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, Satish Arigela <satisharigela>


--- Harsha Ramamurthy <harsha_ramamurthy@m...>


> "Harsha Ramamurthy"

> <harsha_ramamurthy@m...>

> satisharigela

> Fri, 02 Jul 2004 23:43:11 -0500

> RE:Saptashati



> People recite selections from Puranas like

> Harivamsha, Devi Bhagavata, Vishnu Bhagavata, Garuda

> Purana etc. However, these are not recited as a Mala

> mantra like Saptashati. Saptashati belongs to a

> totally different genre. Kavacha, Kilaka etc.

> chanted traditionally are also not a part of

> Markandeya Purana. The Krama followed, wherein

> Saptashati is not merely a Puranic passage, but a

> Mala mantra, is essentially Tantric, derived from

> Rudrayamala, Skandayamala, Damara Tantra, Varahi

> Tantra, Katyayani Tantra etc. So, one can chant

> Saptashati without Kavachadi Traya, Nyasas or the

> Navarna Japa, but only as a Puranic Stuti and not as

> a Siddha Mala mantra. The Pramana is in Katyayani

> Tantra which says: Saptashati chanted without

> Navarna Japa is like trying to eat a mango seed and

> hoping to grow a mango tree and consume the

> resulting mango fruit. Ample warning about Yogini

> Shapa is also mentioned. Even otherwise, people have

> not understood Saptashati. If one observes Bhashyas

> like Gup

> tavati etc., the first three Shlokas of Saptashati

> give out in code, the Navarna Mantra. Navarna Mantra

> may be seen in lots of places in Saptashati. Only

> with Navarna Japa, Saptashati is a mantra or else it

> is a Stotra. One should go by Shastra Pramanas, then

> the Sampradaya and words of the elders and the

> enlightened like Bhaskaracharya, Haradutta,

> Paramacharya etc, and should not conclude based on

> the practices of people. Shastras clearly state that

> a person should NEVER attempt to do Saptashati (as a

> Mala Mantra) without Navarna Diksha. There are ample

> instances of adverse effects observed if this rule

> is not followed. Sri Kalyanananda Bharati has

> explained this in detail in one of his books dealing

> with Mantra Shastra. Nine lakhs of Japa is

> prescribed as a pre-requisite to chant Saptashati.

> Actually the elevation of from Stotra to Stotramaka

> Mala mantra happens due to the energy of the

> associated Moola mantra. It is the Moola mantra that

> opens the power of the Stotra to t

> he Sadhaka and makes it a mantra for him. Without

> the Moola mantra, the Sadhaka only gets an iota of

> the limitless energy of these Stotras. The key to

> open these boxes is necessarily the Moola mantra.

> Also, Saptashati requires Shapoddhara and Utkilana

> mantras, which again are `mantras' only

> if received from the Guru. Moreover, Ratri Sukta and

> Devi Sukta should be chanted with a proper

> understanding of the Swaras.


> Saptashati and Navarna are related in two ways.

> While during Purashcharana of Saptashati (Mala

> mantra), chanting Navarna as a necessary Anga of

> Saptashati (Damara, Skandayamala). The other is the

> recitation of Saptashati as a part of Navarna

> Purashcharana (Durga Kalpadruma, Rudrayamala,

> Katyayani, Varahi Tantras). In the first case,

> Navarna is an absolute Anga of Saptashati. In the

> second case, the primary importance is for Navarna.

> Thus, Navarna is an absolute necessity in either

> cases, and the only way to do it is to obtain it

> from a Guru.


> One needs to firmly believe the fact that the Guru

> arrives when one is ready for it. One need not have

> to go in search of one, or try to please Sridevi

> only by chanting Lalita Sahasranama, Saptashati or

> Kavachas, which require certain Adhikaras on the

> part of the Sadhaka. Other Stotras / Sahasranamas

> etc., which are not guarded by these restrictions

> should be recited to obtain divine grace. A Durga

> temple was opened in some place in Andhra and the

> temple committee appointed a priest. After few

> months, the priest went with Prasadam to H H Sri

> Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahasannidhanam and said,

> "Your Holiness, I have recited Saptashati 108

> times and brought you Prasadam. Please accept it and

> bless me". Mahaswamigal gazed at him for a

> second and said, "How is your daughter?"

> The startled Brahmana answered, "She is unwell

> these days. She is suffering from epileptic

> fits". Mahaswamigal immediately said,

> "Without Navakashari you have been cha

> nting Saptashati. This is like banging your head on

> an iron box to open it. You have been sent here by

> Sharadambal only because of your past Samskaras and

> Bhakti. Please receive the mantra as per the proper

> means from Sri Srikantha Sastrigal, perform Laksha

> Japa and then start chanting Saptashati. Without a

> Guru, don't try experimenting with Mani,

> Mantra and Aushadha. Adi Acharya has gracefully

> given us divine Stotras with miraculous powers. The

> uninitiated should chant these Stotras with faith

> and obtain blessings of the divine [Krishnaswamayyar

> – Divine Light of Sringeri]".


> || Srimatre namaH || 







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Very interesting and good written mail. May I know abt ur back ground PLS.


