect cannot understand many things in this universe.

Hence, have faith in the words of sages.


Ignorance has eclipsed Self-knowledge. However, this eclipse will

disappear. You will shine in your own glory. This is the spiritual

significance of the eclipse.














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