Ithi Sham

Srinath Ram <srinath_atreya > wrote:

, Satish Arigela <satisharigela> wrote:---

Harsha Ramamurthy <harsha_ramamurthy@m...>wrote:> "Harsha Ramamurthy">

<harsha_ramamurthy@m...>> satisharigela> Fri, 02 Jul 2004

23:43:11 -0500> RE:Saptashati> > > People recite selections from

Puranas like> Harivamsha, Devi Bhagavata, Vishnu Bhagavata, Garuda> Purana etc.

However, these are not recited as a Mala> mantra like Saptashati. Saptashati

belongs to a> totally different genre. Kavacha, Kilaka etc.> chanted

traditionally are also not a part of> Markandeya Purana. The Krama followed,

wherein> Saptashati is not merely a Puranic passage, but a> Mala mantra, is

essentially Tantric, derived from> Rudrayamala,

Skandayamala, Damara Tantra, Varahi> Tantra, Katyayani Tantra etc. So, one can

chant> Saptashati without Kavachadi Traya, Nyasas or the> Navarna Japa, but

only as a Puranic Stuti and not as> a Siddha Mala mantra. The Pramana is in

Katyayani> Tantra which says: Saptashati chanted without> Navarna Japa is like

trying to eat a mango seed and> hoping to grow a mango tree and consume the>

resulting mango fruit. Ample warning about Yogini> Shapa is also mentioned.

Even otherwise, people have> not understood Saptashati. If one observes

Bhashyas> like Gup> tavati etc., the first three Shlokas of Saptashati> give

out in code, the Navarna Mantra. Navarna Mantra> may be seen in lots of places

in Saptashati. Only> with Navarna Japa, Saptashati is a mantra or else it> is a

Stotra. One should go by Shastra Pramanas, then> the Sampradaya and words of the

elders and

the> enlightened like Bhaskaracharya, Haradutta,> Paramacharya etc, and should

not conclude based on> the practices of people. Shastras clearly state that> a

person should NEVER attempt to do Saptashati (as a> Mala Mantra) without

Navarna Diksha. There are ample> instances of adverse effects observed if this

rule> is not followed. Sri Kalyanananda Bharati has> explained this in detail

in one of his books dealing> with Mantra Shastra. Nine lakhs of Japa is>

prescribed as a pre-requisite to chant Saptashati.> Actually the elevation of

from Stotra to Stotramaka> Mala mantra happens due to the energy of the>

associated Moola mantra. It is the Moola mantra that> opens the power of the

Stotra to t> he Sadhaka and makes it a mantra for him. Without> the Moola

mantra, the Sadhaka only gets an iota of> the limitless energy of these

Stotras. The key to> open

these boxes is necessarily the Moola mantra.> Also, Saptashati requires

Shapoddhara and Utkilana> mantras, which again are `mantras' only> if received

from the Guru. Moreover, Ratri Sukta and> Devi Sukta should be chanted with a

proper> understanding of the Swaras. > > Saptashati and Navarna are related in

two ways.> While during Purashcharana of Saptashati (Mala> mantra), chanting

Navarna as a necessary Anga of> Saptashati (Damara, Skandayamala). The other is

the> recitation of Saptashati as a part of Navarna> Purashcharana (Durga

Kalpadruma, Rudrayamala,> Katyayani, Varahi Tantras). In the first case,>

Navarna is an absolute Anga of Saptashati. In the> second case, the primary

importance is for Navarna.> Thus, Navarna is an absolute necessity in either>

cases, and the only way to do it is to obtain it> from a Guru. > > One needs


firmly believe the fact that the Guru> arrives when one is ready for it. One

need not have> to go in search of one, or try to please Sridevi> only by

chanting Lalita Sahasranama, Saptashati or> Kavachas, which require certain

Adhikaras on the> part of the Sadhaka. Other Stotras / Sahasranamas> etc.,

which are not guarded by these restrictions> should be recited to obtain divine

grace. A Durga> temple was opened in some place in Andhra and the> temple

committee appointed a priest. After few> months, the priest went with Prasadam

to H H Sri> Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahasannidhanam and said,> "Your Holiness,

I have recited Saptashati 108> times and brought you Prasadam. Please accept it

and> bless me". Mahaswamigal gazed at him for a> second and said, "How is your

daughter?"> The startled Brahmana answered, "She is unwell> these days. She is

suffering from

epileptic> fits". Mahaswamigal immediately said,> "Without Navakashari you have

been cha> nting Saptashati. This is like banging your head on> an iron box to

open it. You have been sent here by> Sharadambal only because of your past

Samskaras and> Bhakti. Please receive the mantra as per the proper> means from

Sri Srikantha Sastrigal, perform Laksha> Japa and then start chanting

Saptashati. Without a> Guru, don't try experimenting with Mani,> Mantra and

Aushadha. Adi Acharya has gracefully> given us divine Stotras with miraculous

powers. The> uninitiated should chant these Stotras with faith> and obtain

blessings of the divine [Krishnaswamayyar> – Divine Light of Sringeri]". > >

|| Srimatre namaH || Do you

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